Commit 55421096 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth

Move fn.dart into /sky/framework

It's awkward to work on fn.dart in the examples directory so this CL moves it
to /sky/framework. Also, I've merged the whole library into one file instead of
using the |part| mechanism. The whole thing isn't that big.

Review URL:
parent c3aeac0e
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of fn;
List<Component> _dirtyComponents = new List<Component>();
bool _renderScheduled = false;
void _renderDirtyComponents() {
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch()..start();
_dirtyComponents.sort((a, b) => a._order - b._order);
for (var comp in _dirtyComponents) {
_renderScheduled = false;
print("Render took ${sw.elapsedMicroseconds} microseconds");
void _scheduleComponentForRender(Component c) {
if (!_renderScheduled) {
_renderScheduled = true;
new Future.microtask(_renderDirtyComponents);
abstract class Component extends Node {
bool _dirty = true; // components begin dirty because they haven't rendered.
Node _rendered = null;
bool _removed = false;
final int _order;
static int _currentOrder = 0;
bool _stateful;
static Component _currentlyRendering;
Component({ Object key, bool stateful })
: _stateful = stateful != null ? stateful : false,
_order = _currentOrder + 1,
void willUnmount() {}
void _remove() {
assert(_rendered != null);
assert(_root != null);
_rendered = null;
_root = null;
_removed = true;
// TODO(rafaelw): It seems wrong to expose DOM at all. This is presently
// needed to get sizing info.
sky.Node getRoot() => _root;
bool _sync(Node old, sky.Node host, sky.Node insertBefore) {
Component oldComponent = old as Component;
if (oldComponent == null || oldComponent == this) {
_renderInternal(host, insertBefore);
return false;
assert(oldComponent != null);
assert(_rendered == null);
if (oldComponent._stateful) {
_stateful = false; // prevent iloop from _renderInternal below.
reflect.copyPublicFields(this, oldComponent);
oldComponent._dirty = true;
_dirty = false;
oldComponent._renderInternal(host, insertBefore);
return true; // Must retain old component
_rendered = oldComponent._rendered;
_renderInternal(host, insertBefore);
return false;
void _renderInternal(sky.Node host, sky.Node insertBefore) {
if (!_dirty) {
assert(_rendered != null);
var oldRendered = _rendered;
int lastOrder = _currentOrder;
_currentOrder = _order;
_currentlyRendering = this;
_rendered = render();
_currentlyRendering = null;
_currentOrder = lastOrder;;
_dirty = false;
// TODO(rafaelw): This prevents components from returning different node
// types as their root node at different times. Consider relaxing.
assert(oldRendered == null ||
_rendered.runtimeType == oldRendered.runtimeType);
if (_rendered._sync(oldRendered, host, insertBefore)) {
_rendered = oldRendered; // retain stateful component
_root = _rendered._root;
assert(_rendered._root is sky.Node);
void _renderIfDirty() {
assert(_rendered != null);
var rendered = _rendered;
while (rendered is Component) {
rendered = rendered._rendered;
sky.Node root = rendered._root;
_renderInternal(root.parentNode, root.nextSibling);
void setState(Function fn()) {
assert(_rendered != null); // cannot setState before mounting.
_stateful = true;
if (_currentlyRendering != this) {
_dirty = true;
Node render();
abstract class App extends Component {
sky.Node _host = null;
: super(stateful: true) {
_host = sky.document.createElement('div');
new Future.microtask(() {
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch()..start();
_sync(null, _host, null);
assert(_root is sky.Node);
print("Initial render: ${sw.elapsedMicroseconds} microseconds");
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of fn;
class EventHandler {
final String type;
final sky.EventListener listener;
EventHandler(this.type, this.listener);
class EventMap {
final List<EventHandler> _handlers = new List<EventHandler>();
void listen(String type, sky.EventListener listener) {
assert(listener != null);
_handlers.add(new EventHandler(type, listener));
void addAll(EventMap events) {
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fn;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:sky' as sky;
import 'reflect.dart' as reflect;
part 'component.dart';
part 'event.dart';
part 'node.dart';
part 'style.dart';
bool _checkedMode;
bool _debugWarnings() {
void testFn(double i) {}
if (_checkedMode == null) {
_checkedMode = false;
try {
testFn('not a double');
} catch (ex) {
_checkedMode = true;
return _checkedMode;
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of fn;
void _parentInsertBefore(sky.ParentNode parent,
sky.Node node,
sky.Node ref) {
if (ref != null) {
} else {
abstract class Node {
String _key = null;
sky.Node _root = null;
// TODO(abarth): Both Elements and Components have |events| but |Text|
// doesn't. Should we add a common base class to contain |events|?
final EventMap events = new EventMap();
Node({ Object key }) {
_key = key == null ? "$runtimeType" : "$runtimeType-$key";
// Return true IFF the old node has *become* the new node (should be
// retained because it is stateful)
bool _sync(Node old, sky.ParentNode host, sky.Node insertBefore);
void _remove() {
assert(_root != null);
_root = null;
class Text extends Node {
String data;
// Text nodes are special cases of having non-unique keys (which don't need
// to be assigned as part of the API). Since they are unique in not having
// children, there's little point to reordering, so we always just re-assign
// the data.
