Commit 54403a61 authored by Hixie's avatar Hixie

A proof of concept for annular sector layout.

Could be useful for watch faces. :-)
Includes some minor fixes to layout2.dart.
Includes adding a very basic path API.

Review URL:
parent 87e8b162
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'dart:sky' as sky;
import 'package:sky/framework/layout2.dart';
const double kTwoPi = 2 * math.PI;
double deg(double radians) => radians * 180.0 / math.PI;
class SectorConstraints {
const SectorConstraints({
this.minDeltaRadius: 0.0,
this.maxDeltaRadius: double.INFINITY,
this.minDeltaTheta: 0.0,
this.maxDeltaTheta: kTwoPi});
const SectorConstraints.tight({ double deltaRadius: 0.0, double deltaTheta: 0.0 })
: minDeltaRadius = deltaRadius,
maxDeltaRadius = deltaRadius,
minDeltaTheta = deltaTheta,
maxDeltaTheta = deltaTheta;
final double minDeltaRadius;
final double maxDeltaRadius;
final double minDeltaTheta;
final double maxDeltaTheta;
double constrainDeltaRadius(double deltaRadius) {
return clamp(min: minDeltaRadius, max: maxDeltaRadius, value: deltaRadius);
double constrainDeltaTheta(double deltaTheta) {
return clamp(min: minDeltaTheta, max: maxDeltaTheta, value: deltaTheta);
class SectorDimensions {
const SectorDimensions({ this.deltaRadius: 0.0, this.deltaTheta: 0.0 });
factory SectorDimensions.withConstraints(
SectorConstraints constraints,
{ double deltaRadius: 0.0, double deltaTheta: 0.0 }
) {
return new SectorDimensions(
deltaRadius: constraints.constrainDeltaRadius(deltaRadius),
deltaTheta: constraints.constrainDeltaTheta(deltaTheta)
final double deltaRadius;
final double deltaTheta;
class SectorParentData extends ParentData {
double radius = 0.0;
double theta = 0.0;
abstract class RenderSector extends RenderNode {
void setParentData(RenderNode child) {
if (child.parentData is! SectorParentData)
child.parentData = new SectorParentData();
SectorDimensions getIntrinsicDimensions(SectorConstraints constraints, double radius) {
return new SectorDimensions.withConstraints(constraints);
void layout(SectorConstraints constraints, double radius, { RenderNode relayoutSubtreeRoot }) {
deltaRadius = constraints.constrainDeltaRadius(0.0);
deltaTheta = constraints.constrainDeltaTheta(0.0);
double deltaRadius;
double deltaTheta;
class RenderDecoratedSector extends RenderSector {
BoxDecoration _decoration;
RenderDecoratedSector(BoxDecoration decoration) : _decoration = decoration;
void setBoxDecoration(BoxDecoration decoration) {
if (_decoration == decoration)
_decoration = decoration;
// origin must be set to the center of the circle
void paint(RenderNodeDisplayList canvas) {
assert(deltaRadius != null);
assert(deltaTheta != null);
assert(parentData is SectorParentData);
if (_decoration == null)
if (_decoration.backgroundColor != null) {
sky.Paint paint = new sky.Paint()..color = _decoration.backgroundColor;
sky.Path path = new sky.Path();
double outerRadiusOver2 = (parentData.radius + deltaRadius) / 2.0;
sky.Rect outerBounds = new sky.Rect()..setLTRB(-outerRadiusOver2, -outerRadiusOver2, outerRadiusOver2, outerRadiusOver2);
path.arcTo(outerBounds, deg(parentData.theta), deg(deltaTheta), true);
double innerRadiusOver2 = parentData.radius / 2.0;
sky.Rect innerBounds = new sky.Rect()..setLTRB(-innerRadiusOver2, -innerRadiusOver2, innerRadiusOver2, innerRadiusOver2);
path.arcTo(innerBounds, deg(parentData.theta + deltaTheta), deg(-deltaTheta), false);
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
class SectorChildListParentData extends SectorParentData with ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderSector> { }
class RenderSectorRing extends RenderDecoratedSector with ContainerRenderNodeMixin<RenderSector, SectorChildListParentData> {
// lays out RenderSector children in a ring
BoxDecoration decoration,
double deltaRadius: double.INFINITY,
double padding: 0.0
}) : super(decoration), _padding = padding, _desiredDeltaRadius = deltaRadius;
