Commit 1bb647e6 authored by Viktor Lidholt's avatar Viktor Lidholt

Splits up demo game into multiple files for better readability

parent e2af762e
part of game;
class Explosion extends Node {
Explosion(SpriteSheet sheet) {
// Add particles
ParticleSystem particlesDebris = new ParticleSystem(
rotateToMovement: true,
startRotationVar: 0.0,
endRotation: 90.0,
startSize: 0.3,
startSizeVar: 0.1,
endSize: 0.3,
endSizeVar: 0.1,
numParticlesToEmit: 25,
greenVar: 127,
redVar: 127
particlesDebris.zPosition = 1010.0;
ParticleSystem particlesFire = new ParticleSystem(
colorSequence: new ColorSequence([new Color(0xffffff33), new Color(0xffff3333), new Color(0x00ff3333)], [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]),
numParticlesToEmit: 25,
emissionRate: 1000.0,
startSize: 0.5,
startSizeVar: 0.1,
endSize: 0.5,
endSizeVar: 0.1,
posVar: new Point(10.0, 10.0),
speed: 10.0,
speedVar: 5.0
particlesFire.zPosition = 1011.0;
// Add ring
Sprite sprtRing = new Sprite(sheet["explosion_ring.png"]);
sprtRing.transferMode =;
Action scale = new ActionTween( (a) => sprtRing.scale = a, 0.2, 1.0, 1.5);
Action scaleAndRemove = new ActionSequence([scale, new ActionRemoveNode(sprtRing)]);
Action fade = new ActionTween( (a) => sprtRing.opacity = a, 1.0, 0.0, 1.5);;;
// Add streaks
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Sprite sprtFlare = new Sprite(sheet["explosion_flare.png"]);
sprtFlare.pivot = new Point(0.3, 1.0);
sprtFlare.scaleX = 0.3;
sprtFlare.transferMode =;
sprtFlare.rotation = randomDouble() * 360.0;
double multiplier = randomDouble() * 0.3 + 1.0;
Action scale = new ActionTween( (a) => sprtFlare.scaleY = a, 0.3 * multiplier, 0.8, 1.5 * multiplier);
Action scaleAndRemove = new ActionSequence([scale, new ActionRemoveNode(sprtFlare)]);
Action fadeIn = new ActionTween( (a) => sprtFlare.opacity = a, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5 * multiplier);
Action fadeOut = new ActionTween( (a) => sprtFlare.opacity = a, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 * multiplier);
Action fadeInOut = new ActionSequence([fadeIn, fadeOut]);;;
part of game;
class Flash extends NodeWithSize {
Flash(Size size, this.duration) : super(size) {
ActionTween fade = new ActionTween((a) => _opacity = a, 1.0, 0.0, duration);
ActionSequence seq = new ActionSequence([fade, new ActionRemoveNode(this)]);;
double duration;
double _opacity = 1.0;
Paint _cachedPaint = new Paint();
void paint(PaintingCanvas canvas) {
// Update the color
_cachedPaint.color = new Color.fromARGB((255.0 * _opacity).toInt(),
255, 255, 255);
// Fill the area
canvas.drawRect(new Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, size.width, size.height),
......@@ -8,4 +8,9 @@ import 'package:sky/rendering/object.dart';
import 'package:sky/widgets/framework.dart';
import 'package:skysprites/skysprites.dart';
part 'explosions.dart';
part 'flash.dart';
part 'game_demo_node.dart';
part 'game_objects.dart';
part 'repeated_image.dart';
part 'star_field.dart';
......@@ -252,238 +252,6 @@ class Level extends Node {
abstract class GameObject extends Node {
double radius = 0.0;
double removeLimit = 1280.0;
bool canDamageShip = true;
