Unverified Commit 37ac9015 authored by Christopher Fujino's avatar Christopher Fujino Committed by GitHub

[flutter_tools] check first for stable tag, then dev tag (#55342)

parent f582246a
......@@ -752,80 +752,83 @@ class GitTagVersion {
_runGit('git fetch $_flutterGit --tags', processUtils, workingDirectory);
// `--match` glob must match old version tag `v1.2.3` and new `1.2.3-dev.4.5`
return parse(_runGit('git describe --match *.*.* --first-parent --long --tags', processUtils, workingDirectory));
final List<String> tags = _runGit(
'git tag --contains HEAD', processUtils, workingDirectory).split('\n');
// TODO(fujino): Deprecate this https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/53850
/// Check for the release tag format of the form x.y.z-dev.m.n
static GitTagVersion parseLegacyVersion(String version) {
final RegExp versionPattern = RegExp(
final List<String> parts = versionPattern.matchAsPrefix(version)?.groups(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
if (parts == null) {
return const GitTagVersion.unknown();
// Check first for a stable tag
final RegExp stableTagPattern = RegExp(r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$');
for (final String tag in tags) {
final String trimmedTag = tag.trim();
if (stableTagPattern.hasMatch(trimmedTag)) {
return parse(trimmedTag);
final List<int> parsedParts = parts.take(5).map<int>(
(String source) => source == null ? null : int.tryParse(source)).toList();
List<int> devParts = <int>[null, null];
if (parts[3] != null) {
devParts = RegExp(r'^-dev\.(\d+)\.(\d+)')
?.groups(<int>[1, 2])
(String source) => source == null ? null : int.tryParse(source)
)?.toList() ?? <int>[null, null];
return GitTagVersion(
x: parsedParts[0],
y: parsedParts[1],
z: parsedParts[2],
devVersion: devParts[0],
devPatch: devParts[1],
commits: parsedParts[4],
hash: parts[5],
gitTag: '${parts[0]}.${parts[1]}.${parts[2]}${parts[3] ?? ''}', // x.y.z-dev.m.n
// Next check for a dev tag
final RegExp devTagPattern = RegExp(r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+-\d+\.\d+\.pre$');
for (final String tag in tags) {
final String trimmedTag = tag.trim();
if (devTagPattern.hasMatch(trimmedTag)) {
return parse(trimmedTag);
// If we're not currently on a tag, use git describe to find the most
// recent tag and number of commits past.
return parse(
'git describe --match *.*.*-*.*.pre --first-parent --long --tags',
/// Check for the release tag format of the form x.y.z-m.n.pre
/// Parse a version string.
/// The version string can either be an exact release tag (e.g. '1.2.3' for
/// stable or 1.2.3-4.5.pre for a dev) or the output of `git describe` (e.g.
/// for commit abc123 that is 6 commits after tag 1.2.3-4.5.pre, git would
/// return '1.2.3-4.5.pre-6-gabc123').
static GitTagVersion parseVersion(String version) {
final RegExp versionPattern = RegExp(
final List<String> parts = versionPattern.matchAsPrefix(version)?.groups(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
if (parts == null) {
final Match match = versionPattern.firstMatch(version.trim());
if (match == null) {
return const GitTagVersion.unknown();
final List<int> parsedParts = parts.take(5).map<int>(
(String source) => source == null ? null : int.tryParse(source)).toList();
List<int> devParts = <int>[null, null];
if (parts[3] != null) {
devParts = RegExp(r'^-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.pre')
?.groups(<int>[1, 2])
(String source) => source == null ? null : int.tryParse(source)
)?.toList() ?? <int>[null, null];
final List<String> matchGroups = match.groups(<int>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
final int x = matchGroups[0] == null ? null : int.tryParse(matchGroups[0]);
final int y = matchGroups[1] == null ? null : int.tryParse(matchGroups[1]);
final int z = matchGroups[2] == null ? null : int.tryParse(matchGroups[2]);
final String devString = matchGroups[3];
int devVersion, devPatch;
if (devString != null) {
final Match devMatch = RegExp(r'^-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.pre$')
final List<String> devGroups = devMatch.groups(<int>[1, 2]);
devVersion = devGroups[0] == null ? null : int.tryParse(devGroups[0]);
devPatch = devGroups[1] == null ? null : int.tryParse(devGroups[1]);
// count of commits past last tagged version
final int commits = matchGroups[4] == null ? 0 : int.tryParse(matchGroups[4]);
final String hash = matchGroups[5] ?? '';
return GitTagVersion(
x: parsedParts[0],