Text( : super(key:'*text*');
bool _sync(Node old, sky.ParentNode host, sky.Node insertBefore) {
if (old == null) {
_root = new sky.Text(data);
_parentInsertBefore(host, _root, insertBefore);
return false;
_root = old._root;
(_root as sky.Text).data = data;
return false;
final List<Node> _emptyList = new List<Node>();
abstract class Element extends Node {
String get _tagName;
Element get _emptyElement;
String inlineStyle;
List<Node> _children = null;
String _className = '';
Object key,
List<Node> children,
Style style,
}) : super(key:key) {
_className = style == null ? '': style._className;
_children = children == null ? _emptyList : children;
if (_debugWarnings()) {
void _remove() {
if (_children != null) {
for (var child in _children) {
_children = null;
void _debugReportDuplicateIds() {
var idSet = new HashSet<String>();
for (var child in _children) {
if (child is Text) {
continue; // Text nodes all have the same key and are never reordered.
if (!idSet.add(child._key)) {
throw '''If multiple (non-Text) nodes of the same type exist as children
of another node, they must have unique keys.''';
void _syncEvents([Element old]) {
List<EventHandler> newHandlers = events._handlers;
int newStartIndex = 0;
int newEndIndex = newHandlers.length;
List<EventHandler> oldHandlers =;
int oldStartIndex = 0;
int oldEndIndex = oldHandlers.length;
// Skip over leading handlers that match.
while (newStartIndex < newEndIndex && oldStartIndex < oldEndIndex) {
EventHandler newHander = newHandlers[newStartIndex];
EventHandler oldHandler = oldHandlers[oldStartIndex];
if (newHander.type != oldHandler.type
|| newHander.listener != oldHandler.listener)
// Skip over trailing handlers that match.
while (newStartIndex < newEndIndex && oldStartIndex < oldEndIndex) {
EventHandler newHander = newHandlers[newEndIndex - 1];
EventHandler oldHandler = oldHandlers[oldEndIndex - 1];
if (newHander.type != oldHandler.type
|| newHander.listener != oldHandler.listener)
sky.Element root = _root as sky.Element;
for (int i = oldStartIndex; i < oldEndIndex; ++i) {
EventHandler oldHandler = oldHandlers[i];
root.removeEventListener(oldHandler.type, oldHandler.listener);
for (int i = newStartIndex; i < newEndIndex; ++i) {
EventHandler newHander = newHandlers[i];
root.addEventListener(newHander.type, newHander.listener);
void _syncNode([Element old]) {
if (old == null) {
old = _emptyElement;
sky.Element root = _root as sky.Element;
if (_className != old._className) {
root.setAttribute('class', _className);
if (inlineStyle != old.inlineStyle) {
root.setAttribute('style', inlineStyle);
bool _sync(Node old, sky.ParentNode host, sky.Node insertBefore) {
// print("---Syncing children of $_key");
Element oldElement = old as Element;
if (oldElement == null) {
// print(" oldElement, initial render");
_root = sky.document.createElement(_tagName);
for (var child in _children) {
child._sync(null, _root, null);
assert(child._root is sky.Node);
_parentInsertBefore(host, _root, insertBefore);
return false;
_root = oldElement._root;
oldElement._root = null;
sky.Element root = (_root as sky.Element);
var startIndex = 0;
var endIndex = _children.length;
var oldChildren = oldElement._children;
var oldStartIndex = 0;
var oldEndIndex = oldChildren.length;
sky.Node nextSibling = null;
Node currentNode = null;
Node oldNode = null;
void sync(int atIndex) {
if (currentNode._sync(oldNode, root, nextSibling)) {
// oldNode was stateful and must be retained.
assert(oldNode != null);
currentNode = oldNode;
_children[atIndex] = currentNode;
assert(currentNode._root is sky.Node);
// Scan backwards from end of list while nodes can be directly synced
// without reordering.
// print("...scanning backwards");
while (endIndex > startIndex && oldEndIndex > oldStartIndex) {
currentNode = _children[endIndex - 1];
oldNode = oldChildren[oldEndIndex - 1];
if (currentNode._key != oldNode._key) {
// print('> syncing matched at: $endIndex : $oldEndIndex');
nextSibling = currentNode._root;
HashMap<String, Node> oldNodeIdMap = null;
bool oldNodeReordered(String key) {
return oldNodeIdMap != null &&
oldNodeIdMap.containsKey(key) &&
oldNodeIdMap[key] == null;
void advanceOldStartIndex() {
while (oldStartIndex < oldEndIndex &&
oldNodeReordered(oldChildren[oldStartIndex]._key)) {
void ensureOldIdMap() {
if (oldNodeIdMap != null)
oldNodeIdMap = new HashMap<String, Node>();
for (int i = oldStartIndex; i < oldEndIndex; i++) {
var node = oldChildren[i];
if (node is! Text) {
oldNodeIdMap.putIfAbsent(node._key, () => node);
bool searchForOldNode() {
if (currentNode is Text)
return false; // Never re-order Text nodes.
oldNode = oldNodeIdMap[currentNode._key];
if (oldNode == null)
return false;
oldNodeIdMap[currentNode._key] = null; // mark it reordered.