bool canBeDamaged = true;
double maxDamage = 3.0;
double damage = 0.0;
Paint _paintDebug = new Paint()
..color=new Color(0xffff0000)
..strokeWidth = 1.0
bool collidingWith(GameObject obj) {
return (GameMath.pointQuickDist(position, obj.position)
< radius + obj.radius);
void move() {
void removeIfOffscreen(double scroll) {
if (-position.y > scroll + removeLimit ||
-position.y < scroll - 50.0) {
void destroy() {
if (parent != null) {
Explosion explo = createExplosion();
if (explo != null) {
explo.position = position;
int addDamage(double d) {
if (!canBeDamaged) return 0;
damage += d;
if (damage >= maxDamage) {
return (maxDamage * 10).ceil();
return 10;
Explosion createExplosion() {
return null;
void paint(PaintingCanvas canvas) {
if (_drawDebug) {
canvas.drawCircle(Point.origin, radius, _paintDebug);
void setupActions() {
class Ship extends GameObject {
Ship(GameObjectFactory f) {
// Add main ship sprite
_sprt = new Sprite(f.sheet["ship.png"]);
_sprt.scale = 0.3;
_sprt.rotation = -90.0;
radius = 20.0;
canBeDamaged = false;
canDamageShip = false;
// Set start position
position = new Point(0.0, 50.0);
Sprite _sprt;
void applyThrust(Point joystickValue, double scroll) {
Point oldPos = position;
Point target = new Point(joystickValue.x * 160.0, joystickValue.y * 220.0 - 250.0 - scroll);
double filterFactor = 0.2;
position = new Point(
GameMath.filter(oldPos.x, target.x, filterFactor),
GameMath.filter(oldPos.y, target.y, filterFactor));
class Laser extends GameObject {
double impact = 1.0;
Laser(GameObjectFactory f) {
// Add sprite
_sprt = new Sprite(f.sheet["laser.png"]);
_sprt.scale = 0.3;
_sprt.transferMode =;
radius = 10.0;
removeLimit = 640.0;
canDamageShip = false;
canBeDamaged = false;
Sprite _sprt;
void move() {
position += new Offset(0.0, -10.0);
abstract class Obstacle extends GameObject {
double explosionScale = 1.0;
GameObjectFactory _f;
Explosion createExplosion() {
Explosion explo = new Explosion(_f.sheet);
explo.scale = explosionScale;
return explo;
abstract class Asteroid extends Obstacle {
Asteroid(GameObjectFactory f) : super(f);
Sprite _sprt;
void setupActions() {
// Rotate obstacle
int direction = 1;
if (randomBool()) direction = -1;
ActionTween rotate = new ActionTween(
(a) => _sprt.rotation = a,
0.0, 360.0 * direction, 5.0 + 5.0 * randomDouble()); ActionRepeatForever(rotate));
set damage(double d) {
super.damage = d;
int alpha = ((200.0 * d) ~/ maxDamage).clamp(0, 200);
_sprt.colorOverlay = new Color.fromARGB(alpha, 255, 3, 86);
class AsteroidBig extends Asteroid {
AsteroidBig(GameObjectFactory f) : super(f) {
_sprt = new Sprite(f.sheet["asteroid_big_${randomInt(3)}.png"]);
_sprt.scale = 0.3;
radius = 25.0;
maxDamage = 5.0;
class AsteroidSmall extends Asteroid {
AsteroidSmall(GameObjectFactory f) : super(f) {
_sprt = new Sprite(f.sheet["asteroid_small_${randomInt(3)}.png"]);
_sprt.scale = 0.3;
radius = 12.0;
maxDamage = 3.0;
class MovingEnemy extends Obstacle {
MovingEnemy(GameObjectFactory f) : super(f) {
_sprt = new Sprite(f.sheet["ship.png"]);
_sprt.scale = 0.2;
radius = 12.0;
maxDamage = 2.0;
constraints = [new ConstraintRotationToMovement(dampening: 0.5)];
final double _swirlSpacing = 80.0;