y: parsedParts[1],
z: parsedParts[2],
devVersion: devParts[0],
devPatch: devParts[1],
commits: parsedParts[4],
hash: parts[5],
gitTag: '${parts[0]}.${parts[1]}.${parts[2]}${parts[3] ?? ''}', // x.y.z-m.n.pre
x: x,
y: y,
z: z,
devVersion: devVersion,
devPatch: devPatch,
commits: commits,
hash: hash,
gitTag: '$x.$y.$z${devString ?? ''}', // e.g. 1.2.3-4.5.pre
static GitTagVersion parse(String version) {
GitTagVersion gitTagVersion;
gitTagVersion = parseLegacyVersion(version);
if (gitTagVersion != const GitTagVersion.unknown()) {
return gitTagVersion;
gitTagVersion = parseVersion(version);
if (gitTagVersion != const GitTagVersion.unknown()) {
return gitTagVersion;
......@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ class MockProcessManager extends Mock implements ProcessManager {
return ProcessResult(0, 0, '000000000000000000000', '');
if (commandStr ==
'git describe --match *.*.* --first-parent --long --tags') {
'git describe --match *.*.*-*.*.pre --first-parent --long --tags') {
if (version.isNotEmpty) {
return ProcessResult(0, 0, '$version-0-g00000000', '');
......@@ -238,7 +238,13 @@ void main() {
fakeProcessManager = FakeProcessManager.list(<FakeCommand>[
const FakeCommand(
command: <String>[
'git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags',
'git', 'tag', '--contains', 'HEAD',
stdout: '',
const FakeCommand(
command: <String>[
'git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*-*.*.pre', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags',
stdout: 'v1.12.16-19-gb45b676af',
......@@ -185,7 +185,9 @@ void main() {
workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot)).thenReturn(result);
when(processManager.runSync('git fetch https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git --tags'.split(' '),
workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot)).thenReturn(result);
when(processManager.runSync('git describe --match *.*.* --first-parent --long --tags'.split(' '),
when(processManager.runSync('git tag --contains HEAD'.split(' '),
workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot)).thenReturn(result);
when(processManager.runSync('git describe --match *.*.*-*.*.pre --first-parent --long --tags'.split(' '),
workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot)).thenReturn(result);
when(processManager.runSync(FlutterVersion.gitLog('-n 1 --pretty=format:%ad --date=iso'.split(' ')),
workingDirectory: Cache.flutterRoot)).thenReturn(result);
......@@ -394,16 +394,25 @@ void main() {
const String hash = 'abcdef';
GitTagVersion gitTagVersion;
// legacy tag format (x.y.z-dev.m.n), master channel
gitTagVersion = GitTagVersion.parse('1.2.3-dev.4.5-4-g$hash');
expect(gitTagVersion.frameworkVersionFor(hash), '1.2.3-5.0.pre.4');
expect(gitTagVersion.gitTag, '1.2.3-dev.4.5');
// Master channel
gitTagVersion = GitTagVersion.parse('1.2.3-4.5.pre-13-g$hash');
expect(gitTagVersion.frameworkVersionFor(hash), '1.2.3-5.0.pre.13');
expect(gitTagVersion.gitTag, '1.2.3-4.5.pre');
expect(gitTagVersion.devVersion, 4);
expect(gitTagVersion.devPatch, 5);
// new tag release format, master channel
gitTagVersion = GitTagVersion.parse('1.2.3-4.5.pre-13-g$hash');
expect(gitTagVersion.frameworkVersionFor(hash), '1.2.3-5.0.pre.13');
// Stable channel
gitTagVersion = GitTagVersion.parse('1.2.3');
expect(gitTagVersion.frameworkVersionFor(hash), '1.2.3');
expect(gitTagVersion.x, 1);
expect(gitTagVersion.y, 2);
expect(gitTagVersion.z, 3);
expect(gitTagVersion.devVersion, null);
expect(gitTagVersion.devPatch, null);
// Dev channel
gitTagVersion = GitTagVersion.parse('1.2.3-4.5.pre');
expect(gitTagVersion.frameworkVersionFor(hash), '1.2.3-4.5.pre');
expect(gitTagVersion.gitTag, '1.2.3-4.5.pre');
expect(gitTagVersion.devVersion, 4);
expect(gitTagVersion.devPatch, 5);
......@@ -448,6 +457,29 @@ void main() {
testUsingContext('determine favors stable tags over dev tags', () {
final MockProcessUtils mockProcessUtils = MockProcessUtils();
<String>['git', 'tag', '--contains', 'HEAD'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
ProcessResult(1, 0, '1.2.3-0.0.pre\n1.2.3\n1.2.3-0.1.pre', ''),
<String>['git', 'tag', '--contains', 'HEAD'],
final GitTagVersion version = GitTagVersion.determine(mockProcessUtils, workingDirectory: '.');
expect(version.gitTag, '1.2.3');
expect(version.devPatch, null);
expect(version.devVersion, null);
// We shouldn't have to fallback to git describe, because we are exactly
// on a release tag.
