Commit 5aa9a7fc authored by Jason Simmons's avatar Jason Simmons

Forward the observatory (but not the diagnostic server) when in profile mode (#4183)

parent 604c75f1
......@@ -294,20 +294,32 @@ class AndroidDevice extends Device {
printTrace('Waiting for observatory port to be available...');
try {
int observatoryDevicePort, diagnosticDevicePort;
if (options.buildMode == BuildMode.debug) {
Future<List<int>> scrapeServicePorts = Future.wait(
<Future<int>>[observatoryDiscovery.nextPort(), diagnosticDiscovery.nextPort()]
List<int> devicePorts = await scrapeServicePorts.timeout(new Duration(seconds: 20));
int observatoryDevicePort = devicePorts[0];
observatoryDevicePort = devicePorts[0];
diagnosticDevicePort = devicePorts[1];
} else {
observatoryDevicePort = await observatoryDiscovery.nextPort().timeout(new Duration(seconds: 20));
printTrace('observatory port = $observatoryDevicePort');
int observatoryLocalPort = await options.findBestObservatoryPort();
// TODO(devoncarew): Remember the forwarding information (so we can later remove the
// port forwarding).
await _forwardPort(ProtocolDiscovery.kObservatoryService, observatoryDevicePort, observatoryLocalPort);
int diagnosticDevicePort = devicePorts[1];
int diagnosticLocalPort;
if (diagnosticDevicePort != null) {
printTrace('diagnostic port = $diagnosticDevicePort');
int diagnosticLocalPort = await options.findBestDiagnosticPort();
diagnosticLocalPort = await options.findBestDiagnosticPort();
await _forwardPort(ProtocolDiscovery.kDiagnosticService, diagnosticDevicePort, diagnosticLocalPort);
return new LaunchResult.succeeded(
observatoryPort: observatoryLocalPort,
diagnosticPort: diagnosticLocalPort
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class RunCommand extends RunCommandBase {
DebuggingOptions options;
if (getBuildMode() != BuildMode.debug) {
if (getBuildMode() == BuildMode.release) {
options = new DebuggingOptions.disabled(getBuildMode());
} else {
options = new DebuggingOptions.enabled(
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