Unverified Commit 6a9ac450 authored by Lau Ching Jun's avatar Lau Ching Jun Committed by GitHub

Add option in ProxiedDevice to only transfer the delta when deploying. (#97462)

parent c74a646b
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import '../emulator.dart';
import '../features.dart';
import '../globals.dart' as globals;
import '../project.dart';
import '../proxied_devices/file_transfer.dart';
import '../resident_runner.dart';
import '../run_cold.dart';
import '../run_hot.dart';
......@@ -1320,6 +1321,8 @@ class EmulatorDomain extends Domain {
class ProxyDomain extends Domain {
ProxyDomain(Daemon daemon) : super(daemon, 'proxy') {
registerHandlerWithBinary('writeTempFile', writeTempFile);
registerHandler('calculateFileHashes', calculateFileHashes);
registerHandlerWithBinary('updateFile', updateFile);
registerHandler('connect', connect);
registerHandler('disconnect', disconnect);
registerHandlerWithBinary('write', write);
......@@ -1336,6 +1339,29 @@ class ProxyDomain extends Domain {
await file.openWrite().addStream(binary);
/// Calculate rolling hashes for a file in the local temporary directory.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> calculateFileHashes(Map<String, dynamic> args) async {
final String path = _getStringArg(args, 'path', required: true);
final File file = tempDirectory.childFile(path);
if (!await file.exists()) {
return null;
final BlockHashes result = await FileTransfer().calculateBlockHashesOfFile(file);
return result.toJson();
Future<bool> updateFile(Map<String, dynamic> args, Stream<List<int>> binary) async {
final String path = _getStringArg(args, 'path', required: true);
final File file = tempDirectory.childFile(path);
if (!await file.exists()) {
return null;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> deltaJson = (args['delta'] as List<dynamic>).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>();
final List<FileDeltaBlock> delta = FileDeltaBlock.fromJsonList(deltaJson);
final bool result = await FileTransfer().rebuildFile(file, delta, binary);
return result;
/// Opens a connection to a local port, and returns the connection id.
Future<String> connect(Map<String, dynamic> args) async {
final int targetPort = _getIntArg(args, 'port', required: true);
......@@ -1404,12 +1430,13 @@ class ProxyDomain extends Domain {
for (final Socket connection in _forwardedConnections.values) {
await _tempDirectory?.delete(recursive: true);
// We deliberately not clean up the tempDirectory here. The application package files that
// are transferred into this directory through ProxiedDevices are left in the directory
// to be reused on any subsequent runs.
Directory _tempDirectory;
Directory get tempDirectory => _tempDirectory ??= globals.fs.systemTempDirectory.createTempSync('flutter_tool_daemon.');
Directory get tempDirectory => _tempDirectory ??= globals.fs.systemTempDirectory.childDirectory('flutter_tool_daemon')..createSync();
/// A [Logger] which sends log messages to a listening daemon client.
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import '../daemon.dart';
import '../device.dart';
import '../device_port_forwarder.dart';
import '../project.dart';
import 'file_transfer.dart';
bool _isNullable<T>() => null is T;
......@@ -29,16 +30,23 @@ T _cast<T>(Object? object) {
/// A [DeviceDiscovery] that will connect to a flutter daemon and connects to
/// the devices remotely.
/// If [deltaFileTransfer] is true, the proxy will use an rsync-like algorithm that
/// only transfers the changed part of the application package for deployment.
class ProxiedDevices extends DeviceDiscovery {
ProxiedDevices(this.connection, {
bool deltaFileTransfer = true,
required Logger logger,
}) : _logger = logger;
}) : _deltaFileTransfer = deltaFileTransfer,
_logger = logger;
/// [DaemonConnection] used to communicate with the daemon.
final DaemonConnection connection;
final Logger _logger;
final bool _deltaFileTransfer;
bool get supportsPlatform => true;
......@@ -70,6 +78,7 @@ class ProxiedDevices extends DeviceDiscovery {
final Map<String, Object?> capabilities = _cast<Map<String, Object?>>(device['capabilities']);
return ProxiedDevice(
connection, _cast<String>(device['id']),
deltaFileTransfer: _deltaFileTransfer,
category: Category.fromString(_cast<String>(device['category'])),
platformType: PlatformType.fromString(_cast<String>(device['platformType'])),
targetPlatform: getTargetPlatformForName(_cast<String>(device['platform'])),
......@@ -92,8 +101,12 @@ class ProxiedDevices extends DeviceDiscovery {
/// A [Device] that acts as a proxy to remotely connected device.
