Unverified Commit 4bb68400 authored by Alexandre Ardhuin's avatar Alexandre Ardhuin Committed by GitHub

no need .toList() before .join() (#30304)

parent 295e5669
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ String generateTranslationBundles() {
/// * [getMaterialTranslation], whose documentation describes these values.
final Set<String> kSupportedLanguages = HashSet<String>.from(const <String>[
${languageCodes.map<String>((String value) => " '$value', // ${describeLocale(value)}").toList().join('\n')}
${languageCodes.map<String>((String value) => " '$value', // ${describeLocale(value)}").join('\n')}
/// Creates a [GlobalMaterialLocalizations] instance for the given `locale`.
......@@ -217,10 +217,10 @@ void generate(String commit) {
<String, String>{
'imports': samples.map<String>((SampleInfo page) {
return "import '${page.importPath}' show ${page.sampleClass};\n";
'widgets': samples.map<String>((SampleInfo sample) {
return 'new ${sample.sampleClass}(),\n';
......@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ void generate(String commit) {
<String, String>{
'paths': samples.map<String>((SampleInfo sample) {
return "'${outputFile(sample.sourceName + '.png').path}'";
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