// print("Reparenting ${currentNode._key}");
_parentInsertBefore(root, oldNode._root, nextSibling);
return true;
// Scan forwards, this time we may re-order;
// print("...scanning forward");
nextSibling = root.firstChild;
while (startIndex < endIndex && oldStartIndex < oldEndIndex) {
currentNode = _children[startIndex];
oldNode = oldChildren[oldStartIndex];
if (currentNode._key == oldNode._key) {
// print('> syncing matched at: $startIndex : $oldStartIndex');
assert(currentNode.runtimeType == oldNode.runtimeType);
nextSibling = nextSibling.nextSibling;
oldNode = null;
if (searchForOldNode()) {
// print('> reordered to $startIndex');
} else {
// print('> inserting at $startIndex');
// New insertions
oldNode = null;
// print('...processing remaining insertions');
while (startIndex < endIndex) {
// print('> inserting at $startIndex');
currentNode = _children[startIndex];
// Removals
// print('...processing remaining removals');
currentNode = null;
while (oldStartIndex < oldEndIndex) {
oldNode = oldChildren[oldStartIndex];
// print('> ${oldNode._key} removing from $oldEndIndex');
oldElement._children = null;
return false;
class Container extends Element {
String get _tagName => 'div';
static final Container _emptyContainer = new Container();
Element get _emptyElement => _emptyContainer;
Object key,
List<Node> children,
Style style,
String inlineStyle
}) : super(
key: key,
children: children,
style: style,
inlineStyle: inlineStyle
class Image extends Element {
String get _tagName => 'img';
static final Image _emptyImage = new Image();
Element get _emptyElement => _emptyImage;
String src;
int width;
int height;
Object key,
List<Node> children,
Style style,
String inlineStyle,
}) : super(
key: key,
children: children,
style: style,
inlineStyle: inlineStyle
void _syncNode([Element old]) {
Image oldImage = old != null ? old : _emptyImage;
sky.HTMLImageElement skyImage = _root as sky.HTMLImageElement;
if (src != oldImage.src) {
skyImage.src = src;
if (width != oldImage.width) {['width'] = '${width}px';
if (height != oldImage.height) {['height'] = '${height}px';
class Anchor extends Element {
String get _tagName => 'a';
static final Anchor _emptyAnchor = new Anchor();
String href;
Object key,
List<Node> children,
Style style,
String inlineStyle,
}) : super(
key: key,
children: children,
style: style,
inlineStyle: inlineStyle
void _syncNode([Element old]) {
Anchor oldAnchor = old != null ? old as Anchor : _emptyAnchor;
sky.HTMLAnchorElement skyAnchor = _root as sky.HTMLAnchorElement;
if (href != oldAnchor.href) {
skyAnchor.href = href;
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library reflect;
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'dart:collection';
final HashMap<ClassMirror, List> _fieldCache = new HashMap<ClassMirror, List>();
List<Symbol> _getPublicFields(ClassMirror mirror) {
return _fieldCache.putIfAbsent(mirror, () {
List<Symbol> fields = new List<Symbol>();
while (mirror != null) {
var decls = mirror.declarations;
fields.addAll(decls.keys.where((symbol) {
var mirror = decls[symbol];
if (mirror is! VariableMirror) {
return false;
var vMirror = mirror as VariableMirror;
return !vMirror.isPrivate && !vMirror.isStatic && !vMirror.isFinal;
mirror = mirror.superclass;
return fields;
void copyPublicFields(Object source, Object target) {
assert(source.runtimeType == target.runtimeType);
var sourceMirror = reflect(source);
var targetMirror = reflect(target);
for (var symbol in _getPublicFields(sourceMirror.type)) {
targetMirror.setField(symbol, sourceMirror.getField(symbol).reflectee);
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
part of fn;
class Style {
final String _className;
static final Map<String, Style> _cache = new HashMap<String, Style>();
static int nextStyleId = 1;
static String nextClassName(String styles) {
assert(sky.document != null);
String className = "style$nextStyleId";
sky.Element styleNode = sky.document.createElement('style');
styleNode.setChild(new sky.Text(".$className { $styles }"));
return className;
factory Style(String styles) {
return _cache.putIfAbsent(styles, () {
return new Style._internal(nextClassName(styles));
library item;
import '../../../framework/fn.dart';
import 'dart:sky' as sky;
import 'fn.dart';
import 'widgets.dart';
enum Color { RED, GREEN }
library widgets;
import '../lib/fn.dart';
import '../../../framework/animation/curves.dart';
import '../../../framework/animation/fling-curve.dart';
import '../../../framework/fn.dart';
import '../../../framework/theme/colors.dart';
import '../../../framework/theme/shadows.dart';
import 'dart:collection';
library stocksapp;
import '../../framework/fn.dart';
import '../data/stocks.dart';
import '../fn/lib/fn.dart';
import '../fn/widgets/widgets.dart';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math';
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