/// The communication happens via a flutter daemon.
/// If [deltaFileTransfer] is true, the proxy will use an rsync-like algorithm that
/// only transfers the changed part of the application package for deployment.
class ProxiedDevice extends Device {
ProxiedDevice(this.connection, String id, {
bool deltaFileTransfer = true,
required Category? category,
required PlatformType? platformType,
required TargetPlatform targetPlatform,
......@@ -109,7 +122,8 @@ class ProxiedDevice extends Device {
required this.supportsFastStart,
required bool supportsHardwareRendering,
required Logger logger,
}): _isLocalEmulator = isLocalEmulator,
}): _deltaFileTransfer = deltaFileTransfer,
_isLocalEmulator = isLocalEmulator,
_emulatorId = emulatorId,
_sdkNameAndVersion = sdkNameAndVersion,
_supportsHardwareRendering = supportsHardwareRendering,
......@@ -125,6 +139,8 @@ class ProxiedDevice extends Device {
final Logger _logger;
final bool _deltaFileTransfer;
final String name;
......@@ -288,9 +304,37 @@ class ProxiedDevice extends Device {
final String fileName = binary.basename;
final Completer<String> idCompleter = Completer<String>();
_applicationPackageMap[path] = idCompleter.future;
await connection.sendRequest('proxy.writeTempFile', <String, Object>{
final Map<String, Object> args = <String, Object>{'path': fileName};
Map<String, Object?>? rollingHashResultJson;
if (_deltaFileTransfer) {
rollingHashResultJson = _cast<Map<String, Object?>?>(await connection.sendRequest('proxy.calculateFileHashes', args));
if (rollingHashResultJson == null) {
// Either file not found on the remote end, or deltaFileTransfer is set to false, transfer the file directly.
if (_deltaFileTransfer) {
_logger.printTrace('Delta file transfer is enabled but file is not found on the remote end, do a full transfer.');
await connection.sendRequest('proxy.writeTempFile', args, await binary.readAsBytes());
} else {
final BlockHashes rollingHashResult = BlockHashes.fromJson(rollingHashResultJson);
final List<FileDeltaBlock> delta = await FileTransfer().computeDelta(binary, rollingHashResult);
// Delta is empty if the file does not need to be updated
if (delta.isNotEmpty) {
final List<Map<String, Object>> deltaJson = delta.map((FileDeltaBlock block) => block.toJson()).toList();
final Uint8List buffer = await FileTransfer().binaryForRebuilding(binary, delta);
await connection.sendRequest('proxy.updateFile', <String, Object>{
'path': fileName,
}, await binary.readAsBytes());
'delta': deltaJson,
}, buffer);
final String id = _cast<String>(await connection.sendRequest('device.uploadApplicationPackage', <String, Object>{
'targetPlatform': getNameForTargetPlatform(_targetPlatform),
'applicationBinary': fileName,
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../base/file_system.dart';
import '../base/io.dart';
import '../build_system/hash.dart';
import '../convert.dart';
/// Adler-32 and MD5 hashes of blocks in files.
class BlockHashes {
required this.blockSize,
required this.totalSize,
required this.adler32,
required this.md5,
required this.fileMd5,
/// The block size used to generate the hashes.
final int blockSize;
/// Total size of the file.
final int totalSize;
/// List of adler32 hashes of each block in the file.
final List<int> adler32;
/// List of MD5 hashes of each block in the file.
