Commit 618e7e49 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth

Adds a first draft of LazyBlock

LazyBlock is intended as a replacement for MixedViewport. Rather than

maintaining a table of all the observed child sizes (like

MixedViewport), LazyBlock works by dead reckoning the location of the

children based on the existing viewport. This approach makes it easier

to resize children because LazyBlock doesn't cache any additional

information that would need to be invalidated.

This patch contains a first draft of LazyBlock that works in a simple

usage scenario. Subsequent patches will replace

ScrollableMixedWidgetList with LazyBlock and port the existing

ScrollableMixedWidgetList tests over to LazyBlock.

Related to #3075
parent b9f04817
......@@ -49,6 +49,19 @@ class ComplexLayout extends StatefulWidget {
class FancyItemDelegate extends LazyBlockDelegate {
Widget buildItem(BuildContext context, int index) {
if (index % 2 == 0)
return new FancyImageItem(index, key: new Key("Item $index"));
return new FancyGalleryItem(index, key: new Key("Item $index"));
bool shouldRebuild(FancyItemDelegate oldDelegate) => false;
class ComplexLayoutState extends State<ComplexLayout> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
......@@ -70,14 +83,9 @@ class ComplexLayoutState extends State<ComplexLayout> {
body: new Column(
children: <Widget>[
new Flexible(
child: new ScrollableMixedWidgetList(
child: new LazyBlock(
key: new Key("main-scroll"),
builder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
if (index % 2 == 0)
return new FancyImageItem(index, key: new Key("Item $index"));
return new FancyGalleryItem(index, key: new Key("Item $index"));
delegate: new FancyItemDelegate()
new BottomBar()
......@@ -80,11 +80,12 @@ abstract class RenderBlockBase extends RenderBox
bool get isVertical => _mainAxis == Axis.vertical;
BoxConstraints _getInnerConstraints(BoxConstraints constraints) {
if (isVertical)
return new BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: constraints.constrainWidth(constraints.maxWidth),
height: itemExtent);
return new BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: constraints.constrainHeight(constraints.maxHeight),
width: itemExtent);
switch (_mainAxis) {
case Axis.horizontal:
return new BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: constraints.maxHeight, width: itemExtent);
case Axis.vertical:
return new BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: constraints.maxWidth, height: itemExtent);
double get _mainAxisExtent {
......@@ -2452,6 +2452,11 @@ class Listener extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
class RepaintBoundary extends SingleChildRenderObjectWidget {
RepaintBoundary({ Key key, Widget child }) : super(key: key, child: child);
factory RepaintBoundary.wrap(Widget child, int childIndex) {
Key key = child.key != null ? new ValueKey<Key>(child.key) : new ValueKey<int>(childIndex);
return new RepaintBoundary(key: key, child: child);
RenderRepaintBoundary createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => new RenderRepaintBoundary();
......@@ -701,17 +701,17 @@ class BuildOwner {
/// This mechanism prevents build functions from transitively requiring other
/// build functions to run, potentially causing infinite loops.
/// If the building argument is true, then this is a build scope. Build scopes
/// cannot be nested.
/// If the building argument is true, then this function enables additional
/// asserts that check invariants that should apply during building.
/// The context argument is used to describe the scope in case an exception is
/// caught while invoking the callback.
void lockState(void callback(), { bool building: false, String context }) {
bool debugPreviouslyBuilding;
assert(_debugStateLockLevel >= 0);
assert(() {
if (building) {
assert(_debugCurrentBuildTarget == null);
debugPreviouslyBuilding = _debugBuilding;
_debugBuilding = true;
_debugStateLockLevel += 1;
......@@ -726,8 +726,7 @@ class BuildOwner {
_debugStateLockLevel -= 1;
if (building) {
assert(_debugCurrentBuildTarget == null);
