Unverified Commit 62116f99 authored by stuartmorgan's avatar stuartmorgan Committed by GitHub

Improve Dart plugin registration handling (#122046)

Improve Dart plugin registration handling
parent 7e000b29
......@@ -1191,13 +1191,13 @@ bool hasPlugins(FlutterProject project) {
/// Resolves the platform implementation for Dart-only plugins.
/// * If there are multiple direct pub dependencies on packages that implement the
/// frontend plugin for the current platform, fail.
/// * If there is only one dependency on a package that implements the
/// frontend plugin for the current platform, use that.
/// * If there is a single direct dependency on a package that implements the
/// frontend plugin for the target platform, this package is the selected implementation.
/// * If there is no direct dependency on a package that implements the frontend
/// plugin for the target platform, and the frontend plugin has a default implementation
/// for the target platform the default implementation is selected.
/// frontend plugin for the current platform, use that.
/// * If there is no direct dependency on a package that implements the
/// frontend plugin, but there is a default for the current platform,
/// use that.
/// * Else fail.
/// For more details, https://flutter.dev/go/federated-plugins.
......@@ -1214,11 +1214,15 @@ List<PluginInterfaceResolution> resolvePlatformImplementation(
final Map<String, PluginInterfaceResolution> directDependencyResolutions
= <String, PluginInterfaceResolution>{};
final Map<String, List<PluginInterfaceResolution>> possibleResolutions
= <String, List<PluginInterfaceResolution>>{};
final Map<String, String> defaultImplementations = <String, String>{};
bool didFindError = false;
// Generates a key for the maps above.
String getResolutionKey({required String platform, required String packageName}) {
return '$packageName:$platform';
bool hasPubspecError = false;
for (final Plugin plugin in plugins) {
for (final String platform in platforms) {
if (plugin.platforms[platform] == null &&
......@@ -1257,11 +1261,12 @@ List<PluginInterfaceResolution> resolvePlatformImplementation(
didFindError = true;
hasPubspecError = true;
final String defaultImplementationKey = getResolutionKey(platform: platform, packageName: plugin.name);
if (defaultImplementation != null) {
defaultImplementations['$platform/${plugin.name}'] = defaultImplementation;
defaultImplementations[defaultImplementationKey] = defaultImplementation;
} else {
// An app-facing package (i.e., one with no 'implements') with an
......@@ -1281,53 +1286,88 @@ List<PluginInterfaceResolution> resolvePlatformImplementation(
minFlutterVersion.compareTo(semver.Version(2, 11, 0)) >= 0;
if (!isDesktop || hasMinVersionForImplementsRequirement) {
implementsPackage = plugin.name;
defaultImplementations['$platform/${plugin.name}'] = plugin.name;
defaultImplementations[defaultImplementationKey] = plugin.name;
} else {
// If it doesn't meet any of the conditions, it isn't eligible for
// auto-registration.
// If there's no Dart implementation, there's nothing to register.
if (plugin.pluginDartClassPlatforms[platform] == null ||
plugin.pluginDartClassPlatforms[platform] == 'none') {
final String resolutionKey = '$platform/$implementsPackage';
if (directDependencyResolutions.containsKey(resolutionKey)) {
final PluginInterfaceResolution? currResolution = directDependencyResolutions[resolutionKey];
if (currResolution != null && currResolution.plugin.isDirectDependency) {
if (plugin.isDirectDependency) {
if (throwOnPluginPubspecError) {
// If it hasn't been skipped, it's a candidate for auto-registration, so
// add it as a possible resolution.
final String resolutionKey = getResolutionKey(platform: platform, packageName: implementsPackage);
if (!possibleResolutions.containsKey(resolutionKey)) {
possibleResolutions[resolutionKey] = <PluginInterfaceResolution>[];
plugin: plugin,
platform: platform,
if (hasPubspecError && throwOnPluginPubspecError) {
throwToolExit('Please resolve the errors');
// Now resolve all the possible resolutions to a single option for each
// plugin, or throw if that's not possible.
bool hasResolutionError = false;
final List<PluginInterfaceResolution> finalResolution = <PluginInterfaceResolution>[];
for (final MapEntry<String, List<PluginInterfaceResolution>> entry in possibleResolutions.entries) {
final List<PluginInterfaceResolution> candidates = entry.value;
// If there's only one candidate, use it.
if (candidates.length == 1) {
// Next, try direct dependencies of the resolving application.
final Iterable<PluginInterfaceResolution> directDependencies = candidates.where((PluginInterfaceResolution r) {
return r.plugin.isDirectDependency;
if (directDependencies.isNotEmpty) {
if (directDependencies.length > 1) {
'Plugin `${plugin.name}` implements an interface for `$platform`, which was already '
'implemented by plugin `${currResolution.plugin.name}`.\n'
'To fix this issue, remove either dependency from pubspec.yaml.'
'Plugin ${entry.key} has conflicting direct dependency implementations:\n'
'${directDependencies.map((PluginInterfaceResolution r) => ' ${r.plugin.name}\n').join()}'
'To fix this issue, remove all but one of these dependencies from pubspec.yaml.\n'
hasResolutionError = true;
} else {
didFindError = true;
// Use the plugin implementation added by the user as a direct dependency.
// Next, defer to the default implementation if there is one.
final String? defaultPackageName = defaultImplementations[entry.key];
if (defaultPackageName != null) {
final int defaultIndex = candidates
.indexWhere((PluginInterfaceResolution r) => r.plugin.name == defaultPackageName);
if (defaultIndex != -1) {
directDependencyResolutions[resolutionKey] = PluginInterfaceResolution(
plugin: plugin,
platform: platform,
// Otherwise, require an explicit choice.
if (candidates.length > 1) {
'Plugin ${entry.key} has multiple possible implementations:\n'
'${candidates.map((PluginInterfaceResolution r) => ' ${r.plugin.name}\n').join()}'
'To fix this issue, add one of these dependencies to pubspec.yaml.\n'
hasResolutionError = true;
if (didFindError && throwOnPluginPubspecError) {
if (hasResolutionError) {
throwToolExit('Please resolve the errors');
final List<PluginInterfaceResolution> finalResolution = <PluginInterfaceResolution>[];
for (final MapEntry<String, PluginInterfaceResolution> resolution in directDependencyResolutions.entries) {
if (resolution.value.plugin.isDirectDependency) {
} else if (defaultImplementations.containsKey(resolution.key)) {
// Pick the default implementation.
if (defaultImplementations[resolution.key] == resolution.value.plugin.name) {
return finalResolution;
......@@ -418,4 +418,9 @@ class PluginInterfaceResolution {
'dartClass': plugin.pluginDartClassPlatforms[platform] ?? '',
String toString() {
return '<PluginInterfaceResolution ${plugin.name} for $platform>';
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