final List<String> md5;
/// MD5 hash of the whole file.
final String fileMd5;
Map<String, Object> toJson() => <String, Object>{
'blockSize': blockSize,
'totalSize': totalSize,
'adler32': base64.encode(Uint8List.view(Uint32List.fromList(adler32).buffer)),
'md5': md5,
'fileMd5': fileMd5,
static BlockHashes fromJson(Map<String, Object?> obj) {
return BlockHashes(
blockSize: obj['blockSize']! as int,
totalSize: obj['totalSize']! as int,
adler32: Uint32List.view(base64.decode(obj['adler32']! as String).buffer),
md5: (obj['md5']! as List<Object>).cast<String>(),
fileMd5: obj['fileMd5']! as String,
/// Converts a stream of bytes, into a stream of bytes of fixed chunk size.
Stream<Uint8List> convertToChunks(Stream<Uint8List> source, int chunkSize) {
final BytesBuilder bytesBuilder = BytesBuilder(copy: false);
final StreamController<Uint8List> controller = StreamController<Uint8List>();
final StreamSubscription<Uint8List> subscription = source.listen((Uint8List chunk) {
int start = 0;
while (start < chunk.length) {
final int sizeToTake = min(chunkSize - bytesBuilder.length, chunk.length - start);
assert(sizeToTake > 0);
assert(sizeToTake <= chunkSize);
final Uint8List sublist = chunk.sublist(start, start + sizeToTake);
start += sizeToTake;
if (bytesBuilder.isEmpty && sizeToTake == chunkSize) {
} else {
assert(bytesBuilder.length <= chunkSize);
if (bytesBuilder.length == chunkSize) {
}, onDone: () {
if (controller.hasListener && !controller.isClosed) {
if (bytesBuilder.isNotEmpty) {
}, onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
controller.addError(error, stackTrace);
controller.onCancel = subscription.cancel;
controller.onPause = subscription.pause;
controller.onResume = subscription.resume;
return controller.stream;
const int _adler32Prime = 65521;
/// Helper function to calculate Adler32 hash of a binary.
int adler32Hash(List<int> binary) {
// The maximum integer that can be stored in the `int` data type.
const int maxInt = 0x1fffffffffffff;
// maxChunkSize is the maximum number of bytes we can sum without
// performing the modulus operation, without overflow.
// n * (n + 1) / 2 * 255 < maxInt
// n < sqrt(maxInt / 255) - 1
final int maxChunkSize = sqrt(maxInt / 255).floor() - 1;
int a = 1;
int b = 0;
final int length = binary.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i += maxChunkSize) {
final int end = i + maxChunkSize < length ? i + maxChunkSize : length;
for (final int c in binary.getRange(i, end)) {
a += c;
b += a;
a %= _adler32Prime;
b %= _adler32Prime;
return ((b & 0xffff) << 16) | (a & 0xffff);
/// Helper to calculate rolling Adler32 hash of a file.
class RollingAdler32 {
RollingAdler32(this.blockSize): _buffer = Uint8List(blockSize);
/// Block size of the rolling hash calculation.
final int blockSize;
int processedBytes = 0;
final Uint8List _buffer;
int _cur = 0;
int _a = 1;
int _b = 0;
/// The current rolling hash value.
int get hash => ((_b & 0xffff) << 16) | (_a & 0xffff);
/// Push a new character into the rolling chunk window, and returns the
/// current hash value.
int push(int char) {
if (processedBytes > blockSize) {
final int prev = _buffer[_cur];
_b -= prev * blockSize + 1;
_a -= prev;
_a += char;
_b += _a;
_buffer[_cur] = char;
if (_cur == blockSize) {
_cur = 0;
_a %= _adler32Prime;
_b %= _adler32Prime;
return hash;
/// Returns a [Uint8List] of size [blockSize] that was used to calculate the
/// current Adler32 hash.