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*-*.*.pre', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
testUsingContext('determine does not call fetch --tags', () {
final MockProcessUtils processUtils = MockProcessUtils();
......@@ -456,10 +488,18 @@ void main() {
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
)).thenReturn(RunResult(ProcessResult(105, 0, '', ''), <String>['git', 'fetch']));
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*-*.*.pre', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
)).thenReturn(RunResult(ProcessResult(106, 0, 'v0.1.2-3-1234abcd', ''), <String>['git', 'describe']));
<String>['git', 'tag', '--contains', 'HEAD'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
RunResult(ProcessResult(110, 0, '', ''),
<String>['git', 'tag', '--contains', 'HEAD'],
GitTagVersion.determine(processUtils, workingDirectory: '.');
......@@ -474,7 +514,7 @@ void main() {
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*-*.*.pre', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
......@@ -493,10 +533,18 @@ void main() {
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
)).thenReturn(RunResult(ProcessResult(106, 0, '', ''), <String>['git', 'fetch']));
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*-*.*.pre', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
)).thenReturn(RunResult(ProcessResult(107, 0, 'v0.1.2-3-1234abcd', ''), <String>['git', 'describe']));
<String>['git', 'tag', '--contains', 'HEAD'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
RunResult(ProcessResult(108, 0, '', ''),
<String>['git', 'tag', '--contains', 'HEAD'],
GitTagVersion.determine(processUtils, workingDirectory: '.', fetchTags: true);
......@@ -511,7 +559,7 @@ void main() {
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*-*.*.pre', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
......@@ -530,10 +578,18 @@ void main() {
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
)).thenReturn(RunResult(ProcessResult(109, 0, '', ''), <String>['git', 'fetch']));
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
<String>['git', 'tag', '--contains', 'HEAD'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
RunResult(ProcessResult(110, 0, '', ''),
<String>['git', 'tag', '--contains', 'HEAD'],
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*-*.*.pre', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
)).thenReturn(RunResult(ProcessResult(110, 0, 'v0.1.2-3-1234abcd', ''), <String>['git', 'describe']));
)).thenReturn(RunResult(ProcessResult(111, 0, 'v0.1.2-3-1234abcd', ''), <String>['git', 'describe']));
GitTagVersion.determine(processUtils, workingDirectory: '.', fetchTags: true);
......@@ -548,7 +604,7 @@ void main() {
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*-*.*.pre', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
......@@ -669,10 +725,15 @@ void fakeData(
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
)).thenReturn(ProcessResult(105, 0, '', ''));
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
<String>['git', 'tag', '--contains', 'HEAD'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
)).thenReturn(ProcessResult(106, 0, '', ''));
<String>['git', 'describe', '--match', '*.*.*-*.*.pre', '--first-parent', '--long', '--tags'],
workingDirectory: anyNamed('workingDirectory'),
environment: anyNamed('environment'),
)).thenReturn(ProcessResult(106, 0, 'v0.1.2-3-1234abcd', ''));
)).thenReturn(ProcessResult(107, 0, 'v0.1.2-3-1234abcd', ''));
class MockProcessManager extends Mock implements ProcessManager {}
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