Unverified Commit 3ceef86b authored by Zachary Anderson's avatar Zachary Anderson Committed by GitHub

[flutter_tool] Handle crashes from doctor validators (#38920)

parent 6e34e805
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'android/android_studio_validator.dart';
import 'android/android_workflow.dart';
import 'artifacts.dart';
import 'base/async_guard.dart';
import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/context.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
......@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ import 'base/user_messages.dart';
import 'base/utils.dart';
import 'base/version.dart';
import 'cache.dart';
import 'commands/doctor.dart';
import 'device.dart';
import 'fuchsia/fuchsia_workflow.dart';
import 'globals.dart';
......@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ import 'macos/macos_workflow.dart';
import 'macos/xcode_validator.dart';
import 'proxy_validator.dart';
import 'reporting/reporting.dart';
import 'runner/flutter_command.dart';
import 'tester/flutter_tester.dart';
import 'version.dart';
import 'vscode/vscode_validator.dart';
......@@ -58,35 +61,44 @@ class _DefaultDoctorValidatorsProvider implements DoctorValidatorsProvider {
List<DoctorValidator> get validators {
if (_validators == null) {
final List<DoctorValidator> ideValidators = <DoctorValidator>[
_validators = <DoctorValidator>[
if (androidWorkflow.appliesToHostPlatform)
GroupedValidator(<DoctorValidator>[androidValidator, androidLicenseValidator]),
if (iosWorkflow.appliesToHostPlatform || macOSWorkflow.appliesToHostPlatform)
GroupedValidator(<DoctorValidator>[xcodeValidator, cocoapodsValidator]),
if (webWorkflow.appliesToHostPlatform)
const WebValidator(),
if (linuxWorkflow.appliesToHostPlatform)
if (windowsWorkflow.appliesToHostPlatform)
if (ideValidators.isNotEmpty)
if (ProxyValidator.shouldShow)
if (deviceManager.canListAnything)
if (_validators != null) {
return _validators;
final List<DoctorValidator> ideValidators = <DoctorValidator>[
bool verbose = false;
if (FlutterCommand.current is DoctorCommand) {
verbose = (FlutterCommand.current as DoctorCommand).verbose;
_validators = <DoctorValidator>[
if (androidWorkflow.appliesToHostPlatform)
GroupedValidator(<DoctorValidator>[androidValidator, androidLicenseValidator],
verbose: verbose),
if (iosWorkflow.appliesToHostPlatform || macOSWorkflow.appliesToHostPlatform)
GroupedValidator(<DoctorValidator>[xcodeValidator, cocoapodsValidator],
verbose: verbose),
if (webWorkflow.appliesToHostPlatform)
const WebValidator(),
if (linuxWorkflow.appliesToHostPlatform)
if (windowsWorkflow.appliesToHostPlatform)
if (ideValidators.isNotEmpty)
if (ProxyValidator.shouldShow)
if (deviceManager.canListAnything)
return _validators;
......@@ -137,7 +149,9 @@ class Doctor {
List<ValidatorTask> startValidatorTasks() {
final List<ValidatorTask> tasks = <ValidatorTask>[];
for (DoctorValidator validator in validators) {
tasks.add(ValidatorTask(validator, validator.validate()));
final Future<ValidationResult> result =
asyncGuard<ValidationResult>(() => validator.validate());
tasks.add(ValidatorTask(validator, result));
return tasks;
......@@ -148,44 +162,62 @@ class Doctor {
/// Print a summary of the state of the tooling, as well as how to get more info.
Future<void> summary() async {
printStatus(await summaryText);
printStatus(await _summaryText());
Future<String> get summaryText async {
Future<String> _summaryText() async {
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
bool allGood = true;
bool missingComponent = false;
bool sawACrash = false;
for (DoctorValidator validator in validators) {
final StringBuffer lineBuffer = StringBuffer();
final ValidationResult result = await validator.validate();
lineBuffer.write('${result.coloredLeadingBox} ${validator.title} is ');
ValidationResult result;
try {
result = await asyncGuard<ValidationResult>(() => validator.validate());
} catch (exception) {
// We're generating a summary, so drop the stack trace.
result = ValidationResult.crash(exception);
lineBuffer.write('${result.coloredLeadingBox} ${validator.title}: ');
switch (result.type) {
case ValidationType.crash:
lineBuffer.write('the doctor check crashed without a result.');
sawACrash = true;
case ValidationType.missing:
lineBuffer.write('not installed.');
lineBuffer.write('is not installed.');
case ValidationType.partial:
lineBuffer.write('partially installed; more components are available.');
lineBuffer.write('is partially installed; more components are available.');
case ValidationType.notAvailable:
lineBuffer.write('not available.');
lineBuffer.write('is not available.');
case ValidationType.installed:
lineBuffer.write('fully installed.');
lineBuffer.write('is fully installed.');
if (result.statusInfo != null)
if (result.statusInfo != null) {
lineBuffer.write(' (${result.statusInfo})');
buffer.write(wrapText(lineBuffer.toString(), hangingIndent: result.leadingBox.length + 1));
if (result.type != ValidationType.installed)
allGood = false;
if (result.type != ValidationType.installed) {
missingComponent = true;
if (sawACrash) {
buffer.writeln('Run "flutter doctor" for information about why a doctor check crashed.');
if (!allGood) {
if (missingComponent) {
buffer.writeln('Run "flutter doctor" for information about installing additional components.');
......@@ -217,13 +249,19 @@ class Doctor {
ValidationResult result;
try {
result = await validatorTask.result;
} catch (exception) {
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
// Only include the stacktrace in verbose mode.