_addRandomSquare(List<Offset> offsets, double x, double y) {
double xMove = (randomBool()) ? _swirlSpacing : -_swirlSpacing;
double yMove = (randomBool()) ? _swirlSpacing : -_swirlSpacing;
if (randomBool()) {
new Offset(x, y),
new Offset(xMove + x, y),
new Offset(xMove + x, yMove + y),
new Offset(x, yMove + y),
new Offset(x, y)
} else {
new Offset(x, y),
new Offset(x, y + yMove),
new Offset(xMove + x, yMove + y),
new Offset(xMove + x, y),
new Offset(x, y)
void setupActions() {
List<Offset> offsets = [];
_addRandomSquare(offsets, -_swirlSpacing, 0.0);
_addRandomSquare(offsets, _swirlSpacing, 0.0);
offsets.add(new Offset(-_swirlSpacing, 0.0));
List<Point> points = [];
for (Offset offset in offsets) {
points.add(position + offset);
ActionSpline spline = new ActionSpline((a) => position = a, points, 6.0);
spline.tension = 0.7; ActionRepeatForever(spline));
Sprite _sprt;
enum GameObjectType {
......@@ -530,192 +298,6 @@ class GameObjectFactory {
class StarField extends NodeWithSize {
sky.Image _image;
SpriteSheet _spriteSheet;
int _numStars;
bool _autoScroll;
List<Point> _starPositions;
List<double> _starScales;
List<Rect> _rects;
List<Color> _colors;
final double _padding = 50.0;
Size _paddedSize =;
Paint _paint = new Paint()
..isAntiAlias = false
StarField(this._spriteSheet, this._numStars, [this._autoScroll = false]) : super( {
_image = _spriteSheet.image;
void addStars() {
_starPositions = [];
_starScales = [];
_colors = [];
_rects = [];
size = spriteBox.visibleArea.size;
_paddedSize = new Size(size.width + _padding * 2.0,
size.height + _padding * 2.0);
for (int i = 0; i < _numStars; i++) {
_starPositions.add(new Point(randomDouble() * _paddedSize.width,
randomDouble() * _paddedSize.height));
_starScales.add(randomDouble() * 0.4);
_colors.add(new Color.fromARGB((255.0 * (randomDouble() * 0.5 + 0.5)).toInt(), 255, 255, 255));
void spriteBoxPerformedLayout() {
void paint(PaintingCanvas canvas) {
// Create a transform for each star
List<sky.RSTransform> transforms = [];
for (int i = 0; i < _numStars; i++) {
sky.RSTransform transform = new sky.RSTransform(
_starPositions[i].x - _padding,
_starPositions[i].y - _padding);
// Draw the stars
canvas.drawAtlas(_image, transforms, _rects, _colors, sky.TransferMode.modulate, null, _paint);
void move(double dx, double dy) {
for (int i = 0; i < _numStars; i++) {
double xPos = _starPositions[i].x;
double yPos = _starPositions[i].y;
double scale = _starScales[i];
xPos += dx * scale;
yPos += dy * scale;
if (xPos >= _paddedSize.width) xPos -= _paddedSize.width;
if (xPos < 0) xPos += _paddedSize.width;
if (yPos >= _paddedSize.height) yPos -= _paddedSize.height;
if (yPos < 0) yPos += _paddedSize.height;
_starPositions[i] = new Point(xPos, yPos);
void update(double dt) {
if (_autoScroll) {
move(0.0, dt * 100.0);
class RepeatedImage extends Node {
Sprite _sprt0;
Sprite _sprt1;
RepeatedImage(sky.Image image, [sky.TransferMode mode = null]) {
_sprt0 = new Sprite.fromImage(image);
_sprt0.size = new Size(1024.0, 1024.0);
_sprt0.pivot = Point.origin;
_sprt1 = new Sprite.fromImage(image);
_sprt1.size = new Size(1024.0, 1024.0);
_sprt1.pivot = Point.origin;