_debugBuilding = false;
_debugBuilding = debugPreviouslyBuilding;
return true;
......@@ -1360,6 +1359,7 @@ abstract class BuildableElement extends Element {
typedef Widget WidgetBuilder(BuildContext context);
typedef Widget IndexedBuilder(BuildContext context, int index);
// See _builder.
Widget _buildNothing(BuildContext context) => null;
......@@ -2088,6 +2088,7 @@ class MultiChildRenderObjectElement extends RenderObjectElement {
void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, dynamic slot) {
final ContainerRenderObjectMixin<RenderObject, ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderObject>> renderObject = this.renderObject;
assert(child.parent == renderObject);
renderObject.move(child, after: slot?.renderObject);
assert(renderObject == this.renderObject);
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'basic.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
import 'scrollable.dart';
import 'scroll_behavior.dart';
/// Provides children for [LazyBlock] and [LazyBlockViewport]
abstract class LazyBlockDelegate {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const LazyBlockDelegate();
/// Returns a widget representing the item with the given index.
/// The returned widget might or might not be cached by [LazyBlock]. See
/// [shouldRebuild] for details about how to evict the cache.
Widget buildItem(BuildContext context, int index);
/// Whether [LazyBlock] should evict its cache of widgets returned by [buildItem].
/// When a [LazyBlock] receives a new configuration, it evicts its cache of
/// widgets if (1) the new configuration has a delegate with a different
/// runtimeType thant he old delegate, or (2) the [shouldRebuild] method of
/// the new delegate returns true when passed the old delgate.
/// When calling this function, [LazyBlock] will always pass an argument that
/// matches the runtimeType of the receiver.
bool shouldRebuild(LazyBlockDelegate oldDelegate);
class LazyBlock extends Scrollable {
Key key,
double initialScrollOffset,
ScrollListener onScroll,
SnapOffsetCallback snapOffsetCallback,
}) : super(
key: key,
initialScrollOffset: initialScrollOffset,
onScroll: onScroll,
snapOffsetCallback: snapOffsetCallback
final LazyBlockDelegate delegate;
ScrollableState<LazyBlock> createState() => new _LazyBlockState();
class _LazyBlockState extends ScrollableState<LazyBlock> {
BoundedBehavior createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollWhenScrollableBehavior();
BoundedBehavior get scrollBehavior => super.scrollBehavior;
void _handleExtentsChanged(double contentExtent, double containerExtent, double minScrollOffset) {
setState(() {
contentExtent: contentExtent,
containerExtent: containerExtent,
minScrollOffset: minScrollOffset,
scrollOffset: scrollOffset
Widget buildContent(BuildContext context) {
return new LazyBlockViewport(
startOffset: scrollOffset,
direction: config.scrollDirection,
onExtentsChanged: _handleExtentsChanged,
delegate: config.delegate
typedef void LazyBlockExtentsChangedCallback(double contentExtent, double containerExtent, double minScrollOffset);
class LazyBlockViewport extends RenderObjectWidget {
Key key,
}) : super(key: key);
final double startOffset;
final Axis direction;
final LazyBlockExtentsChangedCallback onExtentsChanged;
final LazyBlockDelegate delegate;
_LazyBlockElement createElement() => new _LazyBlockElement(this);
_RenderLazyBlock createRenderObject(BuildContext context) => new _RenderLazyBlock();
class _LazyBlockParentData extends ContainerBoxParentDataMixin<RenderBox> { }
class _RenderLazyBlock extends RenderVirtualViewport<_LazyBlockParentData> {
Offset paintOffset:,
Axis mainAxis: Axis.vertical,
LayoutCallback callback
}) : super(
paintOffset: paintOffset,
mainAxis: mainAxis,
callback: callback
void setupParentData(RenderBox child) {
if (child.parentData is! _LazyBlockParentData)
child.parentData = new _LazyBlockParentData();
double _noIntrinsicExtent() {
assert(() {
if (!RenderObject.debugCheckingIntrinsics) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
'MixedViewport does not support returning intrinsic dimensions.\n'
