Unverified Commit 1a6a20cd authored by Danny Tuppeny's avatar Danny Tuppeny Committed by GitHub

[flutter_tools] Include mode in app.start event, and forward app.start to DAP clients (#121239)

[flutter_tools] Include mode in app.start event, and forward app.start to DAP clients
parent 9235eb64
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ The `stop()` command takes one parameter, `appId`. It returns a `bool` to indica
#### app.start
This is sent when an app is starting. The `params` field will be a map with the fields `appId`, `directory`, `deviceId`, and `launchMode`.
This is sent when an app is starting. The `params` field will be a map with the fields `appId`, `directory`, `deviceId`, `launchMode` (`run`/`attach`) and `mode` (`debug`, `profile`, `release`, `jit_release`).
#### app.debugPort
......@@ -613,6 +613,7 @@ class AppDomain extends Domain {
'directory': projectDirectory,
'supportsRestart': isRestartSupported(enableHotReload, device),
'launchMode': launchMode.toString(),
'mode': runner.debuggingOptions.buildInfo.modeName,
Completer<DebugConnectionInfo>? connectionInfoCompleter;
......@@ -393,6 +393,16 @@ class FlutterDebugAdapter extends FlutterBaseDebugAdapter {
// session (which is much slower, but required for profile/release mode).
final bool supportsRestart = (params['supportsRestart'] as bool?) ?? false;
sendEvent(CapabilitiesEventBody(capabilities: Capabilities(supportsRestartRequest: supportsRestart)));
// Send a custom event so the editor has info about the app starting.
// This message contains things like the `deviceId` and `mode` that the
// client might not know about if they were inferred or set by users custom
// args.
eventType: 'flutter.appStart',
/// Handles the app.started event from Flutter.
......@@ -107,16 +107,18 @@ class MockFlutterDebugAdapter extends FlutterDebugAdapter {
// Simulate the app starting by triggering handling of events that Flutter
// would usually write to stdout.
if (simulateAppStarted) {
simulateStdoutMessage(<String, Object?>{
'event': 'app.started',
simulateStdoutMessage(<String, Object?>{
'event': 'app.start',
'params': <String, Object?>{
'appId': 'TEST',
'supportsRestart': supportsRestart,
'deviceId': 'flutter-tester',
'mode': 'debug',
simulateStdoutMessage(<String, Object?>{
'event': 'app.started',
......@@ -452,6 +452,30 @@ void main() {
await dap.client.terminate();
testWithoutContext('provides appStarted events to the client', () async {
final BasicProject project = BasicProject();
await project.setUpIn(tempDir);
// Launch the app and wait for it to send a 'flutter.appStart' event.
final Future<Event> appStartFuture = dap.client.event('flutter.appStart');
await Future.wait(<Future<void>>[
launch: () => dap.client.launch(
cwd: project.dir.path,
toolArgs: <String>['-d', 'flutter-tester'],
], eagerError: true);
await dap.client.terminate();
final Event appStart = await appStartFuture;
final Map<String, Object?> params = appStart.body! as Map<String, Object?>;
expect(params['deviceId'], 'flutter-tester');
expect(params['mode'], 'debug');
testWithoutContext('provides appStarted events to the client', () async {
final BasicProject project = BasicProject();
await project.setUpIn(tempDir);
......@@ -68,4 +68,10 @@ void main() {
matches: isNotEmpty,
testWithoutContext('reports deviceId and mode in app.start event', () async {
await flutter.run();
expect(flutter.currentRunningDeviceId, 'flutter-tester');
expect(flutter.currentRunningMode, 'debug');
......@@ -496,6 +496,11 @@ class FlutterRunTestDriver extends FlutterTestDriver {
String? _currentRunningAppId;
String? _currentRunningDeviceId;
String? _currentRunningMode;
String? get currentRunningDeviceId => _currentRunningDeviceId;
String? get currentRunningMode => _currentRunningMode;
Future<void> run({
bool withDebugger = false,
......@@ -611,6 +616,7 @@ class FlutterRunTestDriver extends FlutterTestDriver {
// Set this up now, but we don't wait it yet. We want to make sure we don't
// miss it while waiting for debugPort below.
final Future<Map<String, Object?>> start = _waitFor(event: 'app.start', timeout: appStartTimeout);
final Future<Map<String, Object?>> started = _waitFor(event: 'app.started', timeout: appStartTimeout);
if (withDebugger) {
......@@ -630,9 +636,13 @@ class FlutterRunTestDriver extends FlutterTestDriver {
_attachPort = attachPort;
// Now await the started event; if it had already happened the future will
// Now await the start/started events; if it had already happened the future will
// have already completed.
_currentRunningAppId = ((await started)['params'] as Map<String, Object?>?)?['appId'] as String?;
final Map<String, Object?>? startParams = (await start)['params'] as Map<String, Object?>?;
final Map<String, Object?>? startedParams = (await started)['params'] as Map<String, Object?>?;
_currentRunningAppId = startedParams?['appId'] as String?;
_currentRunningDeviceId = startParams?['deviceId'] as String?;
_currentRunningMode = startParams?['mode'] as String?;
} on Exception catch (error, stackTrace) {
prematureExitGuard.completeError(Exception(error.toString()), stackTrace);
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