result = ValidationResult.crash(
exception, stackTrace: verbose ? stackTrace : null);
} finally {
switch (result.type) {
case ValidationType.crash:
doctorResult = false;
issues += 1;
case ValidationType.missing:
doctorResult = false;
issues += 1;
......@@ -258,13 +296,15 @@ class Doctor {
if (verbose)
if (verbose) {
// Make sure there's always one line before the summary even when not verbose.
if (!verbose)
if (!verbose) {
if (issues > 0) {
printStatus('${terminal.color('!', TerminalColor.yellow)} Doctor found issues in $issues categor${issues > 1 ? "ies" : "y"}.', hangingIndent: 2);
......@@ -302,6 +342,7 @@ abstract class Workflow {
enum ValidationType {
......@@ -330,9 +371,12 @@ abstract class DoctorValidator {
/// passed to the constructor and reports the statusInfo of the first validator
/// that provides one. Other titles and statusInfo strings are discarded.
class GroupedValidator extends DoctorValidator {
GroupedValidator(this.subValidators) : super(subValidators[0].title);
GroupedValidator(this.subValidators, {
this.verbose = false,
}) : super(subValidators[0].title);
final List<DoctorValidator> subValidators;
final bool verbose;
List<ValidationResult> _subResults;
......@@ -351,13 +395,20 @@ class GroupedValidator extends DoctorValidator {
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
final List<ValidatorTask> tasks = <ValidatorTask>[];
for (DoctorValidator validator in subValidators) {
tasks.add(ValidatorTask(validator, validator.validate()));
final Future<ValidationResult> result =
asyncGuard<ValidationResult>(() => validator.validate());
tasks.add(ValidatorTask(validator, result));
final List<ValidationResult> results = <ValidationResult>[];
for (ValidatorTask subValidator in tasks) {
_currentSlowWarning = subValidator.validator.slowWarning;
results.add(await subValidator.result);
try {
results.add(await subValidator.result);
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
exception, stackTrace: verbose ? stackTrace : null));
_currentSlowWarning = 'Merging results...';
return _mergeValidationResults(results);
......@@ -382,6 +433,7 @@ class GroupedValidator extends DoctorValidator {
case ValidationType.partial:
mergedType = ValidationType.partial;
case ValidationType.crash:
case ValidationType.missing:
if (mergedType == ValidationType.installed) {
mergedType = ValidationType.partial;
......@@ -403,6 +455,19 @@ class ValidationResult {
/// if no [messages] are hints or errors.
ValidationResult(this.type, this.messages, { this.statusInfo });
factory ValidationResult.crash(Object error, { StackTrace stackTrace }) {
return ValidationResult(ValidationType.crash, <ValidationMessage>[
'Due to an error, the doctor check did not complete. '
'If the error message below is not helpful, '
'please let us know about this issue at https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues.'),
if (stackTrace == null)
if (stackTrace != null)
], statusInfo: 'the doctor check crashed');
final ValidationType type;
// A short message about the status.
final String statusInfo;
......@@ -411,6 +476,8 @@ class ValidationResult {
String get leadingBox {
assert(type != null);
switch (type) {
case ValidationType.crash:
return '[☠]';
case ValidationType.missing:
return '[✗]';
case ValidationType.installed:
......@@ -425,6 +492,8 @@ class ValidationResult {
String get coloredLeadingBox {
assert(type != null);
switch (type) {
case ValidationType.crash:
return terminal.color(leadingBox, TerminalColor.red);
case ValidationType.missing:
return terminal.color(leadingBox, TerminalColor.red);
case ValidationType.installed:
......@@ -440,6 +509,8 @@ class ValidationResult {
String get typeStr {
assert(type != null);
switch (type) {
case ValidationType.crash:
return 'crash';
case ValidationType.missing:
return 'missing';
case ValidationType.installed:
......@@ -308,6 +308,23 @@ void main() {
}, overrides: noColorTerminalOverride);
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format for run with crash', () async {
expect(await FakeCrashingDoctor().diagnose(verbose: false), isFalse);
expect(testLogger.statusText, equals(
'Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v):\n'
'[✓] Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Another Passing Validator (with statusInfo)\n'
'[☠] Crashing validator (the doctor check crashed)\n'
' ✗ Due to an error, the doctor check did not complete. If the error message below is not helpful, '
'please let us know about this issue at https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues.\n'
' ✗ fatal error\n'
'[✓] Validators are fun (with statusInfo)\n'
'[✓] Four score and seven validators ago (with statusInfo)\n'
'! Doctor found issues in 1 category.\n'
}, overrides: noColorTerminalOverride);
testUsingContext('validate non-verbose output format when only one category fails', () async {
expect(await FakeSinglePassingDoctor().diagnose(verbose: false), isTrue);
expect(testLogger.statusText, equals(
......@@ -647,6 +664,15 @@ class PartialValidatorWithHintsOnly extends DoctorValidator {
class CrashingValidator extends DoctorValidator {
CrashingValidator() : super('Crashing validator');
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
throw 'fatal error';
/// A doctor that fails with a missing [ValidationResult].
class FakeDoctor extends Doctor {
List<DoctorValidator> _validators;
......@@ -711,6 +737,23 @@ class FakeQuietDoctor extends Doctor {
/// A doctor with a validator that throws an exception.
class FakeCrashingDoctor extends Doctor {
List<DoctorValidator> _validators;
List<DoctorValidator> get validators {
if (_validators == null) {
_validators = <DoctorValidator>[];
_validators.add(PassingValidator('Passing Validator'));
_validators.add(PassingValidator('Another Passing Validator'));
_validators.add(PassingValidator('Validators are fun'));
_validators.add(PassingValidator('Four score and seven validators ago'));
return _validators;
/// A DoctorValidatorsProvider that overrides the default validators without
/// overriding the doctor.
class FakeDoctorValidatorsProvider implements DoctorValidatorsProvider {
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