double _desiredDeltaRadius;
double get desiredDeltaRadius => _desiredDeltaRadius;
void set desiredDeltaRadius(double value) {
assert(value != null);
if (_desiredDeltaRadius != value) {
_desiredDeltaRadius = value;
double _padding;
double get padding => _padding;
void set padding(double value) {
assert(value != null);
if (_padding != value) {
_padding = value;
void setParentData(RenderNode child) {
if (child.parentData is! SectorChildListParentData)
child.parentData = new SectorChildListParentData();
SectorDimensions getIntrinsicDimensions(SectorConstraints constraints, double radius) {
double outerDeltaRadius = constraints.constrainDeltaRadius(desiredDeltaRadius);
double innerDeltaRadius = outerDeltaRadius - padding * 2.0;
double childRadius = radius + padding;
double paddingTheta = math.atan(padding / (radius + outerDeltaRadius));
double innerTheta = paddingTheta; // increments with each child
double remainingTheta = constraints.maxDeltaTheta - (innerTheta + paddingTheta);
RenderSector child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
SectorConstraints innerConstraints = new SectorConstraints(
maxDeltaRadius: innerDeltaRadius,
maxDeltaTheta: remainingTheta
SectorDimensions childDimensions = child.getIntrinsicDimensions(innerConstraints, childRadius);
innerTheta += childDimensions.deltaTheta;
remainingTheta -= childDimensions.deltaTheta;
assert(child.parentData is SectorChildListParentData);
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
if (child != null) {
innerTheta += paddingTheta;
remainingTheta -= paddingTheta;
return new SectorDimensions.withConstraints(constraints,
deltaRadius: outerDeltaRadius,
deltaTheta: innerTheta);
SectorConstraints _constraints;
void layout(SectorConstraints constraints, double radius, { RenderNode relayoutSubtreeRoot }) {
if (relayoutSubtreeRoot != null)
relayoutSubtreeRoot = relayoutSubtreeRoot == null ? this : relayoutSubtreeRoot;
deltaRadius = constraints.constrainDeltaRadius(desiredDeltaRadius);
assert(deltaRadius < double.INFINITY);
_constraints = constraints;
internalLayout(radius, relayoutSubtreeRoot);
void relayout() {
assert(parentData is SectorParentData);
internalLayout(parentData.radius, this);
void internalLayout(double radius, RenderNode relayoutSubtreeRoot) {
double innerDeltaRadius = deltaRadius - padding * 2.0;
double childRadius = radius + padding;
double paddingTheta = math.atan(padding / (radius + deltaRadius));
double innerTheta = paddingTheta; // increments with each child
double remainingTheta = _constraints.maxDeltaTheta - (innerTheta + paddingTheta);
RenderSector child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
SectorConstraints innerConstraints = new SectorConstraints(
maxDeltaRadius: innerDeltaRadius,
maxDeltaTheta: remainingTheta
child.layout(innerConstraints, childRadius, relayoutSubtreeRoot: relayoutSubtreeRoot);
assert(child.parentData is SectorParentData);
child.parentData.theta = innerTheta;
child.parentData.radius = childRadius;
innerTheta += child.deltaTheta;
remainingTheta -= child.deltaTheta;
assert(child.parentData is SectorChildListParentData);
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
if (child != null) {
innerTheta += paddingTheta;
remainingTheta -= paddingTheta;
deltaTheta = innerTheta;
// TODO(ianh): hit testing et al is pending on adam's patch
// paint origin is 0,0 of our circle
// each sector then knows how to paint itself at its location
void paint(RenderNodeDisplayList canvas) {
RenderSector child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
assert(child.parentData is SectorChildListParentData);
canvas.paintChild(child, 0.0, 0.0);
child = child.parentData.nextSibling;
class RenderBoxToRenderSectorAdapter extends RenderBox {
RenderBoxToRenderSectorAdapter({ double innerRadius: 0.0, RenderSector child }) :
_innerRadius = innerRadius {
_child = child;
double _innerRadius;
double get innerRadius => _innerRadius;
void set innerRadius(double value) {
