Unverified Commit 4dd56df4 authored by Yegor's avatar Yegor Committed by GitHub

[web] add image decoder benchmark (#93174)

parent 0125b032
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class BenchDynamicClipOnStaticPicture extends SceneBuilderRecorder {
// If the scrollable extent is too small, the benchmark may end up
// scrolling the picture out of the clip area entirely, resulting in
// bogus metric values.
const double maxScrollExtent = kTotalSampleCount * kScrollDelta;
const double maxScrollExtent = kDefaultTotalSampleCount * kScrollDelta;
const double pictureHeight = kRows * kRowHeight;
if (maxScrollExtent > pictureHeight) {
throw Exception(
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'recorder.dart';
/// Measures the performance of image decoding.
/// The benchmark measures the decoding latency and not impact on jank. It
/// cannot distinguish between blocking and non-blocking decoding. It simply
/// measures the total time it takes to decode image frames. For example, the
/// WASM codecs execute on the main thread and block the UI, leading to jank,
/// but the browser's WebCodecs API is asynchronous running on a separate thread
/// and does not jank. However, the benchmark result may be the same.
/// This benchmark does not support the HTML renderer because the HTML renderer
/// cannot decode image frames (it always returns 1 dummy frame, even for
/// animated images).
class BenchImageDecoding extends RawRecorder {
BenchImageDecoding() : super(
name: benchmarkName,
useCustomWarmUp: true,
static const String benchmarkName = 'bench_image_decoding';
// These test images are taken from https://github.com/flutter/flutter_gallery_assets/tree/master/lib/splash_effects
static const List<String> _imageUrls = <String>[
final List<Uint8List> _imageData = <Uint8List>[];
Future<void> setUpAll() async {
if (_imageData.isNotEmpty) {
for (final String imageUrl in _imageUrls) {
final html.Body image = await html.window.fetch(imageUrl) as html.Body;
_imageData.add((await image.arrayBuffer() as ByteBuffer).asUint8List());
// The number of samples recorded so far.
int _sampleCount = 0;
// The number of samples used for warm-up.
static const int _warmUpSampleCount = 5;
// The number of samples used to measure performance after the warm-up.
static const int _measuredSampleCount = 20;
Future<void> body(Profile profile) async {
await profile.recordAsync('recordImageDecode', () async {
final List<Future<void>> allDecodes = <Future<void>>[
for (final Uint8List data in _imageData)
await Future.wait(allDecodes);
}, reported: true);
_sampleCount += 1;
if (_sampleCount == _warmUpSampleCount) {
if (_sampleCount >= _warmUpSampleCount + _measuredSampleCount) {
Future<void> _decodeImage(Uint8List data) async {
final ui.Codec codec = await ui.instantiateImageCodec(data);
const int decodeFrameCount = 5;
if (codec.frameCount < decodeFrameCount) {
throw Exception(
'Test image contains too few frames for this benchmark (${codec.frameCount}). '
'Choose a test image with at least $decodeFrameCount frames.'
for (int i = 0; i < decodeFrameCount; i++) {
(await codec.getNextFrame()).image.dispose();
......@@ -16,16 +16,22 @@ import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// The number of samples from warm-up iterations.
/// The default number of samples from warm-up iterations.
/// We warm-up the benchmark prior to measuring to allow JIT and caches to settle.
const int _kWarmUpSampleCount = 200;
/// This value is used when [Profile.useCustomWarmUp] is set to false.
/// The benchmark is warmed up prior to measuring to allow JIT and caches to settle.
const int _kDefaultWarmUpSampleCount = 200;
/// The number of samples we use to collect statistics from.
const int _kMeasuredSampleCount = 100;
/// The default number of samples collected to compute benchmark statistics.
/// This value is used when [Profile.useCustomWarmUp] is set to false.
const int _kDefaultMeasuredSampleCount = 100;
/// The total number of samples collected by a benchmark.
const int kTotalSampleCount = _kWarmUpSampleCount + _kMeasuredSampleCount;
/// The default total number of samples collected by a benchmark.