_sprt1.position = new Point(0.0, -1024.0);
if (mode != null) {
_sprt0.transferMode = mode;
_sprt1.transferMode = mode;
void move(double dy) {
double yPos = (position.y + dy) % 1024.0;
position = new Point(0.0, yPos);
class Explosion extends Node {
Explosion(SpriteSheet sheet) {
// Add particles
ParticleSystem particlesDebris = new ParticleSystem(
rotateToMovement: true,
startRotationVar: 0.0,
endRotation: 90.0,
startSize: 0.3,
startSizeVar: 0.1,
endSize: 0.3,
endSizeVar: 0.1,
numParticlesToEmit: 25,
greenVar: 127,
redVar: 127
particlesDebris.zPosition = 1010.0;
ParticleSystem particlesFire = new ParticleSystem(
colorSequence: new ColorSequence([new Color(0xffffff33), new Color(0xffff3333), new Color(0x00ff3333)], [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]),
numParticlesToEmit: 25,
emissionRate: 1000.0,
startSize: 0.5,
startSizeVar: 0.1,
endSize: 0.5,
endSizeVar: 0.1,
posVar: new Point(10.0, 10.0),
speed: 10.0,
speedVar: 5.0
particlesFire.zPosition = 1011.0;
// Add ring
Sprite sprtRing = new Sprite(sheet["explosion_ring.png"]);
sprtRing.transferMode =;
Action scale = new ActionTween( (a) => sprtRing.scale = a, 0.2, 1.0, 1.5);
Action scaleAndRemove = new ActionSequence([scale, new ActionRemoveNode(sprtRing)]);
Action fade = new ActionTween( (a) => sprtRing.opacity = a, 1.0, 0.0, 1.5);;;
// Add streaks
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
Sprite sprtFlare = new Sprite(sheet["explosion_flare.png"]);
sprtFlare.pivot = new Point(0.3, 1.0);
sprtFlare.scaleX = 0.3;
sprtFlare.transferMode =;
sprtFlare.rotation = randomDouble() * 360.0;
double multiplier = randomDouble() * 0.3 + 1.0;
Action scale = new ActionTween( (a) => sprtFlare.scaleY = a, 0.3 * multiplier, 0.8, 1.5 * multiplier);
Action scaleAndRemove = new ActionSequence([scale, new ActionRemoveNode(sprtFlare)]);
Action fadeIn = new ActionTween( (a) => sprtFlare.opacity = a, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5 * multiplier);
Action fadeOut = new ActionTween( (a) => sprtFlare.opacity = a, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 * multiplier);
Action fadeInOut = new ActionSequence([fadeIn, fadeOut]);;;
class Hud extends Node {
SpriteSheet sheet;
Sprite sprtBgScore;
......@@ -759,25 +341,3 @@ class Hud extends Node {
class Flash extends NodeWithSize {
Flash(Size size, this.duration) : super(size) {
ActionTween fade = new ActionTween((a) => _opacity = a, 1.0, 0.0, duration);
ActionSequence seq = new ActionSequence([fade, new ActionRemoveNode(this)]);;
double duration;
double _opacity = 1.0;
Paint _cachedPaint = new Paint();
void paint(PaintingCanvas canvas) {
// Update the color
_cachedPaint.color = new Color.fromARGB((255.0 * _opacity).toInt(),
255, 255, 255);
// Fill the area
canvas.drawRect(new Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, size.width, size.height),
part of game;
abstract class GameObject extends Node {
double radius = 0.0;
double removeLimit = 1280.0;
bool canDamageShip = true;
bool canBeDamaged = true;
double maxDamage = 3.0;
double damage = 0.0;
Paint _paintDebug = new Paint()
..color=new Color(0xffff0000)
..strokeWidth = 1.0
bool collidingWith(GameObject obj) {