Uint8List currentBlock() {
if (processedBytes < blockSize) {
return Uint8List.sublistView(_buffer, 0, processedBytes);
} else if (_cur == 0) {
return _buffer;
} else {
final BytesBuilder builder = BytesBuilder(copy:false)
..add(Uint8List.sublistView(_buffer, _cur))
..add(Uint8List.sublistView(_buffer, 0, _cur));
return builder.takeBytes();
void reset() {
_a = 1;
_b = 0;
processedBytes = 0;
/// Helper for rsync-like file transfer.
/// The algorithm works as follows.
/// First, in the destination device, calculate hashes of the every block of
/// the same size. Two hashes are used, Adler-32 for the rolling hash, and MD5
/// as a hash with a lower chance of collision.
/// The block size is chosen to balance between the amount of data required in
/// the initial transmission, and the amount of data needed for rebuilding the
/// file.
/// Next, on the machine that contains the source file, we calculate the
/// rolling hash of the source file, for every possible position. If the hash
/// is found on the block hashes, we then compare the MD5 of the block. If both
/// the Adler-32 and MD5 hash match, we consider that the block is identical.
/// For each block that can be found, we will generate the instruction asking
/// the destination machine to read block from the destination block. For
/// blocks that can't be found, we will transfer the content of the blocks.
/// On the receiving end, it will build a copy of the source file from the
/// given instructions.
class FileTransfer {
/// Calculate hashes of blocks in the file.
Future<BlockHashes> calculateBlockHashesOfFile(File file, { int? blockSize }) async {
final int totalSize = await file.length();
blockSize ??= max(sqrt(totalSize).ceil(), 2560);
final Stream<Uint8List> fileContentStream = file.openRead().map((List<int> chunk) => Uint8List.fromList(chunk));
final List<int> adler32Results = <int>[];
final List<String> md5Results = <String>[];
await for (final Uint8List chunk in convertToChunks(fileContentStream, blockSize)) {
// Handle whole file md5 separately. Md5Hash requires the chunk size to be a multiple of 64.
final String fileMd5 = await _md5OfFile(file);
return BlockHashes(
blockSize: blockSize,
totalSize: totalSize,
adler32: adler32Results,
md5: md5Results,
fileMd5: fileMd5,
/// Compute the instructions to rebuild the source [file] with the block
/// hashes of the destination file.
/// Returns an empty list if the destination file is exactly the same as the
/// source file.
Future<List<FileDeltaBlock>> computeDelta(File file, BlockHashes hashes) async {
// Skip computing delta if the destination file matches the source file.
if (await file.length() == hashes.totalSize && await _md5OfFile(file) == hashes.fileMd5) {
return <FileDeltaBlock>[];
final Stream<List<int>> fileContentStream = file.openRead();
final int blockSize = hashes.blockSize;
// Generate a lookup for adler32 hash to block index.
final Map<int, List<int>> adler32ToBlockIndex = <int, List<int>>{};
for (int i = 0; i < hashes.adler32.length; i++) {
(adler32ToBlockIndex[hashes.adler32[i]] ??= <int>[]).add(i);
final RollingAdler32 adler32 = RollingAdler32(blockSize);
// Number of bytes read.
int size = 0;
// Offset of the beginning of the current block.
int start = 0;
final List<FileDeltaBlock> blocks = <FileDeltaBlock>[];
await for (final List<int> chunk in fileContentStream) {
for (final int c in chunk) {
final int hash = adler32.push(c);
if (size - start < blockSize) {
// Ignore if we have not processed enough bytes.
if (!adler32ToBlockIndex.containsKey(hash)) {
// Adler32 hash of the current block does not match the destination file.
// The indices of possible matching blocks.
final List<int> blockIndices = adler32ToBlockIndex[hash]!;
final String md5Hash = base64.encode(md5.convert(adler32.currentBlock()).bytes);
// Verify if any of our findings actually matches the destination block by comparing its MD5.
for (final int blockIndex in blockIndices) {
if (hashes.md5[blockIndex] != md5Hash) {
// Adler-32 hash collision. This is not an actual match.
