Commit 64bae978 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth Committed by GitHub

Add some dartdocs for slivers (#8284)

parent a8e847ab
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class _DebugSize extends Size {
final bool _canBeUsedByParent;
/// Immutable layout constraints for box layout.
/// Immutable layout constraints for [RenderBox] layout.
/// A size respects a BoxConstraints if, and only if, all of the following
/// relations hold:
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ enum GrowthDirection {
/// A direction along either the horizontal or vertical [Axis].
enum AxisDirection {
/// Zero is at the bottom and positive values are above it: ⇈
......@@ -130,7 +131,17 @@ AxisDirection applyGrowthDirectionToAxisDirection(AxisDirection axisDirection, G
return null;
/// Immutable layout constraints for [RenderSliver] layout.
/// The [SliverConstraints] describe the current scroll state of the viewport
/// from the point of view of the sliver receiving the constraints. For example,
/// a [scrollOffset] of zero means that the leading edge of the sliver is
/// visible in the viewport, not that the viewport itself has a zero scroll
/// offset.
class SliverConstraints extends Constraints {
/// Creates sliver constraints with the given information.
/// All of the argument must not be null.
const SliverConstraints({
@required this.axisDirection,
@required this.growthDirection,
......@@ -142,6 +153,8 @@ class SliverConstraints extends Constraints {
@required this.viewportMainAxisExtent,
/// Creates a copy of this object but with the given fields replaced with the
/// new values.
SliverConstraints copyWith({
AxisDirection axisDirection,
GrowthDirection growthDirection,
......@@ -252,6 +265,7 @@ class SliverConstraints extends Constraints {
/// For a vertical list, this is the height of the viewport.
final double viewportMainAxisExtent;
/// The axis along which the [scrollOffset] and [remainingPaintExtent] are measured.
Axis get axis => axisDirectionToAxis(axisDirection);
/// Return what the [growthDirection] would be if the [axisDirection] was
......@@ -293,6 +307,14 @@ class SliverConstraints extends Constraints {
&& remainingPaintExtent >= 0.0;
/// Returns [BoxConstraints] that reflects the sliver constraints.
/// The `minExtent` and `maxExtent` are used as the constraints in the main
/// axis. If non-null, the given `crossAxisExtent` is used as a tight
/// constraint in the cross axis. Otherwise, the [crossAxisExtent] from this
/// object is used as a constraint in the cross axis.
/// Useful for slivers that have [RenderBox] children.
BoxConstraints asBoxConstraints({
double minExtent: 0.0,
double maxExtent: double.INFINITY,
......@@ -376,7 +398,19 @@ class SliverConstraints extends Constraints {
/// Describes the amount of space occupied by a [RenderSliver].
/// A sliver can occupy space in several different ways, which is why this class
/// contains multiple values.
class SliverGeometry {
/// Creates an object that describes the amount of space occupied by a sliver.
/// If the [layoutExtent] argument is null, [layoutExtent] defaults to the
/// [paintExtent]. If the [hitTestExtent] argument is null, [hitTestExtent]
/// defaults to the [paintExtent]. If [visible] is null, [visible] defaults to
/// whether [paintExtent] is greater than zero.
/// The other arguments must not be null.
const SliverGeometry({
this.scrollExtent: 0.0,
this.paintExtent: 0.0,
......@@ -390,7 +424,8 @@ class SliverGeometry {
hitTestExtent = hitTestExtent ?? paintExtent,
visible = visible ?? paintExtent > 0.0;
static final SliverGeometry zero = const SliverGeometry();
/// A sliver that occupies no space at all.
static const SliverGeometry zero = const SliverGeometry();
/// The (estimated) total scroll extent that this sliver has content for. In
/// other words, the scroll offset of the end of the last bit of content of
......@@ -449,6 +484,9 @@ class SliverGeometry {
/// parent will be rerun.
final double scrollOffsetCorrection;
/// Asserts that this geometry is internally consistent.
/// Does nothing if asserts are disabled. Always returns true.
bool get debugAssertIsValid {
assert(scrollExtent != null);
assert(scrollExtent >= 0.0);
......@@ -517,7 +555,14 @@ class SliverGeometry {
/// A hit test entry used by [RenderSliver].
/// The coordinate system used by this hit test entry is relative to the
/// [AxisDirection] of the target sliver.
class SliverHitTestEntry extends HitTestEntry {
/// Creates a sliver hit test entry.
