Commit 2da6b175 authored by Jason Simmons's avatar Jason Simmons

Merge pull request #845 from jason-simmons/sound_pool

Update SoundEffectPlayer to use the SoundPool API
parents 640c609f db10a6ee
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ dependencies:
collection: '>=1.1.3 <2.0.0'
intl: '>=0.12.4+2 <0.13.0'
material_design_icons: '>=0.0.3 <0.1.0'
sky_engine: 0.0.71
sky_services: 0.0.71
sky_engine: 0.0.72
sky_services: 0.0.72
vector_math: '>=1.4.3 <2.0.0'
# To pin the transitive dependency through mojo_sdk.
part of flutter_sprites;
// TODO: The sound effects should probably use Android's SoundPool instead of
// MediaPlayer as it is more efficient and flexible for playing back sound effects
typedef void SoundEffectStreamCallback(SoundEffectStream stream);
/// An audio asset loaded by the SoundEffectPlayer.
class SoundEffect {
// TODO: Remove load method from SoundEffect
Future load() async {
_data = await _pipeFuture;
Future<MojoDataPipeConsumer> _pipeFuture;
MojoDataPipeConsumer _data;
int _soundId;
/// A sound being played by the SoundEffectPlayer.
class SoundEffectStream {
// TODO: Make these properties work
SoundEffect sound;
bool playing = false;
bool loop = false;
double volume = 1.0;
double pitch = 1.0;
double pan = 0.0;
// TODO: Implement completion callback. On completion, sounds should
// also be removed from the list of playing sounds.
SoundEffectStreamCallback onSoundComplete;
MediaPlayerProxy _player;
SoundEffectPlayer _sharedSoundEffectPlayer;
class SoundEffectPlayer {
static SoundEffectPlayer sharedInstance() {
if (_sharedSoundEffectPlayer == null) {
_sharedSoundEffectPlayer = new SoundEffectPlayer();
SoundEffectStream(SoundEffectPlayer player, int streamId, {
double leftVolume,
double rightVolume,
double pitch
}) {
_player = player;
_streamId = streamId;
_paused = false;
_leftVolume = leftVolume;
_rightVolume = rightVolume;
_pitch = pitch;
SoundEffectPlayer _player;
int _streamId;
SoundPoolProxy get _soundPool => _player._soundPool;
void stop() {
bool get paused => _paused;
bool _paused;
void set paused(bool value) {
_paused = value;
if (_paused) {
} else {
return _sharedSoundEffectPlayer;
SoundEffectPlayer() {
_mediaService = new MediaServiceProxy.unbound();
shell.connectToService(null, _mediaService);
double get leftVolume => _leftVolume;
double _leftVolume;
void set leftVolume(double value) {
_leftVolume = value;
_soundPool.ptr.setVolume(_streamId, <double>[_leftVolume, _rightVolume]);
MediaServiceProxy _mediaService;
List<SoundEffectStream> _soundEffectStreams = <SoundEffectStream>[];
// TODO: This should no longer be needed when moving to SoundPool backing
Map<SoundEffect,MediaPlayerProxy> _mediaPlayers = <SoundEffect, MediaPlayerProxy>{};
Future _prepare(SoundEffectStream playingSound) async {
await playingSound._player.ptr.prepare(playingSound.sound._data);
double get rightVolume => _rightVolume;
double _rightVolume;
void set rightVolume(double value) {
_rightVolume = value;
_soundPool.ptr.setVolume(_streamId, <double>[_leftVolume, _rightVolume]);
// TODO: Move sound loading here
// TODO: Support loading sounds from bundles
// Future<SoundEffect> load(url) async {
// ...
// }
// TODO: Add sound unloader
// unload(SoundEffect effect) {
// ...
// }
// TODO: Add paused property (should pause playback of all sounds)
bool paused;
double get pitch => _pitch;
double _pitch;
void set pitch(double value) {
_pitch = value;
_soundPool.ptr.setRate(_streamId, _pitch);
SoundEffectStream play(
SoundEffect sound,
[bool loop = false,
double volume = 1.0,
double pitch = 1.0,
double pan = 0.0,
SoundEffectStreamCallback callback = null]) {
// Create new PlayingSound object
SoundEffectStream playingSound = new SoundEffectStream(
class SoundEffectPlayer {
SoundEffectPlayer(int maxStreams) {
MediaServiceProxy mediaService = new MediaServiceProxy.unbound();
shell.connectToService(null, mediaService);
_soundPool = new SoundPoolProxy.unbound();
mediaService.ptr.createSoundPool(_soundPool, maxStreams);
SoundPoolProxy _soundPool;
bool _paused;
int _nextStreamId = 0;
Future<SoundEffect> load(MojoDataPipeConsumer data) async {
SoundPoolLoadResponseParams result = await _soundPool.ptr.load(data);
if (result.success)
return new SoundEffect(result.soundId);
throw new Exception('Unable to load sound');
Future<SoundEffectStream> play(SoundEffect sound, {
double leftVolume: 1.0,
double rightVolume: 1.0,
bool loop: false,
double pitch: 1.0
}) async {
int streamId = _nextStreamId++;
SoundPoolPlayResponseParams result = await
sound._soundId, streamId, <double>[leftVolume, rightVolume], loop, pitch
// TODO: Replace this with calls to SoundPool
if (_mediaPlayers[sound] == null) {
// Create player
playingSound._player = new MediaPlayerProxy.unbound();
// Prepare sound, then play it
_prepare(playingSound).then((_) {
_mediaPlayers[sound] = playingSound._player;
} else {
// Reuse player
playingSound._player = _mediaPlayers[sound];
if (result.success) {
return new SoundEffectStream(this, streamId,
leftVolume: leftVolume,
rightVolume: rightVolume,
pitch: pitch
return playingSound;
throw new Exception('Unable to play sound');
void stop(SoundEffectStream stream) {
bool get paused => _paused;
void stopAll() {
for (SoundEffectStream playingSound in _soundEffectStreams) {
void set paused(bool value) {
_paused = value;
if (_paused) {
} else {
_soundEffectStreams = <SoundEffectStream>[];
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