Commit 0abd3c9e authored by Adam Barth's avatar Adam Barth

Clean up stock_app.dart

This CL cleans up stock_app.dart to better separate concerns now that we have
StyleNode. Also, this CL introduces IconButton, which will grow to include an
ink effect in the future, and makes the background of the search bar white.

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parent e1e5d938
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import 'package:sky/framework/components/drawer.dart';
import 'package:sky/framework/components/drawer_header.dart';
import 'package:sky/framework/components/floating_action_button.dart';
import 'package:sky/framework/components/icon.dart';
import 'package:sky/framework/components/icon_button.dart';
import 'package:sky/framework/components/input.dart';
import 'package:sky/framework/components/menu_divider.dart';
import 'package:sky/framework/components/menu_item.dart';
......@@ -15,24 +16,23 @@ import 'package:sky/framework/components/scaffold.dart';
import 'package:sky/framework/debug/tracing.dart';
import 'package:sky/framework/fn.dart';
import 'package:sky/framework/theme/typography.dart' as typography;
import 'package:sky/framework/theme/colors.dart';
import 'stock_data.dart';
import 'stock_list.dart';
import 'stock_menu.dart';
class StocksApp extends App {
DrawerController _drawerController = new DrawerController();
PopupMenuController _menuController;
static Style _iconStyle = new Style('''
padding: 8px;'''
static final Style _actionBarStyle = new Style('''
background-color: ${Purple[500]};''');
static Style _titleStyle = new Style('''
padding-left: 24px;
flex: 1;
static final Style _searchBarStyle = new Style('''
background-color: ${Grey[50]};''');
static final Style _titleStyle = new Style('''
StockDataFetcher _stockDataFetcher;
List<Stock> _stocks = [];
......@@ -48,16 +48,16 @@ class StocksApp extends App {
void _handleSearchClick(_) {
void _handleSearchBegin(_) {
setState(() {
_isSearching = !_isSearching;
_isSearching = true;
void _handleMenuClick(_) {
void _handleSearchEnd(_) {
setState(() {
_menuController = new PopupMenuController();;
_isSearching = false;
_searchQuery = null;
......@@ -67,74 +67,75 @@ class StocksApp extends App {
Node build() {
var drawer = new Drawer(
void _handleMenuClick(_) {
setState(() {
_menuController = new PopupMenuController();;
Drawer buildDrawer() {
return new Drawer(
controller: _drawerController,
level: 3,
children: [
new DrawerHeader(
children: [new Text('Stocks')]
new DrawerHeader(children: [new Text('Stocks')]),
new MenuItem(
key: 'Inbox',
icon: 'content/inbox',
children: [new Text('Inbox')]
new MenuDivider(
children: [new Text('Inbox')]),
new MenuDivider(),
new MenuItem(
key: 'Drafts',
icon: 'content/drafts',
children: [new Text('Drafts')]
children: [new Text('Drafts')]),
new MenuItem(
key: 'Settings',
icon: 'action/settings',
children: [new Text('Settings')]
children: [new Text('Settings')]),
new MenuItem(
key: 'Help & Feedback',
icon: 'action/help',
children: [new Text('Help & Feedback')]
children: [new Text('Help & Feedback')])
Node title;
if (_isSearching) {
title = new Input(focused: true, placeholder: 'Search stocks',
onChanged: _handleSearchQueryChanged);
} else {
title = new Text('Stocks');
var actionBar = new ActionBar(
children: [
new EventTarget(
new Icon(key: 'menu', style: _iconStyle,
size: 24,
type: 'navigation/menu_white'),
onGestureTap: _drawerController.toggle
new Container(
Node buildActionBar() {
return new StyleNode(
new ActionBar(
left: new IconButton(
icon: 'navigation/menu_white',
onGestureTap: _drawerController.toggle),
center: new Container(
style: _titleStyle,
children: [title]
new EventTarget(
new Icon(key: 'search', style: _iconStyle,
size: 24,
type: 'action/search_white'),
onGestureTap: _handleSearchClick
new EventTarget(
new Icon(key: 'more_white', style: _iconStyle,
size: 24,
type: 'navigation/more_vert_white'),
onGestureTap: _handleMenuClick
children: [new Text('Stocks')]),
right: [
new IconButton(
icon: 'action/search_white',
onGestureTap: _handleSearchBegin),
new IconButton(
icon: 'navigation/more_vert_white',
onGestureTap: _handleMenuClick)
// TODO(abarth): Should we factor this into a SearchBar in the framework?
Node buildSearchBar() {
return new StyleNode(
new ActionBar(
left: new IconButton(
icon: 'navigation/arrow_back_grey600',
onGestureTap: _handleSearchEnd),
center: new Input(
focused: true,
placeholder: 'Search stocks',
onChanged: _handleSearchQueryChanged)),
Node build() {
List<Node> overlays = [];
if (_menuController != null) {
......@@ -152,11 +153,11 @@ class StocksApp extends App {
return new Scaffold(
actionBar: actionBar,
header: _isSearching ? buildSearchBar() : buildActionBar(),
content: new Stocklist(stocks: _stocks, query: _searchQuery),
fab: new FloatingActionButton(
content: new Icon(type: 'content/add_white', size: 24), level: 3),
drawer: drawer,
drawer: buildDrawer(),
overlays: overlays
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