/// The [mainAxisPosition] and [crossAxisPosition] arguments must not be null.
const SliverHitTestEntry(RenderSliver target, {
@required this.mainAxisPosition,
@required this.crossAxisPosition,
......@@ -571,10 +616,14 @@ class SliverLogicalParentData extends ParentData {
String toString() => 'layoutOffset=${layoutOffset.toStringAsFixed(1)}';
/// Parent data for slivers that have multiple children and that position their
/// children using layout offsets.
class SliverLogicalContainerParentData extends SliverLogicalParentData with ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderSliver> { }
/// Parent data structure used by parents of slivers that position their
/// children using absolute coordinates. For example, used by [RenderViewport].
/// children using absolute coordinates.
/// For example, used by [RenderViewport].
/// This data structure is optimised for fast painting, at the cost of requiring
/// additional work during layout when the children change their offsets. It is
......@@ -587,6 +636,10 @@ class SliverPhysicalParentData extends ParentData {
/// top left visible corner of the sliver.
Offset paintOffset =;
/// Apply the [paintOffset] to the given [transform].
/// Used to implement [RenderObject.applyPaintTransform] by slivers that use
/// [SliverPhysicalParentData].
void applyPaintTransform(Matrix4 transform) {
transform.translate(paintOffset.dx, paintOffset.dy);
......@@ -595,6 +648,8 @@ class SliverPhysicalParentData extends ParentData {
String toString() => 'paintOffset=$paintOffset';
/// Parent data for slivers that have multiple children and that position their
/// children using absolute coordinates.
class SliverPhysicalContainerParentData extends SliverPhysicalParentData with ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderSliver> { }
String _debugCompareFloats(String labelA, double valueA, String labelB, double valueB) {
......@@ -624,7 +679,16 @@ abstract class RenderSliver extends RenderObject {
SliverConstraints get constraints => super.constraints;
// layout output
/// The amount of space this sliver occupies.
/// This value is stale whenever this object is marked as needing layout.
/// During [performLayout], do not read the [geometry] of a child unless you
/// pass true for parentUsesSize when calling the child's [layout] function.
/// The geometry of a sliver should be set only during the sliver's
/// [performLayout] or [performResize] functions. If you wish to change the
/// geometry of a sliver outside of those functins, call [markNeedsLayout]
/// instead to schedule a layout of the sliver.
SliverGeometry get geometry => _geometry;
SliverGeometry _geometry;
set geometry(SliverGeometry value) {
......@@ -856,6 +920,16 @@ abstract class RenderSliver extends RenderObject {
return 0.0;
/// Returns the distance along the cross axis from the zero of the cross axis
/// to the nearest side of the given child.
/// For example, if the [constraints] describe this sliver as having an axis
/// direction of [AxisDirection.down], then this is the distance from the left
/// of the sliver to the left of the child. Similarly, if the [constraints]
/// describe this sliver as having an axis direction of [AxisDirection.up],
/// then this is value is the same.
/// Calling this for a child that is not visible is not valid.
double childCrossAxisPosition(@checked RenderObject child) => 0.0;
......@@ -1104,9 +1178,18 @@ abstract class RenderSliverHelpers implements RenderSliver {
// Transitions from the RenderBox world to the RenderSliver world.
typedef RenderSliver _Advancer(RenderSliver child);
/// An interface for render objects that are bigger on the inside.
/// Some render objects, such as [RenderViewport], present a portion of their
/// content, which can be controlled by a [ViewportOffset]. This interface lets
/// the framework recognize such render objects and interact with them without
/// having specific knowledge of all the various types of viewports.
abstract class RenderAbstractViewport implements RenderObject {
/// Returns the [RenderAbstractViewport] that most closely encloses the given
/// render object.
/// If the object does not have a [RenderAbstractViewport] as an ancestor,
/// this function returns null.
static RenderAbstractViewport of(RenderObject object) {
while (object != null) {
if (object is RenderAbstractViewport)
......@@ -1116,9 +1199,23 @@ abstract class RenderAbstractViewport implements RenderObject {
return null;
/// Returns the offset that would be needed to reveal the target render object.
/// The `alignment` argument describes where the target should be positioned
/// after applying the returned offset. If `alignment` is 0.0, the child must
/// be positioned as close to the leading edge of the viewport as possible. If
/// `alignment` is 1.0, the child must be positioned as close to the trailing
/// edge of the viewport as possible. If `alignment` is 0.5, the child must be
/// positioned as close to the center of the viewport as possible.
/// The target might not be a direct child of this viewport but it must be a
/// descendant of the viewport and there must not be any other
/// [RenderAbstractViewport] objects between the target and this object.
double getOffsetToReveal(RenderObject target, double alignment);
typedef RenderSliver _Advancer(RenderSliver child);
// ///
// /// See also:
// ///
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