/// This value is used when [Profile.useCustomWarmUp] is set to false.
const int kDefaultTotalSampleCount = _kDefaultWarmUpSampleCount + _kDefaultMeasuredSampleCount;
/// A benchmark metric that includes frame-related computations prior to
/// submitting layer and picture operations to the underlying renderer, such as
......@@ -38,6 +44,10 @@ const String kProfilePrerollFrame = 'preroll_frame';
const String kProfileApplyFrame = 'apply_frame';
/// Measures the amount of time [action] takes.
/// See also:
/// * [timeAsyncAction], which measures the time of asynchronous work.
Duration timeAction(VoidCallback action) {
final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
......@@ -45,6 +55,18 @@ Duration timeAction(VoidCallback action) {
return stopwatch.elapsed;
/// Measures the amount of time the future returned by [action] takes to complete.
/// See also:
/// * [timeAction], which measures the time of synchronous work.
Future<Duration> timeAsyncAction(AsyncCallback action) async {
final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
await action();
return stopwatch.elapsed;
/// A function that performs asynchronous work.
typedef AsyncVoidCallback = Future<void> Function();
......@@ -161,12 +183,16 @@ abstract class Recorder {
/// }
/// ```
abstract class RawRecorder extends Recorder {
RawRecorder({required String name}) : super._(name, false);
RawRecorder({required String name, bool useCustomWarmUp = false})
: _useCustomWarmUp = useCustomWarmUp, super._(name, false);
/// Whether to delimit warm-up frames in a custom way.
final bool _useCustomWarmUp;
/// The body of the benchmark.
/// This is the part that records measurements of the benchmark.
void body(Profile profile);
FutureOr<void> body(Profile profile);
Profile? get profile => _profile;
......@@ -175,10 +201,13 @@ abstract class RawRecorder extends Recorder {
Future<Profile> run() async {
_profile = Profile(name: name);
_profile = Profile(name: name, useCustomWarmUp: _useCustomWarmUp);
do {
await Future<void>.delayed(Duration.zero);
final FutureOr<void> result = body(_profile!);
if (result is Future) {
await result;
} while (shouldContinue());
return _profile!;
......@@ -552,13 +581,15 @@ class _WidgetBuildRecorderHostState extends State<_WidgetBuildRecorderHost> {
/// Series of time recordings indexed in time order.
/// It can calculate [average], [standardDeviation] and [noise]. If the amount
/// of data collected is higher than [_kMeasuredSampleCount], then these
/// calculations will only apply to the latest [_kMeasuredSampleCount] data
/// points.
/// A timeseries is expected to contain at least one warm-up frame added by
/// calling [add] with `isWarmUpValue` set to true, followed by at least one
/// measured value added by calling [add] with `isWarmUpValue` set to false.
class Timeseries {
Timeseries(this.name, this.isReported, {this.useCustomWarmUp = false})
: _warmUpFrameCount = useCustomWarmUp ? 0 : null;
/// Creates an empty timeseries.
/// The [name] is a unique name of this timeseries. If [isReported] is true
/// this timeseries is reported to the benchmark dashboard.
Timeseries(this.name, this.isReported);
/// The label of this timeseries used for debugging and result inspection.
final String name;
......@@ -573,17 +604,8 @@ class Timeseries {
/// but that are too fine-grained to be useful for tracking on the dashboard.
final bool isReported;
/// Whether to delimit warm-up frames in a custom way.
final bool useCustomWarmUp;
/// The number of frames ignored as warm-up frames, used only
/// when [useCustomWarmUp] is true.
int? _warmUpFrameCount;
/// The number of frames ignored as warm-up frames.
int get warmUpFrameCount => useCustomWarmUp
? _warmUpFrameCount!
: count - _kMeasuredSampleCount;
/// The number of samples ignored as warm-up frames.
int _warmUpSampleCount = 0;
/// List of all the values that have been recorded.
......@@ -598,15 +620,26 @@ class Timeseries {
/// See [TimeseriesStats] for more details.