_innerRadius = value;
RenderSector _child;
RenderSector get child => _child;
void set child(RenderSector value) {
if (_child != null)
_child = value;
void setParentData(RenderNode child) {
if (child.parentData is! SectorParentData)
child.parentData = new SectorParentData();
BoxDimensions getIntrinsicDimensions(BoxConstraints constraints) {
if (child == null)
return new BoxDimensions.withConstraints(constraints, width: 0.0, height: 0.0);
assert(child is RenderSector);
assert(child.parentData is SectorParentData);
double maxChildDeltaRadius = math.max(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.maxHeight) / 2.0 - innerRadius;
SectorDimensions childDimensions = child.getIntrinsicDimensions(new SectorConstraints(maxDeltaRadius: maxChildDeltaRadius), innerRadius);
double dimension = (innerRadius + childDimensions.deltaRadius) * 2.0;
return new BoxDimensions.withConstraints(constraints, width: dimension, height: dimension);
void layout(BoxConstraints constraints, { RenderNode relayoutSubtreeRoot }) {
if (relayoutSubtreeRoot != null)
relayoutSubtreeRoot = relayoutSubtreeRoot == null ? this : relayoutSubtreeRoot;
BoxDimensions ourDimensions;
if (child == null) {
ourDimensions = new BoxDimensions.withConstraints(constraints, width: 0.0, height: 0.0);
} else {
assert(child is RenderSector);
assert(child.parentData is SectorParentData);
double maxChildDeltaRadius = math.min(constraints.maxWidth, constraints.maxHeight) / 2.0 - innerRadius;
child.layout(new SectorConstraints(maxDeltaRadius: maxChildDeltaRadius), innerRadius, relayoutSubtreeRoot: relayoutSubtreeRoot);
double dimension = (innerRadius + child.deltaRadius) * 2.0;
ourDimensions = new BoxDimensions.withConstraints(constraints, width: dimension, height: dimension);
width = ourDimensions.width;
height = ourDimensions.height;
print("adapter is: ${width}x${height}");
double width;
double height;
// TODO(ianh): hit testing et al is pending on adam's patch
// paint origin is 0,0 of our circle
void paint(RenderNodeDisplayList canvas) {
if (child != null) {
print("painting child at ${width/2.0},${height/2.0}");
sky.Paint paint;
paint = new sky.Paint()..color = 0xFF474700;
canvas.drawRect(new sky.Rect()..setLTRB(0.0, 0.0, width, height), paint);
paint = new sky.Paint()..color = 0xFFF7F700;
canvas.drawRect(new sky.Rect()..setLTRB(10.0, 10.0, width-10.0, height-10.0), paint);
paint = new sky.Paint()..color = 0xFFFFFFFF;
canvas.drawRect(new sky.Rect()..setLTRB(width/2.0-5.0, height/2.0-5.0, width/2.0+5.0, height/2.0+5.0), paint);
canvas.paintChild(child, width/2.0, height/2.0);
class RenderSolidColor extends RenderDecoratedSector {
final int backgroundColor;
RenderSolidColor(int backgroundColor)
: super(new BoxDecoration(backgroundColor: backgroundColor)),
backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
SectorDimensions getIntrinsicDimensions(SectorConstraints constraints, double radius) {
return new SectorDimensions.withConstraints(constraints, deltaTheta: 1.0); // 1.0 radians
void layout(SectorConstraints constraints, double radius, { RenderNode relayoutSubtreeRoot }) {
deltaRadius = constraints.constrainDeltaRadius(constraints.maxDeltaRadius);
deltaTheta = constraints.constrainDeltaTheta(1.0); // 1.0 radians
RenderView renderView;
void beginFrame(double timeStamp) {
bool handleEvent(sky.Event event) {
if (event is! sky.PointerEvent)
return false;
return renderView.handlePointer(event, x: event.x, y: event.y);
void main() {
var rootCircle = new RenderSectorRing(padding: 10.0);
rootCircle.add(new RenderSolidColor(0xFF00FF00));
rootCircle.add(new RenderSolidColor(0xFF0000FF));
var root = new RenderBoxToRenderSectorAdapter(innerRadius: 50.0, child: rootCircle);
renderView = new RenderView(root: root);
renderView.layout(newWidth: sky.view.width, newHeight: sky.view.height);
print("window is ${sky.view.width}x${sky.view.height}");
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