// Found matching entry, generate instruction for reconstructing the file.
// Copy the previously unmatched data from the source file.
if (size - start > blockSize) {
blocks.add(FileDeltaBlock.fromSource(start: start, size: size - start - blockSize));
start = size;
// Try to extend the previous entry.
if (blocks.isNotEmpty && blocks.last.copyFromDestination) {
final int lastBlockIndex = (blocks.last.start + blocks.last.size) ~/ blockSize;
if (hashes.md5[lastBlockIndex] == md5Hash) {
// We can extend the previous entry.
final FileDeltaBlock last = blocks.removeLast();
blocks.add(FileDeltaBlock.fromDestination(start: last.start, size: last.size + blockSize));
blocks.add(FileDeltaBlock.fromDestination(start: blockIndex * blockSize, size: blockSize));
// For the remaining content that is not matched, copy from the source.
if (start < size) {
blocks.add(FileDeltaBlock.fromSource(start: start, size: size - start));
return blocks;
/// Generates the binary blocks that need to be transferred to the remote
/// end to regenerate the file.
Future<Uint8List> binaryForRebuilding(File file, List<FileDeltaBlock> delta) async {
final RandomAccessFile binaryView = await file.open();
final Iterable<FileDeltaBlock> toTransfer = delta.where((FileDeltaBlock block) => !block.copyFromDestination);
final int totalSize = toTransfer.map((FileDeltaBlock i) => i.size).reduce((int a, int b) => a + b);
final Uint8List buffer = Uint8List(totalSize);
int start = 0;
for (final FileDeltaBlock current in toTransfer) {
await binaryView.setPosition(current.start);
await binaryView.readInto(buffer, start, start + current.size);
start += current.size;
assert(start == buffer.length);
return buffer;
/// Generate the new destination file from the source file, with the
/// [blocks] and [binary] stream given.
Future<bool> rebuildFile(File file, List<FileDeltaBlock> delta, Stream<List<int>> binary) async {
final RandomAccessFile fileView = await file.open();
// Buffer used to hold the file content in memory.
final BytesBuilder buffer = BytesBuilder(copy: false);
final StreamIterator<List<int>> iterator = StreamIterator<List<int>>(binary);
int currentIteratorStart = -1;
bool iteratorMoveNextReturnValue = true;
for (final FileDeltaBlock current in delta) {
if (current.copyFromDestination) {
await fileView.setPosition(current.start);
buffer.add(await fileView.read(current.size));
} else {
int toRead = current.size;
while (toRead > 0) {
if (currentIteratorStart >= 0 && currentIteratorStart < iterator.current.length) {
final int size = iterator.current.length - currentIteratorStart;
final int sizeToRead = min(toRead, size);
buffer.add(iterator.current.sublist(currentIteratorStart, currentIteratorStart + sizeToRead));
currentIteratorStart += sizeToRead;
toRead -= sizeToRead;
} else {
currentIteratorStart = 0;
iteratorMoveNextReturnValue = await iterator.moveNext();
await file.writeAsBytes(buffer.takeBytes(), flush: true);
// Drain the stream iterator if needed.
while (iteratorMoveNextReturnValue) {
iteratorMoveNextReturnValue = await iterator.moveNext();
return true;
Future<String> _md5OfFile(File file) async {
final Md5Hash fileMd5Hash = Md5Hash();
await file.openRead().forEach((List<int> chunk) => fileMd5Hash.addChunk(Uint8List.fromList(chunk)));
return base64.encode(fileMd5Hash.finalize().buffer.asUint8List());
/// Represents a single line of instruction on how to generate the target file.
class FileDeltaBlock {
const FileDeltaBlock.fromSource({required this.start, required this.size}): copyFromDestination = false;
const FileDeltaBlock.fromDestination({required this.start, required this.size}): copyFromDestination = true;
/// If true, this block should be read from the destination file.
final bool copyFromDestination;
/// The size of the current block.
