Commit 5ac6f931 authored by Devon Carew's avatar Devon Carew

Merge pull request #1305 from devoncarew/device_notification

Device notification
parents 5ad67975 8bb8e1d9
......@@ -6,21 +6,14 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import '../android/adb.dart';
import '../base/logging.dart';
import '../device.dart';
import '../runner/flutter_command.dart';
import 'start.dart';
import 'stop.dart';
const String protocolVersion = '0.0.1';
/// A @domain annotation.
const String domain = 'domain';
/// A domain @command annotation.
const String command = 'command';
// TODO: Create a `device` domain in order to list devices and fire events when
// devices are added or removed.
const String protocolVersion = '0.0.2';
/// A server process command. This command will start up a long-lived server.
/// It reads JSON-RPC based commands from stdin, executes them, and returns
......@@ -32,7 +25,6 @@ class DaemonCommand extends FlutterCommand {
final String name = 'daemon';
final String description = 'Run a persistent, JSON-RPC based server to communicate with devices.';
Future<int> runInProject() async {
print('Starting device daemon...');
......@@ -48,90 +40,101 @@ class DaemonCommand extends FlutterCommand {
await downloadApplicationPackagesAndConnectToDevices();
Daemon daemon = new Daemon(commandStream, (Map command) {
stdout.writeln('[${JSON.encode(command, toEncodable: _jsonEncodeObject)}]');
}, daemonCommand: this);
return await daemon.onExit;
dynamic _jsonEncodeObject(dynamic object) {
if (object is Device)
return _deviceToMap(object);
return object;
typedef void DispatchComand(Map command);
typedef void DispatchComand(Map<String, dynamic> command);
typedef Future<dynamic> CommandHandler(dynamic args);
class Daemon {
final DispatchComand sendCommand;
final DaemonCommand daemonCommand;
final Completer<int> _onExitCompleter = new Completer();
final Map<String, Domain> _domains = {};
Daemon(Stream<Map> commandStream, this.sendCommand, {this.daemonCommand}) {
// Set up domains.
_registerDomain(new DaemonDomain(this));
_registerDomain(new AppDomain(this));
_registerDomain(new DeviceDomain(this));
// Start listening.
(Map command) => _handleCommand(command),
(Map request) => _handleRequest(request),
onDone: () => _onExitCompleter.complete(0)
final DispatchComand sendCommand;
final DaemonCommand daemonCommand;
final Completer<int> _onExitCompleter = new Completer<int>();
final Map<String, Domain> _domainMap = <String, Domain>{};
void _registerDomain(Domain domain) {
_domains[] = domain;
_domainMap[] = domain;
Future<int> get onExit => _onExitCompleter.future;
void _handleCommand(Map command) {
// {id, event, params}
var id = command['id'];
void _handleRequest(Map request) {
// {id, method, params}
// [id] is an opaque type to us.
dynamic id = request['id'];
if (id == null) {
logging.severe('no id for command: $command');
logging.severe('no id for request: $request');
try {
String event = command['event'];
if (event.indexOf('.') == -1)
throw 'command not understood: $event';
String method = request['method'];
if (method.indexOf('.') == -1)
throw 'method not understood: $method';
String prefix = event.substring(0, event.indexOf('.'));
String name = event.substring(event.indexOf('.') + 1);
if (_domains[prefix] == null)
throw 'no domain for command: $command';
String prefix = method.substring(0, method.indexOf('.'));
String name = method.substring(method.indexOf('.') + 1);
if (_domainMap[prefix] == null)
throw 'no domain for method: $method';
_domains[prefix].handleEvent(name, id, command['params']);
_domainMap[prefix].handleCommand(name, id, request['params']);
} catch (error, trace) {
_send({'id': id, 'error': _toJsonable(error)});
logging.warning('error handling ${command['event']}', error, trace);
logging.warning('error handling $request', error, trace);
void _send(Map map) => sendCommand(map);
void shutdown() {
_domainMap.values.forEach((Domain domain) => domain.dispose());
if (!_onExitCompleter.isCompleted)
abstract class Domain {
final Daemon daemon;
final String name;
final Map<String, CommandHandler> _handlers = {};
void registerHandler(String name, CommandHandler handler) {
_handlers[name] = handler;
String toString() => name;
void handleEvent(String name, dynamic id, dynamic args) {
void handleCommand(String name, dynamic id, dynamic args) {
new Future.sync(() {
if (_handlers.containsKey(name))
return _handlers[name](args);
......@@ -148,24 +151,30 @@ abstract class Domain {
void sendEvent(String name, [dynamic args]) {
Map<String, dynamic> map = { 'method': name };
if (args != null)
map['params'] = _toJsonable(args);
void _send(Map map) => daemon._send(map);
void dispose() { }
/// This domain responds to methods like [version] and [shutdown].
