Unverified Commit 21f40962 authored by Greg Spencer's avatar Greg Spencer Committed by GitHub

Revert: Update prepare_package.dart to use the process_runner package instead...

Revert: Update prepare_package.dart to use the process_runner package instead having duplicate code. #62710 (#63608)

This reverts #62710, since it has a noSuchMethodError in some circumstances.

This isn't just a straight git revert, because I had to resolve the conflicts in the reverted pubspec.yaml files and re-run flutter update-packages --force-upgrade to make the checksums match.
parent bd1a58a9
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:platform/platform.dart' show Platform, LocalPlatform;
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'package:process_runner/process_runner.dart';
const String chromiumRepo = 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/flutter/flutter';
const String githubRepo = 'https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git';
......@@ -28,12 +27,24 @@ const String baseUrl = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra';
/// Exception class for when a process fails to run, so we can catch
/// it and provide something more readable than a stack trace.
class PreparePackageException implements Exception {
PreparePackageException(this.message, [this.result]);
final String message;
final ProcessResult result;
int get exitCode => result?.exitCode ?? -1;
String toString() => '$runtimeType: $message';
String toString() {
String output = runtimeType.toString();
if (message != null) {
output += ': $message';
final String stderr = result?.stderr as String ?? '';
if (stderr.isNotEmpty) {
output += ':\n$stderr';
return output;
enum Branch { dev, beta, stable }
......@@ -63,6 +74,109 @@ Branch fromBranchName(String name) {
/// A helper class for classes that want to run a process, optionally have the
/// stderr and stdout reported as the process runs, and capture the stdout
/// properly without dropping any.
class ProcessRunner {
ProcessManager processManager,
this.subprocessOutput = true,
this.platform = const LocalPlatform(),
}) : processManager = processManager ?? const LocalProcessManager() {
environment = Map<String, String>.from(platform.environment);
/// The platform to use for a starting environment.
final Platform platform;
/// Set [subprocessOutput] to show output as processes run. Stdout from the
/// process will be printed to stdout, and stderr printed to stderr.
final bool subprocessOutput;
/// Set the [processManager] in order to inject a test instance to perform
/// testing.
final ProcessManager processManager;
/// Sets the default directory used when `workingDirectory` is not specified
/// to [runProcess].
final Directory defaultWorkingDirectory;
/// The environment to run processes with.
Map<String, String> environment;
/// Run the command and arguments in `commandLine` as a sub-process from
/// `workingDirectory` if set, or the [defaultWorkingDirectory] if not. Uses
/// [Directory.current] if [defaultWorkingDirectory] is not set.
/// Set `failOk` if [runProcess] should not throw an exception when the
/// command completes with a non-zero exit code.
Future<String> runProcess(
List<String> commandLine, {
Directory workingDirectory,
bool failOk = false,
}) async {
workingDirectory ??= defaultWorkingDirectory ?? Directory.current;
if (subprocessOutput) {
stderr.write('Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path}.\n');
final List<int> output = <int>[];
final Completer<void> stdoutComplete = Completer<void>();
final Completer<void> stderrComplete = Completer<void>();
Process process;
Future<int> allComplete() async {
await stderrComplete.future;
await stdoutComplete.future;
return process.exitCode;
try {
process = await processManager.start(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory.absolute.path,
environment: environment,
(List<int> event) {
if (subprocessOutput) {
onDone: () async => stdoutComplete.complete(),
if (subprocessOutput) {
(List<int> event) {
onDone: () async => stderrComplete.complete(),
} else {
} on ProcessException catch (e) {
final String message = 'Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path} '
'failed with:\n${e.toString()}';
throw PreparePackageException(message);
} on ArgumentError catch (e) {
final String message = 'Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path} '
'failed with:\n${e.toString()}';
throw PreparePackageException(message);
final int exitCode = await allComplete();
if (exitCode != 0 && !failOk) {
final String message = 'Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path} failed';
throw PreparePackageException(
ProcessResult(0, exitCode, null, 'returned $exitCode'),
return utf8.decoder.convert(output).trim();
typedef HttpReader = Future<Uint8List> Function(Uri url, {Map<String, String> headers});
/// Creates a pre-populated Flutter archive from a git repo.