'Calculating the intrinsic dimensions would require walking the entire child list,\n'
'which defeats the entire point of having a lazily-built list of children.'
return true;
return null;
double getIntrinsicWidth(BoxConstraints constraints) {
switch (mainAxis) {
case Axis.horizontal:
return constraints.constrainWidth(0.0);
case Axis.vertical:
return _noIntrinsicExtent();
double getMinIntrinsicWidth(BoxConstraints constraints) {
return getIntrinsicWidth(constraints);
double getMaxIntrinsicWidth(BoxConstraints constraints) {
return getIntrinsicWidth(constraints);
double getIntrinsicHeight(BoxConstraints constraints) {
switch (mainAxis) {
case Axis.horizontal:
return constraints.constrainWidth(0.0);
case Axis.vertical:
return _noIntrinsicExtent();
double getMinIntrinsicHeight(BoxConstraints constraints) {
return getIntrinsicHeight(constraints);
double getMaxIntrinsicHeight(BoxConstraints constraints) {
return getIntrinsicHeight(constraints);
bool get sizedByParent => true;
bool get isRepaintBoundary => true;
void performResize() {
size = constraints.biggest;
void performLayout() {
if (callback != null)
class _LazyBlockElement extends RenderObjectElement {
_LazyBlockElement(LazyBlockViewport widget) : super(widget);
LazyBlockViewport get widget => super.widget;
_RenderLazyBlock get renderObject => super.renderObject;
/// The offset of the top of the first item represented in _children from the top of the item with logical index zero.
double _firstChildLogicalOffset = 0.0;
/// The logical index of the first item represented in _children.
int _firstChildLogicalIndex = 0;
/// The explicitly represented items.
List<Element> _children = <Element>[];
/// The minimum scroll offset used by the scroll behavior.
/// Not all the items between the minimum and maximum scroll offsets are
/// reprsented explicitly in _children.
double _minScrollOffset = 0.0;
/// The maximum scroll offset used by the scroll behavior.
/// Not all the items between the minimum and maximum scroll offsets are
/// reprsented explicitly in _children.
double _maxScrollOffset = 0.0;
/// The smallest start offset (inclusive) that can be displayed properly with the items currently represented in [_children].
double _startOffsetLowerLimit = 0.0;
/// The largest start offset (exclusive) that can be displayed properly with the items currently represented in [_children].
double _startOffsetUpperLimit = 0.0;
double _lastReportedContentExtent;
double _lastReportedContainerExtent;
double _lastReportedMinScrollOffset;
void visitChildren(ElementVisitor visitor) {
for (Element child in _children)
void mount(Element parent, dynamic newSlot) {
super.mount(parent, newSlot);
..callback = _layout
..mainAxis = widget.direction;
// Children will get built during layout.
// Paint offset will get updated during layout.
void update(LazyBlockViewport newWidget) {
LazyBlockViewport oldWidget = widget;
renderObject.mainAxis = widget.direction;
if (newWidget.delegate.runtimeType != oldWidget.delegate.runtimeType ||
newWidget.delegate.shouldRebuild(oldWidget.delegate)) {
IndexedBuilder builder = widget.delegate.buildItem;
List<Widget> widgets = new List<Widget>(_children.length);
for (int i = 0; i < widgets.length; ++i)
widgets[i] = builder(this, _firstChildLogicalIndex + i);
_children = updateChildren(_children, widgets);
// If the new start offset can be displayed properly with the items
// currently represented in _children, we just need to update the paint
// offset. Otherwise, we need to trigger a layout in order to change the
// set of explicitly represented children.
if (widget.startOffset >= _startOffsetLowerLimit && widget.startOffset < _startOffsetUpperLimit)
void unmount() {
renderObject.callback = null;
void _layout(BoxConstraints constraints) {
final double blockExtent = _getMainAxisExtent(renderObject.size);
owner.lockState(() {
final IndexedBuilder builder = widget.delegate.buildItem;
final double startLogicalOffset = widget.startOffset;
final double endLogicalOffset = startLogicalOffset + blockExtent;
final _RenderLazyBlock block = renderObject;