class DaemonDomain extends Domain {
DaemonDomain(Daemon daemon) : super(daemon, 'daemon') {
registerHandler('version', version);
registerHandler('shutdown', shutdown);
Future<dynamic> version(dynamic args) {
Future<String> version(dynamic args) {
return new Future.value(protocolVersion);
Future<dynamic> shutdown(dynamic args) {
Future shutdown(dynamic args) { => daemon.shutdown());
return new Future.value();
......@@ -175,14 +184,12 @@ class DaemonDomain extends Domain {
/// It'll be extended to fire events for when applications start, stop, and
/// log data.
class AppDomain extends Domain {
AppDomain(Daemon daemon) : super(daemon, 'app') {
registerHandler('start', start);
registerHandler('stopAll', stopAll);
Future<dynamic> start(dynamic args) {
// TODO: Add the ability to pass args: target, http, checked
StartCommand startComand = new StartCommand();
......@@ -190,7 +197,6 @@ class AppDomain extends Domain {
return startComand.runInProject().then((_) => null);
Future<bool> stopAll(dynamic args) {
StopCommand stopCommand = new StopCommand();
......@@ -198,8 +204,138 @@ class AppDomain extends Domain {
/// This domain lets callers list and monitor connected devices.
/// It exports a `getDevices()` call, as well as firing `device.added`,
/// `device.removed`, and `device.changed` events.
class DeviceDomain extends Domain {
DeviceDomain(Daemon daemon) : super(daemon, 'device') {
registerHandler('getDevices', getDevices);
_androidDeviceDiscovery = new AndroidDeviceDiscovery();
_androidDeviceDiscovery.onAdded.listen((Device device) {
sendEvent('device.added', _deviceToMap(device));
_androidDeviceDiscovery.onRemoved.listen((Device device) {
sendEvent('device.removed', _deviceToMap(device));
_androidDeviceDiscovery.onChanged.listen((Device device) {
sendEvent('device.changed', _deviceToMap(device));
AndroidDeviceDiscovery _androidDeviceDiscovery;
Future<List<Device>> getDevices(dynamic args) {
List<Device> devices = <Device>[];
return new Future.value(devices);
void dispose() {
class AndroidDeviceDiscovery {
AndroidDeviceDiscovery() {
if (_adb != null) {
_subscription = _adb.trackDevices().listen(_handleNewDevices);
Adb _adb;
StreamSubscription _subscription;
Map<String, AndroidDevice> _devices = new Map<String, AndroidDevice>();
StreamController<Device> addedController = new StreamController<Device>.broadcast();
StreamController<Device> removedController = new StreamController<Device>.broadcast();
StreamController<Device> changedController = new StreamController<Device>.broadcast();
List<Device> getDevices() => _devices.values.toList();
Stream<Device> get onAdded =>;
Stream<Device> get onRemoved =>;
Stream<Device> get onChanged =>;
void _initAdb() {
if (_adb == null) {
_adb = new Adb(AndroidDevice.getAdbPath());
if (!_adb.exists())
_adb = null;
void _handleNewDevices(List<AdbDevice> newDevices) {
List<AndroidDevice> currentDevices = new List.from(getDevices());
for (AdbDevice device in newDevices) {
AndroidDevice androidDevice = _devices[];
if (androidDevice == null) {
// device added
androidDevice = new AndroidDevice(
productID: device.productID,
modelID: device.modelID,
deviceCodeName: device.deviceCodeName,
connected: device.isAvailable
_devices[] = androidDevice;
} else {
// check state
if (androidDevice.isConnected() != device.isAvailable) {
// device removed
for (AndroidDevice device in currentDevices) {
// I don't know the purpose of this cache or if it's a good idea. We should
// probably have a DeviceManager singleton class to coordinate known devices
// and different device discovery mechanisms.
void dispose() {
Map<String, dynamic> _deviceToMap(Device device) {
return <String, dynamic>{
'platform': _enumToString(device.platform),
'available': device.isConnected()
/// Take an enum value and get the best string representation of that.
/// toString() on enums returns 'EnumType.enumName'.
String _enumToString(dynamic enumValue) {
String str = '$enumValue';
if (str.contains('.'))
return str.substring(str.indexOf('.') + 1);
return str;
dynamic _toJsonable(dynamic obj) {
if (obj is String || obj is int || obj is bool || obj is Map || obj is List || obj == null)
return obj;
if (obj is Device)
return obj;
return '$obj';
......@@ -21,8 +21,14 @@ abstract class Device {
return _deviceCache.putIfAbsent(id, () => constructor(id));
static void removeFromCache(String id) {
String get name;
/// Install an app package on the current device
bool installApp(ApplicationPackage app);
......@@ -532,20 +538,25 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
String modelID;
String deviceCodeName;
bool _connected;
String _adbPath;
String get adbPath => _adbPath;
bool _hasAdb = false;
bool _hasValidAndroid = false;
factory AndroidDevice(
{String id: null,
factory AndroidDevice({
String id: null,
String productID: null,
String modelID: null,
String deviceCodeName: null}) {
String deviceCodeName: null,
bool connected
}) {
AndroidDevice device = Device._unique(id ?? defaultDeviceID, (String id) => new AndroidDevice._(id));
device.productID = productID;
device.modelID = modelID;
device.deviceCodeName = deviceCodeName;
if (connected != null)
device._connected = connected;
return device;
......@@ -553,7 +564,7 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
/// we don't have to rely on the test setup having adb available to it.