final int size;
/// Byte offset in the destination file from which the block should be read.
final int start;
Map<String, Object> toJson() => <String, Object> {
if (copyFromDestination)
'start': start,
'size': size,
static List<FileDeltaBlock> fromJsonList(List<Map<String, Object?>> jsonList) {
return jsonList.map((Map<String, Object?> json) {
if (json.containsKey('start')) {
return FileDeltaBlock.fromDestination(start: json['start']! as int, size: json['size']! as int);
} else {
// The start position does not matter on the destination machine.
return FileDeltaBlock.fromSource(start: 0, size: json['size']! as int);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other is! FileDeltaBlock) {
return false;
return other.copyFromDestination == copyFromDestination && other.size == size && other.start == start;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(copyFromDestination, size, start);
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/convert.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/proxied_devices/file_transfer.dart';
import '../../src/common.dart';
void main() {
// late BufferLogger bufferLogger;
// late FakeDaemonStreams daemonStreams;
// late DaemonConnection daemonConnection;
// setUp(() {
// bufferLogger = BufferLogger.test();
// daemonStreams = FakeDaemonStreams();
// daemonConnection = DaemonConnection(
// daemonStreams: daemonStreams,
// logger: bufferLogger,
// );
// });
group('convertToChunks', () {
test('works correctly', () async {
final StreamController<Uint8List> controller = StreamController<Uint8List>();
final Stream<Uint8List> chunked = convertToChunks(controller.stream, 4);
final Future<List<Uint8List>> chunkedListFuture = chunked.toList();
// Full chunk.
controller.add(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4]));
// Multiple of full chunks, on chunk bounraries.
controller.add(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]));
// Larger than one chunk, starts on chunk boundary, ends not on chunk boundary.
controller.add(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]));
// Larger than one chunk, starts not on chunk boundary, ends not on chunk boundary.
controller.add(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[19, 20, 21, 22, 23]));
// Larger than one chunk, starts not on chunk boundary, ends on chunk boundary.
controller.add(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[24, 25, 26, 27, 28]));
// Smaller than one chunk, starts on chunk boundary, ends not on chunk boundary.
controller.add(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[29, 30]));
// Smaller than one chunk, starts not on chunk boundary, ends not on chunk boundary.
controller.add(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[31, 32, 33]));
// Full chunk, not on chunk boundary.
controller.add(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[34, 35, 36, 37]));
// Smaller than one chunk, starts not on chunk boundary, ends on chunk boundary.
controller.add(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[38, 39, 40]));
// Empty chunk.
// Extra chunk.
controller.add(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[41, 42]));
await controller.close();
final List<Uint8List> chunkedList = await chunkedListFuture;
expect(chunkedList, hasLength(11));
expect(chunkedList[0], <int>[1, 2, 3, 4]);
expect(chunkedList[1], <int>[5, 6, 7, 8]);
expect(chunkedList[2], <int>[9, 10, 11, 12]);
expect(chunkedList[3], <int>[13, 14, 15, 16]);
expect(chunkedList[4], <int>[17, 18, 19, 20]);
expect(chunkedList[5], <int>[21, 22, 23, 24]);
expect(chunkedList[6], <int>[25, 26, 27, 28]);
expect(chunkedList[7], <int>[29, 30, 31, 32]);
expect(chunkedList[8], <int>[33, 34, 35, 36]);
expect(chunkedList[9], <int>[37, 38, 39, 40]);
expect(chunkedList[10], <int>[41, 42]);
group('adler32Hash', () {
test('works correctly', () {