final BoxConstraints innerConstraints = _getInnerConstraints(constraints);
// A high watermark for which children have been through layout this pass.
int firstLogicalIndexNeedingLayout = _firstChildLogicalIndex;
// The index of the current child we're examining. The index is the same one
// used for the builder (as opposed to the physical index in the _children
// list).
int currentLogicalIndex = _firstChildLogicalIndex;
// The offset of the current child we're examining from the start of the
// entire block (in the direction of the main axis). As we compute layout
// information, we use dead reckoning to keep track of where all the
// children are based on this quantity.
double currentLogicalOffset = _firstChildLogicalOffset;
// First, we check if we need to inflate any children before the start of
// the viewport. Because we're dead reckoning from the current viewport, we
// inflate the children in reverse tree order.
if (currentLogicalIndex > 0 && currentLogicalOffset > startLogicalOffset) {
final List<Element> newChildren = <Element>[];
while (currentLogicalIndex > 0 && currentLogicalOffset > startLogicalOffset) {
currentLogicalIndex -= 1;
Widget newWidget = new RepaintBoundary.wrap(builder(this, currentLogicalIndex), currentLogicalIndex);
assert(newWidget != null);
newChildren.add(inflateWidget(newWidget, null));
RenderBox child = block.firstChild;
assert(child == newChildren.last.renderObject);
child.layout(innerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
currentLogicalOffset -= _getMainAxisExtent(child.size);
final int numberOfNewChildren = newChildren.length;
_children.insertAll(0, newChildren.reversed);
_firstChildLogicalIndex = currentLogicalIndex;
_firstChildLogicalOffset = currentLogicalOffset;
firstLogicalIndexNeedingLayout = currentLogicalIndex + numberOfNewChildren;
} else if (currentLogicalOffset < startLogicalOffset) {
// If we didn't need to inflate more children before the viewport, we
// might need to deactivate children that have left the viewport from the
// top. We repeatedly check whether the first child overlaps the viewport
// and deactivate it if it's outside the viewport.
int currentPhysicalIndex = 0;
while (block.firstChild != null) {
RenderBox child = block.firstChild;
child.layout(innerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
firstLogicalIndexNeedingLayout += 1;
double childExtent = _getMainAxisExtent(child.size);
if (currentLogicalOffset + childExtent >= startLogicalOffset)
_children[currentPhysicalIndex] = null;
currentPhysicalIndex += 1;
currentLogicalIndex += 1;
currentLogicalOffset += childExtent;
if (currentPhysicalIndex > 0) {
_children.removeRange(0, currentPhysicalIndex);
_firstChildLogicalIndex = currentLogicalIndex;
_firstChildLogicalOffset = currentLogicalOffset;
// We've now established the invariant that the first physical child in the
// block is the first child that ought to be visible in the viewport. Now we
// need to walk forward until we've filled up the viewport. We might have
// already called layout for some of the children we encounter in this phase
// of the algorithm, we we'll need to be careful not to call layout on them again.
if (currentLogicalOffset >= startLogicalOffset) {
// The first element is visible. We need to update our reckoning of where
// the min scroll offset is.
_minScrollOffset = currentLogicalOffset;
_startOffsetLowerLimit = double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
} else {
// The first element is not visible. Ensure that we have enough headroom
// so we don't hit the min scroll offset prematurely.
_minScrollOffset = currentLogicalOffset - blockExtent * 2.0;
_startOffsetLowerLimit = currentLogicalOffset;
// Materialize new children until we fill the viewport (or run out of
// children to materialize).
RenderBox child;
while (currentLogicalOffset < endLogicalOffset) {
int physicalIndex = currentLogicalIndex - _firstChildLogicalIndex;
if (physicalIndex >= _children.length) {
assert(physicalIndex == _children.length);
