Unverified Commit 47f12cae authored by Casey Rogers's avatar Casey Rogers Committed by GitHub

made top level if checks gaurd clauses (#135070)

This is a tiny tweak to replace some top level if clauses with guard clauses in `FutureBuilder`. I find the resultant code much more readable, but this is a matter of taste and I didn't see any info one way or another on it in the style guide so let me know if this is not to your all's preference.
parent 433bca5e
......@@ -595,14 +595,15 @@ class _FutureBuilderState<T> extends State<FutureBuilder<T>> {
void didUpdateWidget(FutureBuilder<T> oldWidget) {
if (oldWidget.future != widget.future) {
if (oldWidget.future == widget.future) {
if (_activeCallbackIdentity != null) {
_snapshot = _snapshot.inState(ConnectionState.none);
Widget build(BuildContext context) => widget.builder(context, _snapshot);
......@@ -614,7 +615,10 @@ class _FutureBuilderState<T> extends State<FutureBuilder<T>> {
void _subscribe() {
if (widget.future != null) {
if (widget.future == null) {
// There is no future to subscribe to, do nothing.
final Object callbackIdentity = Object();
_activeCallbackIdentity = callbackIdentity;
widget.future!.then<void>((T data) {
......@@ -642,7 +646,6 @@ class _FutureBuilderState<T> extends State<FutureBuilder<T>> {
_snapshot = _snapshot.inState(ConnectionState.waiting);
void _unsubscribe() {
_activeCallbackIdentity = null;
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