TimeseriesStats computeStats() {
final int finalWarmUpFrameCount = warmUpFrameCount;
assert(finalWarmUpFrameCount >= 0 && finalWarmUpFrameCount < count);
// Assertions do not use the `assert` keyword because benchmarks run in
// profile mode, where asserts are tree-shaken out.
if (_warmUpSampleCount == 0) {
throw StateError(
'The benchmark did not warm-up. Use at least one sample to warm-up '
'the benchmark to reduce noise.');
if (_warmUpSampleCount >= count) {
throw StateError(
'The benchmark did not report any measured samples. Add at least one '
'sample after warm-up is done. There were $_warmUpSampleCount warm-up '
'samples, and no measured samples in this timeseries.'
// The first few values we simply discard and never look at. They're from the warm-up phase.
final List<double> warmUpValues = _allValues.sublist(0, finalWarmUpFrameCount);
final List<double> warmUpValues = _allValues.sublist(0, _warmUpSampleCount);
// Values we analyze.
final List<double> candidateValues = _allValues.sublist(finalWarmUpFrameCount);
final List<double> candidateValues = _allValues.sublist(_warmUpSampleCount);
// The average that includes outliers.
final double dirtyAverage = _computeAverage(name, candidateValues);
......@@ -663,6 +696,9 @@ class Timeseries {
// Whether the timeseries is in the warm-up phase.
bool _isWarmingUp = true;
/// Adds a value to this timeseries.
void add(double value, {required bool isWarmUpValue}) {
if (value < 0.0) {
......@@ -670,10 +706,17 @@ class Timeseries {
'Timeseries $name: negative metric values are not supported. Got: $value',
if (useCustomWarmUp && isWarmUpValue) {
_warmUpFrameCount = (_warmUpFrameCount ?? 0) + 1;
if (isWarmUpValue) {
if (!_isWarmingUp) {
throw StateError(
'A warm-up value was added to the timeseries after the warm-up phase finished.'
_warmUpSampleCount += 1;
} else if (_isWarmingUp) {
_isWarmingUp = false;
......@@ -787,9 +830,17 @@ class AnnotatedSample {
/// Base class for a profile collected from running a benchmark.
class Profile {
/// Creates an empty profile that can be populated with benchmark samples
/// using [record], [recordAsync], and [addDataPoint] methods.
/// The [name] is the unique name of this profile that distinguishes is from
/// other profiles. Typically, the name will describe the benchmark.
/// If [useCustomWarmUp] is true the benchmark will continue running until
/// [stopBenchmark] is called. Otherwise, the benchmark collects the
/// [kDefaultTotalSampleCount] samples and stops automatically.
Profile({required this.name, this.useCustomWarmUp = false})
: assert(name != null),
_isWarmingUp = useCustomWarmUp;
: assert(name != null);
/// The name of the benchmark that produced this profile.
final String name;
......@@ -797,26 +848,48 @@ class Profile {
/// Whether to delimit warm-up frames in a custom way.
final bool useCustomWarmUp;
/// Whether we are measuring warm-up frames currently.
/// True if the benchmark is currently measuring warm-up frames.
bool get isWarmingUp => _isWarmingUp;
bool _isWarmingUp = true;
bool _isWarmingUp;
/// True if the benchmark is currently running.
bool get isRunning => _isRunning;
bool _isRunning = true;
/// Stop the warm-up phase.
/// Stops the warm-up phase.
/// Call this method only when [useCustomWarmUp] and [isWarmingUp] are both
/// true.
/// Call this method only once for each profile.
/// After calling this method, subsequent calls to [record], [recordAsync],
/// and [addDataPoint] will record measured data samples.
/// Call this method only once for each profile and only when [isWarmingUp]
/// is true.
void stopWarmingUp() {
if (!useCustomWarmUp) {
throw Exception('`stopWarmingUp` should be used only when `useCustomWarmUp` is true.');
} else if (!_isWarmingUp) {
throw Exception('Warm-up already stopped.');
if (!_isWarmingUp) {
throw StateError('Warm-up already stopped.');
} else {
_isWarmingUp = false;
/// Stops the benchmark.
/// Call this method only once for each profile and only when [isWarmingUp]
/// is false (i.e. after calling [stopWarmingUp]).
void stopBenchmark() {
if (_isWarmingUp) {
throw StateError(
'Warm-up has not finished yet. Benchmark should only be stopped after '
'it recorded at least one sample after the warm-up.'
