Commit 49e59231 authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth Committed by GitHub

Finish dartdocs for framework.dart (#5971)

parent 42dee0be
......@@ -1751,7 +1751,7 @@ class BuildOwner {
/// * At this point, the element is considered "defunct" and will not be
/// incorporated into the tree in the future.
abstract class Element implements BuildContext {
/// Creates an element that instantiates the given widget.
/// Creates an element that uses the given widget as its configuration.
/// Typically called by an override of [Widget.createElement].
Element(Widget widget) : _widget = widget {
......@@ -2349,17 +2349,18 @@ abstract class Element implements BuildContext {
/// A widget that renders an exception's message. This widget is used when a
/// build function fails, to help with determining where the problem lies.
/// Exceptions are also logged to the console, which you can read using `flutter
/// logs`. The console will also include additional information such as the
/// stack trace for the exception.
/// A widget that renders an exception's message.
/// This widget is used when a build function fails, to help with determining
/// where the problem lies. Exceptions are also logged to the console, which you
/// can read using `flutter logs`. The console will also include additional
/// information such as the stack trace for the exception.
class ErrorWidget extends LeafRenderObjectWidget {
Object exception
) : message = _stringify(exception),
/// Creates a widget that displays the given error message.
ErrorWidget(Object exception) : message = _stringify(exception),
super(key: new UniqueKey());
/// The message to display.
final String message;
static String _stringify(Object exception) {
......@@ -2381,7 +2382,7 @@ class ErrorWidget extends LeafRenderObjectWidget {
/// An [Element] that can be marked dirty and rebuilt.
abstract class BuildableElement extends Element {
/// Creates an element that instantiates the given widget.
/// Creates an element that uses the given widget as its configuration.
BuildableElement(Widget widget) : super(widget);
/// Returns true if the element has been marked as needing rebuilding.
......@@ -2535,7 +2536,10 @@ abstract class BuildableElement extends Element {
/// Signature for a function that creates a widget.
typedef Widget WidgetBuilder(BuildContext context);
/// Signature for a function that creates a widget for a given index, e.g., in a list.
typedef Widget IndexedWidgetBuilder(BuildContext context, int index);
// See ComponentElement._builder.
......@@ -2546,7 +2550,7 @@ Widget _buildNothing(BuildContext context) => null;
/// Rather than creating a [RenderObject] directly, a [ComponentElement] creates
/// [RenderObject]s indirectly by creating other [Element]s.
abstract class ComponentElement extends BuildableElement {
/// Creates an element that instantiates the given widget.
/// Creates an element that uses the given widget as its configuration.
ComponentElement(Widget widget) : super(widget);
// Initializing this field with _buildNothing helps the compiler prove that
......@@ -2613,8 +2617,9 @@ abstract class ComponentElement extends BuildableElement {
/// Instantiation of [StatelessWidget]s.
/// An element that uses a [StatelessWidget] as its configuration.
class StatelessElement extends ComponentElement {
/// Creates an element that uses the given widget as its configuration.
StatelessElement(StatelessWidget widget) : super(widget) {
_builder =;
......@@ -2638,8 +2643,9 @@ class StatelessElement extends ComponentElement {
/// Instantiation of [StatefulWidget]s.
/// An element that uses a [StatefulWidget] as its configuration.
class StatefulElement extends ComponentElement {
/// Creates an element that uses the given widget as its configuration.
StatefulElement(StatefulWidget widget)
: _state = widget.createState(), super(widget) {
......@@ -2652,6 +2658,11 @@ class StatefulElement extends ComponentElement {
assert(_state._debugLifecycleState == _StateLifecycle.created);
/// The [State] instance associated with this location in the tree.
/// There is a one-to-one relationship between [State] objects and the
/// [StatefulElement] objects that hold them. The [State] objects are created
/// by [StatefulElement] in [mount].
State<StatefulWidget> get state => _state;
State<StatefulWidget> _state;
......@@ -2784,9 +2795,9 @@ class StatefulElement extends ComponentElement {
/// A base class for elements that instantiate [ProxyElement]s.
/// An element that uses a [ProxyElement] as its configuration.
abstract class ProxyElement extends ComponentElement {
/// Creates an element that instantiates the given widget.
/// Initializes fields for subclasses.
ProxyElement(ProxyWidget widget) : super(widget) {
_builder = _build;
......@@ -2814,12 +2825,17 @@ abstract class ProxyElement extends ComponentElement {
/// Notify other objects that the wiget associated with this element has changed.
/// Called during [update] after changing the widget associated with this
/// element but before rebuilding this element.
void notifyClients(ProxyWidget oldWidget);
/// Base class for instantiations of [ParentDataWidget] subclasses.
/// An element that uses a [ParentDataWidget] as its configuration.
class ParentDataElement<T extends RenderObjectWidget> extends ProxyElement {
/// Creates an element that uses the given widget as its configuration.
ParentDataElement(ParentDataWidget<T> widget) : super(widget);
......@@ -2855,22 +2871,24 @@ class ParentDataElement<T extends RenderObjectWidget> extends ProxyElement {
super.mount(parent, slot);
void _notifyChildren(Element child) {
if (child is RenderObjectElement) {
} else {
assert(child is! ParentDataElement<RenderObjectWidget>);
void notifyClients(ParentDataWidget<T> oldWidget) {
void notifyChildren(Element child) {
if (child is RenderObjectElement) {
} else {
assert(child is! ParentDataElement<RenderObjectWidget>);
/// Base class for instantiations of [InheritedWidget] subclasses.
