Unverified Commit 0b8174e0 authored by Ian Hickson's avatar Ian Hickson Committed by GitHub

Pin the customer_tests (#83964)

parent 251ea412
......@@ -145,13 +145,18 @@ task:
- name: customer_testing-linux
only_if: "$CIRRUS_PR != ''"
# environment:
# Empirically, this shard runs fine at 1 CPU and 4G RAM as of October 2019. We will probably
# want to grow this container when we invite people to add their tests in large numbers.
- rm -rf bin/cache/pkg/tests
- git clone https://github.com/flutter/tests.git bin/cache/pkg/tests
- dart --enable-asserts dev/customer_testing/run_tests.dart --skip-on-fetch-failure --skip-template bin/cache/pkg/tests/registry/*.test
# Cirrus doesn't give us the master branch, so we have to fetch it for ourselves,
# otherwise we won't be able to figure out how old or new our current branch is.
- git config user.email "cirrus-bot@invalid"
- git fetch origin master:master
- git rebase master
# The actual logic is in a shell script so that it can be shared between CIs.
- (cd dev/customer_testing/; ./ci.sh)
- name: web_smoke_test
only_if: "changesInclude('.cirrus.yml', 'examples/hello_world/**' ,'dev/**', 'packages/flutter/**', 'packages/flutter_test/**', 'packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/test/**', 'packages/flutter_web_plugins/**', 'bin/**') && $CIRRUS_PR != ''"
@ECHO off
REM Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
REM Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
REM found in the LICENSE file.
REM This should match the ci.sh file in this directory.
REM This is called from the LUCI recipes:
REM https://flutter.googlesource.com/recipes/+/refs/heads/master/recipe_modules/adhoc_validation/resources/customer_testing.bat
pub get
CD ..\tools
pub get
CD ..\customer_testing
CMD /S /C "IF EXIST "..\..\bin\cache\pkg\tests\" RMDIR /S /Q ..\..\bin\cache\pkg\tests"
git clone https://github.com/flutter/tests.git ..\..\bin\cache\pkg\tests
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%a IN (`dart --enable-asserts ..\tools\bin\find_commit.dart ..\..\bin\cache\pkg\tests`) DO git -C ..\..\bin\cache\pkg\tests checkout %%a
dart --enable-asserts run_tests.dart --skip-on-fetch-failure --skip-template ..\..\bin\cache\pkg\tests\registry\*.test
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This should match the ci.bat file in this directory.
# This is called from .cirrus.yml and the LUCI recipes:
# https://flutter.googlesource.com/recipes/+/refs/heads/master/recipe_modules/adhoc_validation/resources/customer_testing.sh
set -e
# This script does not assume that "flutter update-packages" has been
# run, to allow CIs to save time by skipping that steps since it's
# largely not needed to run the flutter/tests tests.
# However, we do need to update this directory and the tools directory.
pub get
(cd ../tools; pub get) # used for find_commit.dart below
# Next we need to update the flutter/tests checkout.
# We use find_commit.dart so that we pull the version of flutter/tests
# that was contemporary when the branch we are on was created. That
# way, we can still run the tests on long-lived branches without being
# affected by breaking changes on trunk causing changes to the tests
# that wouldn't work on the long-lived branch.
# (This also prevents trunk from suddenly failing when tests are
# revved on flutter/tests -- if you rerun a passing customer_tests
# shard, it should still pass, even if we rolled one of the tests.)
rm -rf ../../bin/cache/pkg/tests
git clone https://github.com/flutter/tests.git ../../bin/cache/pkg/tests
git -C ../../bin/cache/pkg/tests checkout `dart --enable-asserts ../tools/bin/find_commit.dart ../../bin/cache/pkg/tests`
# Finally, run the tests.
dart --enable-asserts run_tests.dart --skip-on-fetch-failure --skip-template ../../bin/cache/pkg/tests/registry/*.test
......@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ String findCommit({
final Commit anchor;
if (primaryBranch == primaryTrunk) {
log('on $primaryTrunk, using last commit as anchor');
anchor = Commit.parse(git(primaryRepoDirectory, <String>['log', Commit.formatArgument, '--max-count=1', primaryBranch]));
anchor = Commit.parse(git(primaryRepoDirectory, <String>['log', Commit.formatArgument, '--max-count=1', primaryBranch, '--']));
} else {
final List<Commit> branchCommits = Commit.parseList(git(primaryRepoDirectory, <String>['log', Commit.formatArgument, primaryBranch]));
final List<Commit> trunkCommits = Commit.parseList(git(primaryRepoDirectory, <String>['log', Commit.formatArgument, primaryTrunk]));
final List<Commit> branchCommits = Commit.parseList(git(primaryRepoDirectory, <String>['log', Commit.formatArgument, primaryBranch, '--']));
final List<Commit> trunkCommits = Commit.parseList(git(primaryRepoDirectory, <String>['log', Commit.formatArgument, primaryTrunk, '--']));
if (branchCommits.isEmpty || trunkCommits.isEmpty || branchCommits.first.hash != trunkCommits.first.hash)
throw StateError('Branch $primaryBranch does not seem to have a common history with trunk $primaryTrunk.');
if (branchCommits.last.hash == trunkCommits.last.hash) {
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ String findCommit({
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