Unverified Commit 24f8f799 authored by Dan Field's avatar Dan Field Committed by GitHub

add an --enable-vmservice flag (#50663)

parent 58a4122b
......@@ -142,7 +142,8 @@ Future<void> run(List<String> args) async {
tests[source] = dill;
exitCode = await runTests(
// TODO(dnfield): This should be injected.
exitCode = await const FlutterTestRunner().runTests(
const TestWrapper(),
workDir: testDirectory,
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class TestCommand extends FastFlutterCommand {
bool verboseHelp = false,
this.testWrapper = const TestWrapper(),
this.testRunner = const FlutterTestRunner(),
}) : assert(testWrapper != null) {
......@@ -110,6 +111,15 @@ class TestCommand extends FastFlutterCommand {
'test cases (must be a 32bit unsigned integer).\n'
'If "random", pick a random seed to use.\n'
'If 0 or not set, do not randomize test case execution order.',
defaultsTo: false,
hide: !verboseHelp,
help: 'Enables the vmservice without --start-paused. This flag is '
'intended for use with tests that will use dart:developer to '
'interact with the vmservice at runtime.\n'
'This flag is ignored if --start-paused or coverage are requested. '
'The vmservice will be enabled no matter what in those cases.'
usesTrackWidgetCreation(verboseHelp: verboseHelp);
......@@ -117,6 +127,9 @@ class TestCommand extends FastFlutterCommand {
/// The interface for starting and configuring the tester.
final TestWrapper testWrapper;
/// Interface for running the tester process.
final FlutterTestRunner testRunner;
Future<Set<DevelopmentArtifact>> get requiredArtifacts async {
final Set<DevelopmentArtifact> results = <DevelopmentArtifact>{};
......@@ -235,14 +248,14 @@ class TestCommand extends FastFlutterCommand {
final bool disableServiceAuthCodes =
final int result = await runTests(
final int result = await testRunner.runTests(
workDir: workDir,
names: names,
plainNames: plainNames,
watcher: watcher,
enableObservatory: collector != null || startPaused,
enableObservatory: collector != null || startPaused || boolArg('enable-vmservice'),
startPaused: startPaused,
disableServiceAuthCodes: disableServiceAuthCodes,
ipv6: boolArg('ipv6'),
......@@ -20,8 +20,43 @@ import 'flutter_web_platform.dart';
import 'test_wrapper.dart';
import 'watcher.dart';
/// Runs tests using package:test and the Flutter engine.
Future<int> runTests(
/// A class that abstracts launching the test process from the test runner.
abstract class FlutterTestRunner {
const factory FlutterTestRunner() = _FlutterTestRunnerImpl;
/// Runs tests using package:test and the Flutter engine.
Future<int> runTests(
TestWrapper testWrapper,
List<String> testFiles, {
Directory workDir,
List<String> names = const <String>[],
List<String> plainNames = const <String>[],
bool enableObservatory = false,
bool startPaused = false,
bool disableServiceAuthCodes = false,
bool ipv6 = false,
bool machine = false,
String precompiledDillPath,
Map<String, String> precompiledDillFiles,
@required BuildMode buildMode,
bool trackWidgetCreation = false,
bool updateGoldens = false,
TestWatcher watcher,
@required int concurrency,
bool buildTestAssets = false,
FlutterProject flutterProject,
String icudtlPath,
Directory coverageDirectory,
bool web = false,
String randomSeed = '0',
class _FlutterTestRunnerImpl implements FlutterTestRunner {
const _FlutterTestRunnerImpl();
Future<int> runTests(
TestWrapper testWrapper,
List<String> testFiles, {
Directory workDir,
......@@ -45,7 +80,7 @@ Future<int> runTests(
Directory coverageDirectory,
bool web = false,
String randomSeed = '0',
}) async {
}) async {
// Configure package:test to use the Flutter engine for child processes.
final String shellPath = globals.artifacts.getArtifactPath(Artifact.flutterTester);
if (!globals.processManager.canRun(shellPath)) {
......@@ -157,4 +192,5 @@ Future<int> runTests(
globals.fs.currentDirectory = saved;
await platform.close();
......@@ -7,9 +7,13 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:file/memory.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/base/file_system.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/build_info.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/cache.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/commands/test.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/project.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/test/runner.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/test/test_wrapper.dart';
import 'package:flutter_tools/src/test/watcher.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import '../../src/common.dart';
......@@ -73,6 +77,92 @@ void main() {
ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager.any(),
Cache: () => FakeCache(),
testUsingContext('Pipes enable-observatory', () async {
final FakeFlutterTestRunner testRunner = FakeFlutterTestRunner(0);
final TestCommand testCommand = TestCommand(testRunner: testRunner);
final CommandRunner<void> commandRunner =
await commandRunner.run(const <String>[
await commandRunner.run(const <String>[
await commandRunner.run(const <String>[
}, overrides: <Type, Generator>{
FileSystem: () => fs,
ProcessManager: () => FakeProcessManager.any(),
Cache: () => FakeCache(),
class FakeFlutterTestRunner implements FlutterTestRunner {
int exitCode;
bool lastEnableObservatoryValue;
Future<int> runTests(
TestWrapper testWrapper,
List<String> testFiles, {
Directory workDir,
List<String> names = const <String>[],
List<String> plainNames = const <String>[],
bool enableObservatory = false,
bool startPaused = false,
bool disableServiceAuthCodes = false,
bool ipv6 = false,
bool machine = false,
String precompiledDillPath,
Map<String, String> precompiledDillFiles,
BuildMode buildMode,
bool trackWidgetCreation = false,
bool updateGoldens = false,
TestWatcher watcher,
int concurrency,
bool buildTestAssets = false,
FlutterProject flutterProject,
String icudtlPath,
Directory coverageDirectory,
bool web = false,
String randomSeed = '0',
}) async {
lastEnableObservatoryValue = enableObservatory;
return exitCode;
class FakePackageTest implements TestWrapper {
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