return (GameMath.pointQuickDist(position, obj.position)
< radius + obj.radius);
void move() {
void removeIfOffscreen(double scroll) {
if (-position.y > scroll + removeLimit ||
-position.y < scroll - 50.0) {
void destroy() {
if (parent != null) {
Explosion explo = createExplosion();
if (explo != null) {
explo.position = position;
int addDamage(double d) {
if (!canBeDamaged) return 0;
damage += d;
if (damage >= maxDamage) {
return (maxDamage * 10).ceil();
return 10;
Explosion createExplosion() {
return null;
void paint(PaintingCanvas canvas) {
if (_drawDebug) {
canvas.drawCircle(Point.origin, radius, _paintDebug);
void setupActions() {
class Ship extends GameObject {
Ship(GameObjectFactory f) {
// Add main ship sprite
_sprt = new Sprite(f.sheet["ship.png"]);
_sprt.scale = 0.3;
_sprt.rotation = -90.0;
radius = 20.0;
canBeDamaged = false;
canDamageShip = false;
// Set start position
position = new Point(0.0, 50.0);
Sprite _sprt;
void applyThrust(Point joystickValue, double scroll) {
Point oldPos = position;
Point target = new Point(joystickValue.x * 160.0, joystickValue.y * 220.0 - 250.0 - scroll);
double filterFactor = 0.2;
position = new Point(
GameMath.filter(oldPos.x, target.x, filterFactor),
GameMath.filter(oldPos.y, target.y, filterFactor));
class Laser extends GameObject {
double impact = 1.0;
Laser(GameObjectFactory f) {
// Add sprite
_sprt = new Sprite(f.sheet["laser.png"]);
_sprt.scale = 0.3;
_sprt.transferMode =;
radius = 10.0;
removeLimit = 640.0;
canDamageShip = false;
canBeDamaged = false;
Sprite _sprt;
void move() {
position += new Offset(0.0, -10.0);
abstract class Obstacle extends GameObject {
double explosionScale = 1.0;
GameObjectFactory _f;
Explosion createExplosion() {
Explosion explo = new Explosion(_f.sheet);
explo.scale = explosionScale;
return explo;
abstract class Asteroid extends Obstacle {
Asteroid(GameObjectFactory f) : super(f);
Sprite _sprt;
void setupActions() {
// Rotate obstacle
int direction = 1;
if (randomBool()) direction = -1;
ActionTween rotate = new ActionTween(
(a) => _sprt.rotation = a,
0.0, 360.0 * direction, 5.0 + 5.0 * randomDouble()); ActionRepeatForever(rotate));
set damage(double d) {
super.damage = d;
int alpha = ((200.0 * d) ~/ maxDamage).clamp(0, 200);
_sprt.colorOverlay = new Color.fromARGB(alpha, 255, 3, 86);
class AsteroidBig extends Asteroid {
AsteroidBig(GameObjectFactory f) : super(f) {
_sprt = new Sprite(f.sheet["asteroid_big_${randomInt(3)}.png"]);
_sprt.scale = 0.3;
radius = 25.0;
maxDamage = 5.0;
class AsteroidSmall extends Asteroid {
AsteroidSmall(GameObjectFactory f) : super(f) {
_sprt = new Sprite(f.sheet["asteroid_small_${randomInt(3)}.png"]);
_sprt.scale = 0.3;
radius = 12.0;
maxDamage = 3.0;
class MovingEnemy extends Obstacle {
MovingEnemy(GameObjectFactory f) : super(f) {
_sprt = new Sprite(f.sheet["ship.png"]);
_sprt.scale = 0.2;
radius = 12.0;
maxDamage = 2.0;
constraints = [new ConstraintRotationToMovement(dampening: 0.5)];
final double _swirlSpacing = 80.0;
_addRandomSquare(List<Offset> offsets, double x, double y) {
double xMove = (randomBool()) ? _swirlSpacing : -_swirlSpacing;
double yMove = (randomBool()) ? _swirlSpacing : -_swirlSpacing;
if (randomBool()) {