} else if (scoreData.isEmpty) {
throw StateError(
'The benchmark did not collect any data.'
} else {
_isRunning = false;
/// This data will be used to display cards in the Flutter Dashboard.
final Map<String, Timeseries> scoreData = <String, Timeseries>{};
......@@ -824,12 +897,27 @@ class Profile {
final Map<String, dynamic> extraData = <String, dynamic>{};
/// Invokes [callback] and records the duration of its execution under [key].
/// See also:
/// * [recordAsync], which records asynchronous work.
Duration record(String key, VoidCallback callback, { required bool reported }) {
final Duration duration = timeAction(callback);
addDataPoint(key, duration, reported: reported);
return duration;
/// Invokes [callback] and records the amount of time the returned future takes.
/// See also:
/// * [record], which records synchronous work.
Future<Duration> recordAsync(String key, AsyncCallback callback, { required bool reported }) async {
final Duration duration = await timeAsyncAction(callback);
addDataPoint(key, duration, reported: reported);
return duration;
/// Adds a timed sample to the timeseries corresponding to [key].
/// Set [reported] to `true` to report the timeseries to the dashboard UI.
......@@ -839,8 +927,43 @@ class Profile {
void addDataPoint(String key, Duration duration, { required bool reported }) {
() => Timeseries(key, reported, useCustomWarmUp: useCustomWarmUp),
() => Timeseries(key, reported),
).add(duration.inMicroseconds.toDouble(), isWarmUpValue: isWarmingUp);
if (!useCustomWarmUp) {
// The stopWarmingUp and stopBenchmark will not be called. Use the
// auto-stopping logic.
/// Checks the samples collected so far and sets the appropriate benchmark phase.
/// If enough warm-up samples have been collected, stops the warm-up phase and
/// begins the measuring phase.
/// If enough total samples have been collected, stops the benchmark.
void _autoUpdateBenchmarkPhase() {
if (useCustomWarmUp) {
'Must not call _autoUpdateBenchmarkPhase if custom warm-up is used. '
'Call `stopWarmingUp` and `stopBenchmark` instead.'
if (_isWarmingUp) {
final bool doesHaveEnoughWarmUpSamples = scoreData.keys
.every((String key) => scoreData[key]!.count >= _kDefaultWarmUpSampleCount);
if (doesHaveEnoughWarmUpSamples) {
} else if (_isRunning) {
final bool doesHaveEnoughTotalSamples = scoreData.keys
.every((String key) => scoreData[key]!.count >= kDefaultTotalSampleCount);
if (doesHaveEnoughTotalSamples) {
/// Decides whether the data collected so far is sufficient to stop, or
......@@ -858,9 +981,7 @@ class Profile {
return true;
// We have recorded something, but do we have enough samples? If every
// timeseries has collected enough samples, stop the benchmark.
return !scoreData.keys.every((String key) => scoreData[key]!.count >= kTotalSampleCount);
return isRunning;
/// Returns a JSON representation of the profile that will be sent to the
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import 'src/web/bench_clipped_out_pictures.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_default_target_platform.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_draw_rect.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_dynamic_clip_on_static_picture.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_image_decoding.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_mouse_region_grid_hover.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_mouse_region_grid_scroll.dart';
import 'src/web/bench_mouse_region_mixed_grid_hover.dart';
......@@ -62,6 +63,11 @@ final Map<String, RecorderFactory> benchmarks = <String, RecorderFactory>{
BenchTextLayout.canvasKitBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextLayout.canvasKit(),
BenchBuildColorsGrid.canvasKitBenchmarkName: () => BenchBuildColorsGrid.canvasKit(),
BenchTextCachedLayout.canvasKitBenchmarkName: () => BenchTextCachedLayout.canvasKit(),
// The HTML renderer does not decode frame-by-frame. It just drops an <img>
// element and lets it animate automatically with no feedback to the
// framework. So this benchmark only makes sense in CanvasKit.
BenchImageDecoding.benchmarkName: () => BenchImageDecoding(),
// HTML-only benchmarks
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