Unverified Commit 15048a6b authored by Ricardo Amador's avatar Ricardo Amador Committed by GitHub

Update the infrastructure issue template (#133519)

*Replace this paragraph with a description of what this PR is changing or adding, and why. Consider including before/after screenshots.*

*List which issues are fixed by this PR. You must list at least one issue.*

*If you had to change anything in the [flutter/tests] repo, include a link to the migration guide as per the [breaking change policy].*
parent 7f3abea3
name: The CI infrastructure used by Flutter has a problem
about: As a contributor, you want to file an issue about the build/test/release
infra, e.g. dashboards (http://flutter-dashboard.appspot.com), devicelab,
LUCI (https://ci.chromium.org/p/flutter) etc.
title: ''
labels: 'team: infra'
assignees: ''
<!-- Thank you for contributing to Flutter!
If you are filing a bug, please add the steps to reproduce, expected and actual results.
If you are filing a feature request, please describe the use case and a proposal.
If you are requesting a small infra task with P0 priority, please add it to the
"Infra Ticket Queue" project with "New" column, explain why the task is urgent and what
actions need to be performed (if you happen to know). No need to set an assignee; the infra oncall
will triage and process the infra ticket queue.
name: The CI infrastructure used by Flutter has a problem
description: |
As a contributor, you want to file an issue about the build/test/release
infra, e.g. dashboards (http://flutter-dashboard.appspot.com), devicelab,
LUCI (https://ci.chromium.org/p/flutter) etc.
labels: ['team-infra']
- type: markdown
value: |
Thank you for using Flutter!
It looks like you found an issue with our Infrastructure services.
Please complete the form below so that we can help to resolve your
issue as quickly as possible.
- type: checkboxes
label: Is there an existing issue for this?
- label: I have searched the [existing infra issues](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Ateam-infra)
required: true
- type: dropdown
label: Type of Request
description: |
Is this a bug, feature request or Infra Task?
If you have a bug and you believe the issue is a blocker please add the P0 label and
set the project to 'Infra Ticket Queue.'
If this is a devicelab feature such as a package update or a device is down please
add the 'device-lab' label to the created issue and set the project to 'Infra Ticket Queue.'
- bug
- feature request
- infra task
default: 0
required: true
- type: textarea
id: env
label: Infrastructure Environment
description: |
Which part of the infrastructure is this issue occurring? Or, if this is a feature
request, where should the feature be implemented?
value: LUCI, Github, Cocoon scheduler, Autosubmit, etc...
required: true
- type: textarea
id: affects
label: What is happening?
description: |
If this is an issue please describe what is happening? If this is a feature request,
please describe the use case and provide a proposal of the feature.
Please include links to build pages, etc.
value: Please be descriptive.
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Steps to reproduce
description: If you have a bug please include steps to reproduce the issue.
value: |
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step n:
- type: textarea
label: Expected results
description: If you have a bug, What should the expect output be?
value: I expect to see X when Y is finished.
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