new Offset(x, y),
new Offset(xMove + x, y),
new Offset(xMove + x, yMove + y),
new Offset(x, yMove + y),
new Offset(x, y)
} else {
new Offset(x, y),
new Offset(x, y + yMove),
new Offset(xMove + x, yMove + y),
new Offset(xMove + x, y),
new Offset(x, y)
void setupActions() {
List<Offset> offsets = [];
_addRandomSquare(offsets, -_swirlSpacing, 0.0);
_addRandomSquare(offsets, _swirlSpacing, 0.0);
offsets.add(new Offset(-_swirlSpacing, 0.0));
List<Point> points = [];
for (Offset offset in offsets) {
points.add(position + offset);
ActionSpline spline = new ActionSpline((a) => position = a, points, 6.0);
spline.tension = 0.7; ActionRepeatForever(spline));
Sprite _sprt;
part of game;
class RepeatedImage extends Node {
Sprite _sprt0;
Sprite _sprt1;
RepeatedImage(sky.Image image, [sky.TransferMode mode = null]) {
_sprt0 = new Sprite.fromImage(image);
_sprt0.size = new Size(1024.0, 1024.0);
_sprt0.pivot = Point.origin;
_sprt1 = new Sprite.fromImage(image);
_sprt1.size = new Size(1024.0, 1024.0);
_sprt1.pivot = Point.origin;
_sprt1.position = new Point(0.0, -1024.0);
if (mode != null) {
_sprt0.transferMode = mode;
_sprt1.transferMode = mode;
void move(double dy) {
double yPos = (position.y + dy) % 1024.0;
position = new Point(0.0, yPos);
part of game;
class StarField extends NodeWithSize {
sky.Image _image;
SpriteSheet _spriteSheet;
int _numStars;
bool _autoScroll;
List<Point> _starPositions;
List<double> _starScales;
List<Rect> _rects;
List<Color> _colors;
final double _padding = 50.0;
Size _paddedSize =;
Paint _paint = new Paint()
..isAntiAlias = false
StarField(this._spriteSheet, this._numStars, [this._autoScroll = false]) : super( {
_image = _spriteSheet.image;
void addStars() {
_starPositions = [];
_starScales = [];
_colors = [];
_rects = [];
size = spriteBox.visibleArea.size;
_paddedSize = new Size(size.width + _padding * 2.0,
size.height + _padding * 2.0);
for (int i = 0; i < _numStars; i++) {
_starPositions.add(new Point(randomDouble() * _paddedSize.width,
randomDouble() * _paddedSize.height));
_starScales.add(randomDouble() * 0.4);
_colors.add(new Color.fromARGB((255.0 * (randomDouble() * 0.5 + 0.5)).toInt(), 255, 255, 255));
void spriteBoxPerformedLayout() {
void paint(PaintingCanvas canvas) {
// Create a transform for each star
List<sky.RSTransform> transforms = [];
for (int i = 0; i < _numStars; i++) {
sky.RSTransform transform = new sky.RSTransform(
_starPositions[i].x - _padding,
_starPositions[i].y - _padding);
// Draw the stars
canvas.drawAtlas(_image, transforms, _rects, _colors, sky.TransferMode.modulate, null, _paint);
void move(double dx, double dy) {
for (int i = 0; i < _numStars; i++) {
double xPos = _starPositions[i].x;
double yPos = _starPositions[i].y;
double scale = _starScales[i];
xPos += dx * scale;
yPos += dy * scale;
if (xPos >= _paddedSize.width) xPos -= _paddedSize.width;
if (xPos < 0) xPos += _paddedSize.width;
if (yPos >= _paddedSize.height) yPos -= _paddedSize.height;
if (yPos < 0) yPos += _paddedSize.height;
_starPositions[i] = new Point(xPos, yPos);
void update(double dt) {
if (_autoScroll) {
move(0.0, dt * 100.0);
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