......@@ -89,8 +203,9 @@ class ArchiveCreator {
flutterRoot = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'flutter')),
httpReader = httpReader ?? http.readBytes,
_processRunner = ProcessRunner(
processManager: processManager ?? const LocalProcessManager(),
printOutputDefault: subprocessOutput,
processManager: processManager,
subprocessOutput: subprocessOutput,
platform: platform,
) {
_flutter = path.join(
......@@ -189,11 +304,12 @@ class ArchiveCreator {
if (strict) {
try {
return _runGit(<String>['describe', '--tags', '--exact-match', revision]);
} on ProcessRunnerException catch (exception) {
} on PreparePackageException catch (exception) {
throw PreparePackageException(
'Git error when checking for a version tag attached to revision $revision.\n'
'Perhaps there is no tag at that revision?:\n'
'Git error when checking for a version tag attached to revision $revision.\n'
'Perhaps there is no tag at that revision?:\n'
} else {
return _runGit(<String>['describe', '--tags', '--abbrev=0', revision]);
......@@ -252,10 +368,8 @@ class ArchiveCreator {
// the archive, but some are checked in, and we don't want to skip
// those.
await _runGit(<String>['clean', '-f', '-X', '**/.packages']);
/// Remove package_config files and any contents in .dart_tool
await _runGit(<String>['clean', '-f', '-X', '**/.dart_tool']);
/// Remove git subfolder from .pub-cache, this contains the flutter goldens
/// and new flutter_gallery.
final Directory gitCache = Directory(path.join(flutterRoot.absolute.path, '.pub-cache', 'git'));
......@@ -273,25 +387,23 @@ class ArchiveCreator {
Future<String> _runCommand(List<String> commandline, {Directory workingDirectory}) async {
final ProcessRunnerResult result = await _processRunner.runProcess(
Future<String> _runFlutter(List<String> args, {Directory workingDirectory}) {
return _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>[_flutter, ...args],
workingDirectory: workingDirectory ?? flutterRoot,
return result.stdout.trim();
Future<String> _runFlutter(List<String> args, {Directory workingDirectory}) {
return _runCommand(<String>[_flutter, ...args], workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
Future<String> _runGit(List<String> args, {Directory workingDirectory}) {
return _runCommand(<String>['git', ...args], workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
return _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>['git', ...args],
workingDirectory: workingDirectory ?? flutterRoot,
/// Unpacks the given zip file into the currentDirectory (if set), or the
/// same directory as the archive.
Future<String> _unzipArchive(File archive, {Directory workingDirectory}) async {
Future<String> _unzipArchive(File archive, {Directory workingDirectory}) {
workingDirectory ??= Directory(path.dirname(archive.absolute.path));
List<String> commandLine;
if (platform.isWindows) {
......@@ -306,7 +418,7 @@ class ArchiveCreator {
return _runCommand(commandLine, workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
return _processRunner.runProcess(commandLine, workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
/// Create a zip archive from the directory source.
......@@ -314,7 +426,7 @@ class ArchiveCreator {
List<String> commandLine;
if (platform.isWindows) {
// Unhide the .git folder, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/attrib.
await _runCommand(
await _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>['attrib', '-h', '.git'],
workingDirectory: Directory(source.absolute.path),
......@@ -335,24 +447,20 @@ class ArchiveCreator {
return _runCommand(
return _processRunner.runProcess(
workingDirectory: Directory(path.dirname(source.absolute.path)),
/// Create a tar archive from the directory source.