static List<AndroidDevice> getAttachedDevices([AndroidDevice mockAndroid]) {
List<AndroidDevice> devices = [];
String adbPath = (mockAndroid != null) ? mockAndroid.adbPath : _getAdbPath();
String adbPath = (mockAndroid != null) ? mockAndroid.adbPath : getAdbPath();
try {
runCheckedSync([adbPath, 'version']);
......@@ -623,7 +634,7 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
AndroidDevice._(id) : super._(id) {
_adbPath = _getAdbPath();
_adbPath = getAdbPath();
_hasAdb = _checkForAdb();
// Checking for [minApiName] only needs to be done if we are starting an
......@@ -655,7 +666,7 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
static String _getAdbPath() {
static String getAdbPath() {
if (Platform.environment.containsKey('ANDROID_HOME')) {
String androidHomeDir = Platform.environment['ANDROID_HOME'];
String adbPath1 = path.join(androidHomeDir, 'sdk', 'platform-tools', 'adb');
......@@ -782,6 +793,8 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
return CryptoUtils.bytesToHex(sha1.close());
String get name => modelID;
bool isAppInstalled(ApplicationPackage app) {
if (!isConnected()) {
......@@ -992,8 +1005,11 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
return null;
bool isConnected() => _hasValidAndroid;
bool isConnected() => _connected != null ? _connected : _hasValidAndroid;
void setConnected(bool value) {
_connected = value;
class DeviceStore {
......@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ defineTests() {
StreamController<Map> responses = new StreamController();
daemon = new Daemon(,
(Map result) => responses.add(result)
(Map<String, dynamic> result) => responses.add(result)
commands.add({'id': 0, 'event': 'daemon.version'});
commands.add({'id': 0, 'method': 'daemon.version'});
Map response = await;
expect(response['id'], 0);
expect(response['result'], isNotEmpty);
......@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ defineTests() {
StreamController<Map> responses = new StreamController();
daemon = new Daemon(,
(Map result) => responses.add(result)
(Map<String, dynamic> result) => responses.add(result)
commands.add({'id': 0, 'event': 'daemon.shutdown'});
commands.add({'id': 0, 'method': 'daemon.shutdown'});
return daemon.onExit.then((int code) {
expect(code, 0);
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ defineTests() {
StreamController<Map> responses = new StreamController();
daemon = new Daemon(,
(Map result) => responses.add(result),
(Map<String, dynamic> result) => responses.add(result),
daemonCommand: command
......@@ -71,10 +71,23 @@ defineTests() {
commands.add({'id': 0, 'event': 'app.stopAll'});
commands.add({'id': 0, 'method': 'app.stopAll'});
Map response = await;
expect(response['id'], 0);
expect(response['result'], true);
test('device.getDevices', () async {
StreamController<Map> commands = new StreamController();
StreamController<Map> responses = new StreamController();
daemon = new Daemon(,
(Map<String, dynamic> result) => responses.add(result)
commands.add({'id': 0, 'method': 'device.getDevices'});
Map response = await;
expect(response['id'], 0);
expect(response['result'], isList);
......@@ -7,8 +7,15 @@ import 'dart:io';
Process daemon;
// To use, start from the console and enter:
// version: print version
// shutdown: terminate the server
// start: start an app
// stopAll: stop any running app
// devices: list devices
main() async {
daemon = await Process.start('dart', ['bin/flutter_tools.dart', 'daemon']);
daemon = await Process.start('flutter', ['daemon']);
print('daemon process started, pid: ${}');
......@@ -20,13 +27,15 @@ main() async {
stdout.write('> ');
stdin.transform(UTF8.decoder).transform(const LineSplitter()).listen((String line) {
if (line == 'version' || line == 'v') {
_send({'event': 'daemon.version'});
_send({'method': 'daemon.version'});
} else if (line == 'shutdown' || line == 'q') {
_send({'event': 'daemon.shutdown'});
_send({'method': 'daemon.shutdown'});
} else if (line == 'start') {
_send({'event': 'app.start'});
_send({'method': 'app.start'});
} else if (line == 'stopAll') {
_send({'event': 'app.stopAll'});
_send({'method': 'app.stopAll'});
} else if (line == 'devices') {
_send({'method': 'device.getDevices'});
} else {
print('command not understood: ${line}');
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