Widget newWidget = new RepaintBoundary.wrap(builder(this, currentLogicalIndex), currentLogicalIndex);
if (newWidget == null)
Element previousChild = _children.isEmpty ? null : _children.last;
_children.add(inflateWidget(newWidget, previousChild));
child = _getNextWithin(block, child);
assert(child != null);
if (currentLogicalIndex >= firstLogicalIndexNeedingLayout) {
assert(currentLogicalIndex == firstLogicalIndexNeedingLayout);
child.layout(innerConstraints, parentUsesSize: true);
firstLogicalIndexNeedingLayout += 1;
currentLogicalOffset += _getMainAxisExtent(child.size);
currentLogicalIndex += 1;
// We now have all the physical children we ought to have to fill the
// viewport. The currentLogicalIndex is the index of the first child that
// we don't need.
if (currentLogicalOffset < endLogicalOffset) {
// The last element is visible. We need to update our reckoning of where
// the max scroll offset is.
_maxScrollOffset = currentLogicalOffset;
_startOffsetUpperLimit = double.INFINITY;
} else {
// The last element is not visible. Ensure that we have enough headroom
// so we don't hit the max scroll offset prematurely.
_maxScrollOffset = currentLogicalOffset + blockExtent * 2.0;
_startOffsetUpperLimit = currentLogicalOffset - blockExtent;
// Remove any unneeded children.
int currentPhysicalIndex = currentLogicalIndex - _firstChildLogicalIndex;
final int numberOfRequiredPhysicalChildren = currentPhysicalIndex;
while (currentPhysicalIndex < _children.length) {
_children[currentPhysicalIndex] = null;
currentPhysicalIndex += 1;
_children.length = numberOfRequiredPhysicalChildren;
// We now have the correct physical children, each of which has gone through
// layout exactly once. We still need to position them correctly. We
// position the first physical child at and use the paintOffset
// on the render object to adjust the final paint location of the children.
Offset currentChildOffset =;
child = block.firstChild;
while (child != null) {
final _LazyBlockParentData childParentData = child.parentData;
childParentData.offset = currentChildOffset;
currentChildOffset += _getMainAxisOffsetForSize(child.size);
child = childParentData.nextSibling;
}, building: true, context: 'during $runtimeType layout');
LazyBlockExtentsChangedCallback onExtentsChanged = widget.onExtentsChanged;
if (onExtentsChanged != null) {
double contentExtent = _maxScrollOffset - _minScrollOffset;
if (_lastReportedContentExtent != contentExtent ||
_lastReportedContainerExtent != blockExtent ||
_lastReportedMinScrollOffset != _minScrollOffset) {
_lastReportedContentExtent = contentExtent;
_lastReportedContainerExtent = blockExtent;
_lastReportedMinScrollOffset = _minScrollOffset;
onExtentsChanged(_lastReportedContentExtent, _lastReportedContainerExtent, _lastReportedMinScrollOffset);
BoxConstraints _getInnerConstraints(BoxConstraints constraints) {
switch (widget.direction) {
case Axis.horizontal:
return new BoxConstraints.tightFor(height: constraints.maxHeight);
case Axis.vertical:
return new BoxConstraints.tightFor(width: constraints.maxWidth);
double _getMainAxisExtent(Size size) {
switch (widget.direction) {
case Axis.horizontal:
return size.width;
case Axis.vertical:
return size.height;
Offset _getMainAxisOffsetForSize(Size size) {
switch (widget.direction) {
case Axis.horizontal:
return new Offset(size.width, 0.0);
case Axis.vertical:
return new Offset(0.0, size.height);
static RenderBox _getNextWithin(_RenderLazyBlock block, RenderBox child) {
if (child == null)
return block.firstChild;
final _LazyBlockParentData childParentData = child.parentData;
return childParentData.nextSibling;
void _updatePaintOffset() {
double physicalStartOffset = widget.startOffset - _firstChildLogicalOffset;
switch (widget.direction) {
case Axis.horizontal:
renderObject.paintOffset = new Offset(-physicalStartOffset, 0.0);
case Axis.vertical:
renderObject.paintOffset = new Offset(0.0, -physicalStartOffset);
void insertChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, Element slot) {
renderObject.insert(child, after: slot?.renderObject);
void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, dynamic slot) {