Future<String> _createTarArchive(File output, Directory source) async {
final ProcessRunnerResult result = await _processRunner.runProcess(
workingDirectory: Directory(path.dirname(source.absolute.path)),
return result.stdout.trim();
Future<String> _createTarArchive(File output, Directory source) {
return _processRunner.runProcess(<String>[
], workingDirectory: Directory(path.dirname(source.absolute.path)));
......@@ -371,7 +479,7 @@ class ArchivePublisher {
metadataGsPath = '$gsReleaseFolder/${getMetadataFilename(platform)}',
_processRunner = ProcessRunner(
processManager: processManager,
printOutputDefault: subprocessOutput,
subprocessOutput: subprocessOutput,
final Platform platform;
......@@ -474,25 +582,18 @@ class ArchivePublisher {
bool failOk = false,
}) async {
if (platform.isWindows) {
final ProcessRunnerResult result = await _processRunner.runProcess(
path.join(platform.environment['DEPOT_TOOLS'], 'gsutil.py'),
return _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>['python', path.join(platform.environment['DEPOT_TOOLS'], 'gsutil.py'), '--', ...args],
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
failOk: failOk,
return result.stdout.trim();
final ProcessRunnerResult result = await _processRunner.runProcess(
return _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>['gsutil.py', '--', ...args],
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
failOk: failOk,
return result.stdout.trim();
Future<String> _cloudCopy(String src, String dest) async {
......@@ -619,13 +720,7 @@ Future<void> main(List<String> rawArguments) async {
final Branch branch = fromBranchName(parsedArguments['branch'] as String);
final ArchiveCreator creator = ArchiveCreator(
strict: parsedArguments['publish'] as bool,
final ArchiveCreator creator = ArchiveCreator(tempDir, outputDir, revision, branch, strict: parsedArguments['publish'] as bool);
int exitCode = 0;
String message;
try {
......@@ -641,12 +736,12 @@ Future<void> main(List<String> rawArguments) async {
await publisher.publishArchive();
} on ProcessRunnerException catch (e, stack) {
} on PreparePackageException catch (e) {
exitCode = e.exitCode;
message = e.message + '\n' + stack.toString();
} catch (e, stack) {
message = e.message;
} catch (e) {
exitCode = -1;
message = e.toString() + '\n' + stack.toString();
message = e.toString();
} finally {
if (removeTempDir) {
tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
......@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ dependencies:
path: 1.8.0-nullsafety
platform: 2.2.1
process: 3.0.13
process_runner: 2.0.4
test: 1.16.0-nullsafety.1
_discoveryapis_commons: 0.2.0 # THIS LINE IS AUTOGENERATED - TO UPDATE USE "flutter update-packages --force-upgrade"
......@@ -78,4 +77,4 @@ dev_dependencies:
mockito: 4.1.1
test_api: 0.2.19-nullsafety
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:process_runner/process_runner.dart';
import 'package:platform/platform.dart' show FakePlatform;
import '../prepare_package.dart';
......@@ -21,15 +20,15 @@ void main() {
test('Throws on missing executable', () async {
// Uses a *real* process manager, since we want to know what happens if
// it can't find an executable.
final ProcessRunner processRunner = ProcessRunner(printOutputDefault: false);
final ProcessRunner processRunner = ProcessRunner(subprocessOutput: false);
expectAsync1((List<String> commandLine) async {
return processRunner.runProcess(commandLine);
try {
await processRunner.runProcess(<String>['this_executable_better_not_exist_2857632534321']);
} on ProcessRunnerException catch (e) {
} on PreparePackageException catch (e) {
contains('Invalid argument(s): Cannot find executable for this_executable_better_not_exist_2857632534321.'),
......@@ -50,8 +49,8 @@ void main() {
'echo test': <ProcessResult>[ProcessResult(0, 0, 'output', 'error')],
final ProcessRunner processRunner = ProcessRunner(
printOutputDefault: false, processManager: fakeProcessManager);
final String output = (await processRunner.runProcess(<String>['echo', 'test'])).stdout;
subprocessOutput: false, platform: platform, processManager: fakeProcessManager);
final String output = await processRunner.runProcess(<String>['echo', 'test']);
expect(output, equals('output'));
test('Throws on process failure', () async {
......@@ -60,12 +59,12 @@ void main() {
'echo test': <ProcessResult>[ProcessResult(0, -1, 'output', 'error')],
final ProcessRunner processRunner = ProcessRunner(
printOutputDefault: false, processManager: fakeProcessManager);
subprocessOutput: false, platform: platform, processManager: fakeProcessManager);
expectAsync1((List<String> commandLine) async {
return processRunner.runProcess(commandLine);
})(<String>['echo', 'test']),
group('ArchiveCreator for $platformName', () {
......@@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ void main() {
'git reset --hard $testRef': <ProcessResult>[ProcessResult(0, -1, 'output2', '')],
processManager.fakeResults = calls;
expect(expectAsync0(creator.initializeRepo), throwsA(isA<ProcessRunnerException>()));
expect(expectAsync0(creator.initializeRepo), throwsA(isA<PreparePackageException>()));
test('non-strict mode calls the right commands', () async {
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