Commit 0dc5ea4a authored by Larry McKenzie's avatar Larry McKenzie Committed by Jonah Williams

Added a null check for ranges in the sourceReport map. (#43667)

parent 207135cd
......@@ -245,20 +245,37 @@ void _buildCoverageMap(
final Map<String, Map<int, int>> hitMaps = <String, Map<int, int>>{};
for (String scriptId in scripts.keys) {
final Map<String, dynamic> sourceReport = sourceReports[scriptId];
for (Map<String, dynamic> range in sourceReport['ranges']) {
final Map<String, dynamic> scripts = sourceReport['scripts'];
final List<Map<String, Object>> ranges = sourceReport['ranges'];
// Ranges may sometimes be null for a report.
if (ranges == null || scripts == null) {
for (Map<String, dynamic> range in ranges) {
final Map<String, dynamic> coverage = range['coverage'];
final String scriptIndex = range['scriptIndex'];
// Coverage reports may sometimes be null for a Script.
if (coverage == null) {
if (coverage == null || scriptIndex == null) {
final Map<String, dynamic> scriptRef = scripts[scriptIndex];
if (scriptRef == null) {
final Map<String, dynamic> scriptRef = sourceReport['scripts'][range['scriptIndex']];
final String uri = scriptRef['uri'];
final String id = scriptRef['id'];
if (uri == null || id == null) {
final Map<String, Object> scriptById = scripts[id];
if (scriptById == null) {
hitMaps[uri] ??= <int, int>{};
final Map<int, int> hitMap = hitMaps[uri];
final List<dynamic> hits = coverage['hits'];
final List<dynamic> misses = coverage['misses'];
final List<dynamic> tokenPositions = scripts[scriptRef['id']]['tokenPosTable'];
final List<dynamic> tokenPositions = scriptById['tokenPosTable'];
// The token positions can be null if the script has no coverable lines.
if (tokenPositions == null) {
......@@ -29,6 +29,419 @@ void main() {
expect(result, <String, Object>{'type': 'CodeCoverage', 'coverage': <Object>[]});
test('Coverage collector can handle null scripts value', () async {
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getScripts', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getSourceReport', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'ranges': <Map<String, Object>>[<String, Object>{}]
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getObject', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{};
final Map<String, Object> result = await collect(null, (String predicate) => true, connector: (Uri uri) async {
return mockVMService;
expect(result, <String, Object>{'type': 'CodeCoverage', 'coverage': <Object>[]});
test('Coverage collector can handle null ranges value', () async {
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getScripts', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getSourceReport', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{'scripts': <String, Object>{}};
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getObject', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{};
final Map<String, Object> result = await collect(null, (String predicate) => true, connector: (Uri uri) async {
return mockVMService;
expect(result, <String, Object>{'type': 'CodeCoverage', 'coverage': <Object>[]});
test('Coverage collector can handle null scriptIndex values', () async {
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getScripts', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getSourceReport', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id'},
'ranges': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'coverage': <String, Object>{}}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getObject', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{};
final Map<String, Object> result = await collect(null, (String predicate) => true, connector: (Uri uri) async {
return mockVMService;
expect(result, <String, Object>{'type': 'CodeCoverage', 'coverage': <Object>[]});
test('Coverage collector can handle null scriptRef values', () async {
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getScripts', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getSourceReport', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id'},
'ranges': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'coverage': <String, Object>{}, 'scriptIndex': 'some_value'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getObject', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{};
final Map<String, Object> result = await collect(null, (String predicate) => true, connector: (Uri uri) async {
return mockVMService;
expect(result, <String, Object>{'type': 'CodeCoverage', 'coverage': <Object>[]});
test('Coverage collector can handle null scriptRef uri values', () async {
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getScripts', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getSourceReport', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id', 'index_0': <String, Object>{}},
'ranges': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'coverage': <String, Object>{}, 'scriptIndex': 'index_0'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getObject', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{};
final Map<String, Object> result = await collect(null, (String predicate) => true, connector: (Uri uri) async {
return mockVMService;
expect(result, <String, Object>{'type': 'CodeCoverage', 'coverage': <Object>[]});
test('Coverage collector can handle null scriptRef id values', () async {
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getScripts', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getSourceReport', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <String, Object>{
'uri': 'some_uri',
'id': 'some_id',
'index_0': <String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri'}
'ranges': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'coverage': <String, Object>{}, 'scriptIndex': 'index_0'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getObject', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{};
final Map<String, Object> result = await collect(null, (String predicate) => true, connector: (Uri uri) async {
return mockVMService;
expect(result, <String, Object>{'type': 'CodeCoverage', 'coverage': <Object>[]});