assert(child.parent == renderObject);
renderObject.move(child, after: slot?.renderObject);
void removeChildRenderObject(RenderObject child) {
assert(child.parent == renderObject);
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
import 'framework.dart';
import 'basic.dart';
typedef Widget IndexedBuilder(BuildContext context, int index); // return null if index is greater than index of last entry
typedef void InvalidatorCallback(Iterable<int> indices);
typedef void InvalidatorAvailableCallback(InvalidatorCallback invalidator);
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ class PageableListState<T extends PageableList> extends ScrollableState<T> {
ScrollBehavior<double, double> createScrollBehavior() => scrollBehavior;
ExtentScrollBehavior createScrollBehavior() => scrollBehavior;
bool get shouldSnapScrollOffset => config.itemsSnapAlignment == PageableListFlingBehavior.canFlingAcrossMultiplePages;
......@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ class ScrollableViewport extends Scrollable {
class _ScrollableViewportState extends ScrollableState<ScrollableViewport> {
ScrollBehavior<double, double> createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollWhenScrollableBehavior();
OverscrollWhenScrollableBehavior createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollWhenScrollableBehavior();
OverscrollWhenScrollableBehavior get scrollBehavior => super.scrollBehavior;
......@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ class ScrollableMixedWidgetListState extends ScrollableState<ScrollableMixedWidg
ScrollBehavior<double, double> createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollBehavior();
OverscrollBehavior createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollBehavior();
OverscrollBehavior get scrollBehavior => super.scrollBehavior;
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class ScrollableGrid extends Scrollable {
class _ScrollableGridState extends ScrollableState<ScrollableGrid> {
ScrollBehavior<double, double> createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollBehavior();
ExtentScrollBehavior createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollBehavior();
ExtentScrollBehavior get scrollBehavior => super.scrollBehavior;
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class ScrollableList extends Scrollable {
class _ScrollableListState extends ScrollableState<ScrollableList> {
ScrollBehavior<double, double> createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollWhenScrollableBehavior();
ExtentScrollBehavior createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollWhenScrollableBehavior();
ExtentScrollBehavior get scrollBehavior => super.scrollBehavior;
......@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ class ScrollableLazyList extends Scrollable {
class _ScrollableLazyListState extends ScrollableState<ScrollableLazyList> {
ScrollBehavior<double, double> createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollBehavior();
ExtentScrollBehavior createScrollBehavior() => new OverscrollBehavior();
ExtentScrollBehavior get scrollBehavior => super.scrollBehavior;
......@@ -170,8 +170,7 @@ abstract class VirtualViewportElement extends RenderObjectElement {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
int childIndex = base + i;
Widget child = _widgetProvider.getChild(childIndex);
Key key = child.key != null ? new ValueKey<Key>(child.key) : new ValueKey<int>(childIndex);
newWidgets[i] = new RepaintBoundary(key: key, child: child);
newWidgets[i] = new RepaintBoundary.wrap(child, childIndex);
assert(!debugChildrenHaveDuplicateKeys(widget, newWidgets));
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ export 'src/widgets/gesture_detector.dart';
export 'src/widgets/gridpaper.dart';
export 'src/widgets/heroes.dart';
export 'src/widgets/implicit_animations.dart';
export 'src/widgets/lazy_block.dart';
export 'src/widgets/locale_query.dart';
export 'src/widgets/media_query.dart';
export 'src/widgets/mimic.dart';
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