Unverified Commit 388d69eb authored by Jonah Williams's avatar Jonah Williams Committed by GitHub

Catch errors thrown into the Zone by json_rpc (#38486)

parent e6ebe56f
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
/// Runs [fn] with special handling of asynchronous errors.
/// If the execution of [fn] does not throw a synchronous exception, and if the
/// [Future] returned by [fn] is completed with a value, then the [Future]
/// returned by [asyncGuard] is completed with that value if it has not already
/// been completed with an error.
/// If the execution of [fn] throws a synchronous exception, then the [Future]
/// returned by [asyncGuard] is completed with an error whose object and
/// stack trace are given by the synchronous exception.
/// If the execution of [fn] results in an asynchronous exception that would
/// otherwise be unhandled, then the [Future] returned by [asyncGuard] is
/// completed with an error whose object and stack trace are given by the
/// asynchronous exception.
/// After the returned [Future] is completed, whether it be with a value or an
/// error, all further errors resulting from the execution of [fn] both
/// synchronous and asynchronous are ignored.
/// Rationale:
/// Consider the following snippet:
/// ```
/// try {
/// await foo();
/// ...
/// } catch (e) {
/// ...
/// }
/// ```
/// If the [Future] returned by `foo` is completed with an error, that error is
/// handled by the catch block. However, if `foo` spawns an asynchronous
/// operation whose errors are unhandled, those errors will not be caught by
/// the catch block, and will instead propagate to the containing [Zone]. This
/// behavior is non-intuitive to programmers expecting the `catch` to catch all
/// the errors resulting from the code under the `try`.
/// As such, it would be convenient if the `try {} catch {}` here could handle
/// not only errors completing the awaited [Future]s it contains, but also
/// any otherwise unhandled asynchronous errors occuring as a result of awaited
/// expressions. This is how `await` is often assumed to work, which leads to
/// unexpected unhandled exceptions.
/// [asyncGuard] is intended to wrap awaited expressions occuring in a `try`
/// block. The behavior described above gives the behavior that users
/// intuitively expect from `await`. Consider the snippet:
/// ```
/// try {
/// await asyncGuard(() async {
/// var c = Completer();
/// c.completeError('Error');
/// });
/// } catch (e) {
/// // e is 'Error';
/// }
/// ```
/// Without the [asyncGuard] the error 'Error' would be propagated to the
/// error handler of the containing [Zone]. With the [asyncGuard], the error
/// 'Error' is instead caught by the `catch`.
Future<T> asyncGuard<T>(Future<T> Function() fn) {
final Completer<T> completer = Completer<T>();
runZoned<void>(() async {
try {
final T result = await fn();
if (!completer.isCompleted) {
} catch (e, s) {
if (!completer.isCompleted) {
completer.completeError(e, s);
}, onError: (dynamic e, StackTrace s) {
if (!completer.isCompleted) {
completer.completeError(e, s);
return completer.future;
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import 'package:stream_channel/stream_channel.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/io.dart';
import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart';
import 'base/async_guard.dart';
import 'base/common.dart';
import 'base/context.dart';
import 'base/file_system.dart';
......@@ -358,7 +359,7 @@ class VMService {
Future<void> _streamListen(String streamId) async {
if (!_listeningFor.contains(streamId)) {
await _sendRequest('streamListen', <String, dynamic>{'streamId': streamId});
await asyncGuard(() => _sendRequest('streamListen', <String, dynamic>{'streamId': streamId}));
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/async_guard.dart';
import '../../src/common.dart';
Future<void> asyncError() {
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
final Completer<void> errorCompleter = Completer<void>();
errorCompleter.completeError('Async Doom', StackTrace.current);
return completer.future;
Future<void> syncError() {
throw 'Sync Doom';
Future<void> syncAndAsyncError() {
final Completer<void> errorCompleter = Completer<void>();
errorCompleter.completeError('Async Doom', StackTrace.current);
throw 'Sync Doom';
void main() {
Completer<void> caughtInZone;
bool caughtByZone = false;
bool caughtByHandler = false;
Zone zone;
setUp(() {
caughtInZone = Completer<void>();
caughtByZone = false;
caughtByHandler = false;
zone = Zone.current.fork(specification: ZoneSpecification(
handleUncaughtError: (
Zone self,
ZoneDelegate parent,
Zone zone,
Object error,
StackTrace stackTrace,
) {
caughtByZone = true;
if (!caughtInZone.isCompleted) {
test('asyncError percolates through zone', () async {
await zone.run(() async {
try {
// Completer is required or else we timeout.
await Future.any(<Future<void>>[asyncError(), caughtInZone.future]);
} on String {
caughtByHandler = true;
expect(caughtByZone, true);
expect(caughtByHandler, false);
test('syncAndAsyncError percolates through zone', () async {
await zone.run(() async {
try {
// Completer is required or else we timeout.
await Future.any(<Future<void>>[syncAndAsyncError(), caughtInZone.future]);
} on String {
caughtByHandler = true;
expect(caughtByZone, true);
expect(caughtByHandler, true);
test('syncError percolates through zone', () async {
await zone.run(() async {
try {
await syncError();
} on String {
caughtByHandler = true;
expect(caughtByZone, false);
expect(caughtByHandler, true);
test('syncError is caught by asyncGuard', () async {
await zone.run(() async {
try {
await asyncGuard(syncError);
} on String {
caughtByHandler = true;
expect(caughtByZone, false);
expect(caughtByHandler, true);
test('asyncError is caught by asyncGuard', () async {
await zone.run(() async {
try {
await asyncGuard(asyncError);
} on String {
caughtByHandler = true;
expect(caughtByZone, false);
expect(caughtByHandler, true);
test('asyncAndSyncError is caught by asyncGuard', () async {
await zone.run(() async {
try {
await asyncGuard(syncAndAsyncError);
} on String {
caughtByHandler = true;
expect(caughtByZone, false);
expect(caughtByHandler, true);
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