Unverified Commit 35b9288e authored by Ben Konyi's avatar Ben Konyi Committed by GitHub

Handle RPCError when VM service disappears while invoking `VmService.getIsolate` (#74528)

* Handle RPCError when VM service disappears while invoking `VmService.getIsolate`

* Add test
parent 0d046b34
......@@ -791,7 +791,10 @@ extension FlutterVmService on vm_service.VmService {
return getIsolate(isolateId)
.catchError((dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
return null;
}, test: (dynamic error) => error is vm_service.SentinelException);
}, test: (dynamic error) {
return (error is vm_service.SentinelException) ||
(error is vm_service.RPCError && error.code == RPCErrorCodes.kServiceDisappeared);
/// Create a new development file system on the device.
......@@ -333,6 +333,23 @@ void main() {
expect(fakeVmServiceHost.hasRemainingExpectations, false);
testWithoutContext('getIsolateOrNull returns null if service disappears ', () async {
final FakeVmServiceHost fakeVmServiceHost = FakeVmServiceHost(
requests: <VmServiceExpectation>[
const FakeVmServiceRequest(method: 'getIsolate', args: <String, Object>{
'isolateId': 'isolate/123',
}, errorCode: RPCErrorCodes.kServiceDisappeared),
final vm_service.Isolate isolate = await fakeVmServiceHost.vmService.getIsolateOrNull(
expect(isolate, null);
expect(fakeVmServiceHost.hasRemainingExpectations, false);
testWithoutContext('getFlutterViews polls until a view is returned', () async {
final FakeVmServiceHost fakeVmServiceHost = FakeVmServiceHost(
requests: <VmServiceExpectation>[
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