/// An element that uses a [InheritedWidget] as its configuration.
class InheritedElement extends ProxyElement {
/// Creates an element that uses the given widget as its configuration.
InheritedElement(InheritedWidget widget) : super(widget);
......@@ -2928,8 +2946,9 @@ class InheritedElement extends ProxyElement {
/// Base class for instantiations of [RenderObjectWidget] subclasses.
/// An element that uses a [RenderObjectWidget] as its configuration.
abstract class RenderObjectElement extends BuildableElement {
/// Creates an element that uses the given widget as its configuration.
RenderObjectElement(RenderObjectWidget widget) : super(widget);
......@@ -2988,10 +3007,23 @@ abstract class RenderObjectElement extends BuildableElement {
_dirty = false;
/// Utility function for subclasses that have one or more lists of children.
/// Updates the children of this element to use new widgets.
/// Attempts to update the given old children list using the given new
/// widgets, removing obsolete elements and introducing new ones as necessary,
/// and then returns the new child list.
/// During this function the `oldChildren` list must not be modified. If the
/// caller wishes to remove elements from `oldChildren` re-entrantly while
/// this function is on the stack, the caller can supply a `detachedChildren`
/// argument, which can be modified while this function is on the stack.
/// Whenever this function reads from `oldChildren`, this function first
/// checks whether the child is in `detachedChildren`. If it is, the function
/// acts as if the child was not in `oldChildren`.
/// This function is a convienence wrapper around [updateChild], which updates
/// each individual child. When calling [updateChild], this function uses the
/// previous element as the `newSlot` argument.
List<Element> updateChildren(List<Element> oldChildren, List<Widget> newWidgets, { Set<Element> detachedChildren }) {
assert(oldChildren != null);
......@@ -3193,12 +3225,29 @@ abstract class RenderObjectElement extends BuildableElement {
_slot = null;
/// Insert the given child into [renderObject] at the given slot.
/// The semantics of `slot` are determined by this element. For example, if
/// this element has a single child, the slot should always be null. If this
/// element has a list of children, the previous sibling is a convenient value
/// for the slot.
void insertChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, dynamic slot);
/// Move the given child to the given slot.
/// The given child is guaranteed to have [renderObject] as its parent.
/// The semantics of `slot` are determined by this element. For example, if
/// this element has a single child, the slot should always be null. If this
/// element has a list of children, the previous sibling is a convenient value
/// for the slot.
void moveChildRenderObject(RenderObject child, dynamic slot);
/// Remove the given child from [renderObject].
/// The given child is guaranteed to have [renderObject] as its parent.
void removeChildRenderObject(RenderObject child);
......@@ -3210,11 +3259,12 @@ abstract class RenderObjectElement extends BuildableElement {
/// Instantiation of RenderObjectWidgets at the root of the tree.
/// The element at the root of the tree.
/// Only root elements may have their owner set explicitly. All other
/// elements inherit their owner from their parent.
abstract class RootRenderObjectElement extends RenderObjectElement {
/// Initializes fields for subclasses.
RootRenderObjectElement(RenderObjectWidget widget): super(widget);
/// Set the owner of the element. The owner will be propagated to all the
......@@ -3240,10 +3290,9 @@ abstract class RootRenderObjectElement extends RenderObjectElement {
/// Instantiation of [RenderObjectWidget]s that have no children.
/// Such widgets are expected to inherit from [LeafRenderObjectWidget].
/// An element that uses a [LeafRenderObjectWidget] as its configuration.
class LeafRenderObjectElement extends RenderObjectElement {
/// Creates an element that uses the given widget as its configuration.
LeafRenderObjectElement(LeafRenderObjectWidget widget): super(widget);
......@@ -3267,7 +3316,7 @@ class LeafRenderObjectElement extends RenderObjectElement {
/// Instantiation of [RenderObjectWidget]s that have up to one child.
/// An element that uses a [SingleChildRenderObjectWidget] as its configuration.
/// The child is optional.
......@@ -3275,6 +3324,7 @@ class LeafRenderObjectElement extends RenderObjectElement {
/// RenderObjects use the [RenderObjectWithChildMixin] mixin. Such widgets are
/// expected to inherit from [SingleChildRenderObjectWidget].
class SingleChildRenderObjectElement extends RenderObjectElement {
/// Creates an element that uses the given widget as its configuration.
SingleChildRenderObjectElement(SingleChildRenderObjectWidget widget) : super(widget);
......@@ -3329,13 +3379,14 @@ class SingleChildRenderObjectElement extends RenderObjectElement {
/// Instantiation of [RenderObjectWidget]s that can have a list of children.
/// An element that uses a [MultiChildRenderObjectWidget] as its configuration.
/// This element subclass can be used for RenderObjectWidgets whose
/// RenderObjects use the [ContainerRenderObjectMixin] mixin with a parent data
/// type that implements [ContainerParentDataMixin<RenderObject>]. Such widgets
/// are expected to inherit from [MultiChildRenderObjectWidget].
class MultiChildRenderObjectElement extends RenderObjectElement {
/// Creates an element that uses the given widget as its configuration.
MultiChildRenderObjectElement(MultiChildRenderObjectWidget widget) : super(widget) {
assert(!debugChildrenHaveDuplicateKeys(widget, widget.children));
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