Commit 6f691a04 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth

Make Sky's EditableText mostly work

This CL factors EditableString out of EditableText and implements more of the
InputConnection functions. As a result, EditableText now basically works.

This CL also paves the way to make EditableText stateless by using
EditableString as its state object. However, there's still a bit more work to
do to make that a reality (e.g., factoring out the cursor blink timer and the
connection to the keyboard).

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parent f7cdfda4
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:sky/services/keyboard/keyboard.mojom.dart';
typedef void StringChangedCallback(EditableString updated);
class TextRange {
final int start;
final int end;
TextRange({this.start, this.end});
TextRange.collapsed(int position) : start = position, end = position;
const TextRange.empty() : start = -1, end = -1;
bool get isValid => start >= 0 && end >= 0;
bool get isCollapsed => start == end;
class EditableString implements KeyboardClient {
String text;
TextRange composing = const TextRange.empty();
TextRange selection = const TextRange.empty();
final StringChangedCallback onChanged;
KeyboardClientStub stub;
EditableString({this.text: '', this.onChanged}) {
stub = new KeyboardClientStub.unbound()..impl = this;
String textBefore(TextRange range) {
return text.substring(0, range.start);
String textAfter(TextRange range) {
return text.substring(range.end);
String textInside(TextRange range) {
return text.substring(range.start, range.end);
void _delete(TextRange range) {
if (range.isCollapsed || !range.isValid)
text = textBefore(range) + textAfter(range);
TextRange _append(String newText) {
int start = text.length;
text += newText;
return new TextRange(start: start, end: start + newText.length);
TextRange _replace(TextRange range, String newText) {
String before = textBefore(range);
String after = textAfter(range);
text = before + newText + after;
return new TextRange(start: before.length,
end: before.length + newText.length);
TextRange _replaceOrAppend(TextRange range, String newText) {
if (!range.isValid)
return _append(newText);
return _replace(range, newText);
void commitCompletion(CompletionData completion) {
// TODO(abarth): Not implemented.
void commitCorrection(CorrectionData correction) {
// TODO(abarth): Not implemented.
void commitText(String text, int newCursorPosition) {
// TODO(abarth): Why is |newCursorPosition| always 1?
TextRange committedRange = _replaceOrAppend(composing, text);
selection = new TextRange.collapsed(committedRange.end);
composing = const TextRange.empty();
void deleteSurroundingText(int beforeLength, int afterLength) {
TextRange beforeRange = new TextRange(start: selection.start - beforeLength,
end: selection.start);
TextRange afterRange = new TextRange(start: selection.end,
end: selection.end + afterLength);
selection = new TextRange(start: selection.start - beforeLength,
end: selection.end - beforeLength);
void setComposingRegion(int start, int end) {
composing = new TextRange(start: start, end: end);
void setComposingText(String text, int newCursorPosition) {
// TODO(abarth): Why is |newCursorPosition| always 1?
composing = _replaceOrAppend(composing, text);
selection = new TextRange.collapsed(composing.end);
void setSelection(int start, int end) {
selection = new TextRange(start: start, end: end);
......@@ -4,105 +4,118 @@
import '../../framework/fn.dart';
import '../../framework/shell.dart' as shell;
import 'package:sky/services/keyboard/keyboard.mojom.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'editable_string.dart';
import 'package:sky/services/keyboard/keyboard.mojom.dart';
class Input extends Component implements KeyboardClient{
class EditableText extends Component {
static Style _style = new Style('''
display: paragraph;
white-space: pre-wrap;
padding: 10px;
height: 200px;
background-color: lightblue;'''
static Style _cusorStyle = new Style('''
display: inline-block;
width: 2px;
height: 1.2em;
vertical-align: top;
background-color: blue;'''
static Style _composingStyle = new Style('''
display: inline;
text-decoration: underline;'''
KeyboardServiceProxy _service;
KeyboardClientStub _stub;
String _text = "";
int _composingStart = -1;
int _composingEnd = -1;
EditableString _string;
Timer _cursorTimer;
bool _showCursor = false;
Input({Object key}) : super(key: key, stateful: true) {
EditableText({Object key}) : super(key: key, stateful: true) {
_string = new EditableString(text: '', onChanged: _handleTextChanged);
events.listen('click', _handleClick);
_stub = new KeyboardClientStub.unbound()..impl = this;
events.listen('focus', _handleFocus);
events.listen('blur', _handleBlur);
bool get _hasComposingRegion => _composingStart != -1 && _composingEnd != -1;
void _handleTextChanged(EditableString string) {
setState(() {
_string = string;
_showCursor = true;
void _handleClick(_) {
if (_service != null)
_service = new KeyboardServiceProxy.unbound();
void _replaceComposing(String text) {
if (!_hasComposingRegion) {
_composingStart = _text.length;
_composingEnd = _composingStart + text.length;
_text += text;
setState(() {
_showCursor = true;
_text = _text.substring(0, _composingStart)
+ text + _text.substring(_composingEnd);
_composingEnd = _composingStart + text.length;
void _handleFocus(_) {
void _clearComposingRegion() {
_composingStart = -1;
_composingEnd = -1;
void _handleBlur(_) {
void commitText(String text, int newCursorPosition) {
void _cursorTick(Timer timer) {
setState(() {
_showCursor = !_showCursor;
void setComposingText(String text, int newCursorPosition) {
setState(() {
void _restartCursorTimer() {
if (_cursorTimer != null)
_cursorTimer = new Timer.periodic(
new Duration(milliseconds: 500), _cursorTick);
void setComposingRegion(int start, int end) {
setState(() {
_composingStart = start;
_composingEnd = end;
void didUnmount() {
Node build() {
List<Node> children = new List<Node>();
if (!_hasComposingRegion) {
children.add(new Text(_text));
if (!_string.composing.isValid) {
children.add(new Text(_string.text));
} else {
String run = _text.substring(0, _composingStart);
if (!run.isEmpty)
children.add(new Text(run));
String beforeComposing = _string.textBefore(_string.composing);
if (!beforeComposing.isEmpty)
children.add(new Text(beforeComposing));
run = _text.substring(_composingStart, _composingEnd);
if (!run.isEmpty) {
String composing = _string.textInside(_string.composing);
if (!composing.isEmpty) {
children.add(new Container(
key: 'composing',
style: _composingStyle,
children: [new Text(_text.substring(_composingStart, _composingEnd))]
children: [new Text(composing)]
run = _text.substring(_composingEnd);
if (!run.isEmpty)
children.add(new Text(_text.substring(_composingEnd)));
String afterComposing = _string.textAfter(_string.composing);
if (!afterComposing.isEmpty)
children.add(new Text(afterComposing));
if (_showCursor)
children.add(new Container(key: 'cursor', style: _cusorStyle));
return new Container(
style: _style,
children: children
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '../../framework/fn.dart';
import 'input.dart';
import 'editable_text.dart';
class EditorApp extends App {
Node build() {
return new Input();
return new EditableText();
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