final int hash = adler32Hash(utf8.encode('abcdefg'));
expect(hash, 0x0adb02bd);
group('RollingAdler32', () {
test('works correctly without rolling', () {
final RollingAdler32 adler32 = RollingAdler32(7);
expect(adler32.hash, adler32Hash(utf8.encode('abcdefg')));
test('works correctly after rolling once', () {
final RollingAdler32 adler32 = RollingAdler32(7);
expect(adler32.hash, adler32Hash(utf8.encode('abcdefg')));
test('works correctly after rolling multiple cycles', () {
final RollingAdler32 adler32 = RollingAdler32(7);
expect(adler32.hash, adler32Hash(utf8.encode('abcdefg')));
test('works correctly after reset', () {
final RollingAdler32 adler32 = RollingAdler32(7);
expect(adler32.hash, adler32Hash(utf8.encode('abcdefg')));
test('currentBlock returns the correct entry when read less than one block', () {
final RollingAdler32 adler32 = RollingAdler32(7);
expect(adler32.currentBlock(), utf8.encode('abcd'));
test('currentBlock returns the correct entry when read exactly one block', () {
final RollingAdler32 adler32 = RollingAdler32(7);
expect(adler32.currentBlock(), utf8.encode('abcdefg'));
test('currentBlock returns the correct entry when read more than one block', () {
final RollingAdler32 adler32 = RollingAdler32(7);
expect(adler32.currentBlock(), utf8.encode('abcdefg'));
group('FileTransfer', () {
const String content1 = 'a...b...c...d...e.';
const String content2 = 'b...c...d...a...f...g...b...h..';
const List<FileDeltaBlock> expectedDelta = <FileDeltaBlock>[
FileDeltaBlock.fromDestination(start: 4, size: 12),
FileDeltaBlock.fromDestination(start: 0, size: 4),
FileDeltaBlock.fromSource(start: 16, size: 8),
FileDeltaBlock.fromDestination(start: 4, size: 4),
FileDeltaBlock.fromSource(start: 28, size: 3),
const String expectedBinaryForRebuilding = 'f...g...h..';
late MemoryFileSystem fileSystem;
setUp(() {
fileSystem = MemoryFileSystem();
test('calculateBlockHashesOfFile works normally', () async {
final File file = fileSystem.file('test')..writeAsStringSync(content1);
final BlockHashes hashes = await FileTransfer().calculateBlockHashesOfFile(file, blockSize: 4);
expect(hashes.blockSize, 4);
expect(hashes.totalSize, content1.length);
expect(hashes.adler32, hasLength(5));
expect(hashes.adler32, <int>[
expect(hashes.md5, hasLength(5));
expect(hashes.md5, <String>[
expect(hashes.fileMd5, 'VT/gkSEdctzUEUJCxclxuQ==');
test('computeDelta returns empty list if file is identical', () async {
final File file1 = fileSystem.file('file1')..writeAsStringSync(content1);
final File file2 = fileSystem.file('file1')..writeAsStringSync(content1);
final BlockHashes hashes = await FileTransfer().calculateBlockHashesOfFile(file1, blockSize: 4);
final List<FileDeltaBlock> delta = await FileTransfer().computeDelta(file2, hashes);
expect(delta, isEmpty);
test('computeDelta returns the correct delta', () async {
final File file1 = fileSystem.file('file1')..writeAsStringSync(content1);
final File file2 = fileSystem.file('file2')..writeAsStringSync(content2);
final BlockHashes hashes = await FileTransfer().calculateBlockHashesOfFile(file1, blockSize: 4);
final List<FileDeltaBlock> delta = await FileTransfer().computeDelta(file2, hashes);
expect(delta, expectedDelta);
test('binaryForRebuilding returns the correct binary', () async {
final File file = fileSystem.file('file')..writeAsStringSync(content2);
final List<int> binaryForRebuilding = await FileTransfer().binaryForRebuilding(file, expectedDelta);
expect(binaryForRebuilding, utf8.encode(expectedBinaryForRebuilding));
test('rebuildFile can rebuild the correct file', () async {
final File file = fileSystem.file('file')..writeAsStringSync(content1);
await FileTransfer().rebuildFile(file, expectedDelta, Stream<List<int>>.fromIterable(<List<int>>[utf8.encode(expectedBinaryForRebuilding)]));
expect(file.readAsStringSync(), content2);
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