test('Coverage collector can handle null scriptById values', () async {
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getScripts', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getSourceReport', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <String, Object>{
'uri': 'some_uri',
'id': 'some_id',
'index_0': <String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': '01'},
'ranges': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'coverage': <String, Object>{}, 'scriptIndex': 'index_0'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getObject', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{};
final Map<String, Object> result = await collect(null, (String predicate) => true, connector: (Uri uri) async {
return mockVMService;
expect(result, <String, Object>{'type': 'CodeCoverage', 'coverage': <Object>[]});
test('Coverage collector can handle null tokenPosTable values', () async {
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getScripts', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getSourceReport', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <String, Object>{
'uri': 'some_uri',
'id': 'some_id',
'index_0': <String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': '01'},
'01': <String, Object>{},
'ranges': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'coverage': <String, Object>{}, 'scriptIndex': 'index_0'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getObject', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{};
final Map<String, Object> result = await collect(null, (String predicate) => true, connector: (Uri uri) async {
return mockVMService;
expect(result, <String, Object>{
'type': 'CodeCoverage',
'coverage': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{
'source': 'some_uri',
'script': <String, Object>{
'type': '@Script',
'fixedId': true,
'id': 'libraries/1/scripts/some_uri',
'uri': 'some_uri',
'_kind': 'library'
'hits': <Map<String, Object>>[]
test('Coverage collector can handle null hits values', () async {
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getScripts', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getSourceReport', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <String, Object>{
'uri': 'some_uri',
'id': 'some_id',
'index_0': <String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': '01'},
'01': <String, Object>{'tokenPosTable': <dynamic>[]},
'ranges': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'coverage': <String, Object>{}, 'scriptIndex': 'index_0'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getObject', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{};
final Map<String, Object> result = await collect(null, (String predicate) => true, connector: (Uri uri) async {
return mockVMService;
expect(result, <String, Object>{
'type': 'CodeCoverage',
'coverage': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{
'source': 'some_uri',
'script': <String, Object>{
'type': '@Script',
'fixedId': true,
'id': 'libraries/1/scripts/some_uri',
'uri': 'some_uri',
'_kind': 'library'
'hits': <Map<String, Object>>[]
test('Coverage collector can handle null misses values', () async {
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getScripts', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getSourceReport', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <String, Object>{
'uri': 'some_uri',
'id': 'some_id',
'index_0': <String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': '01'},
'01': <String, Object>{'tokenPosTable': <dynamic>[]},
'ranges': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{
'coverage': <String, Object>{'hits': <dynamic>[]},
'scriptIndex': 'index_0'
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getObject', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{};
final Map<String, Object> result = await collect(null, (String predicate) => true, connector: (Uri uri) async {
return mockVMService;
expect(result, <String, Object>{
'type': 'CodeCoverage',
'coverage': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{
'source': 'some_uri',
'script': <String, Object>{
'type': '@Script',
'fixedId': true,
'id': 'libraries/1/scripts/some_uri',
'uri': 'some_uri',
'_kind': 'library'
'hits': <Map<String, Object>>[]
test('Coverage collector should process hits and misses', () async {
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getScripts', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': 'some_id'}
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getSourceReport', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{
'scripts': <String, Object>{
'uri': 'some_uri',
'id': 'some_id',
'index_0': <String, Object>{'uri': 'some_uri', 'id': '01'},
'01': <String, Object>{
'tokenPosTable': <dynamic>[
<int>[1, 100, 5, 101, 8],
<int>[2, 102, 7],
'ranges': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{
'coverage': <String, Object>{
'hits': <dynamic>[100, 101],
'misses': <dynamic>[102],
'scriptIndex': 'index_0'
when(mockVMService.vm.isolates.first.invokeRpcRaw('getObject', params: anyNamed('params')))
.thenAnswer((Invocation invocation) async {
return <String, Object>{};
final Map<String, Object> result = await collect(null, (String predicate) => true, connector: (Uri uri) async {
return mockVMService;
expect(result, <String, Object>{
'type': 'CodeCoverage',
'coverage': <Map<String, Object>>[
<String, Object>{
'source': 'some_uri',
'script': <String, Object>{
'type': '@Script',
'fixedId': true,
'id': 'libraries/1/scripts/some_uri',
'uri': 'some_uri',
'_kind': 'library'
'hits': <int>[1, 2, 2, 0]
class MockVMService extends Mock implements VMService {
......@@ -38,13 +451,13 @@ class MockVMService extends Mock implements VMService {
class MockVM extends Mock implements VM {
final List<MockIsolate> isolates = <MockIsolate>[ MockIsolate() ];
final List<MockIsolate> isolates = <MockIsolate>[MockIsolate()];
class MockIsolate extends Mock implements Isolate {}
class MockProcess extends Mock implements Process {
final Completer<int>completer = Completer<int>();
final Completer<int> completer = Completer<int>();
Future<int> get exitCode => completer.future;
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