Unverified Commit 07de84f0 authored by Greg Spencer's avatar Greg Spencer Committed by GitHub

Add StarBorder and StarBorder.polygon, with example. (#108489)

parent e79e6d72
......@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ Future<void> verifyGoldenTags(String workingDirectory, { int minimumMatches = 20
if (needsTag) {
if (!hasTagNotation) {
errors.add('${file.path}: Files containing golden tests must be tagged using '
'`@Tags(...)` at the top of the file before import statements.');
"@Tags(<String>['reduced-test-set']) at the top of the file before import statements.");
} else if (!hasReducedTag) {
errors.add('${file.path}: Files containing golden tests must be tagged with '
......@@ -74,10 +74,9 @@ void main() {
test('analyze.dart - verifyGoldenTags', () async {
final String result = await capture(() => verifyGoldenTags(testRootPath, minimumMatches: 6), exitCode: 1);
const String noTag = 'Files containing golden tests must be '
'tagged using `@Tags(...)` at the top of the file before import statements.';
const String missingTag = 'Files containing golden tests must be '
"tagged with 'reduced-test-set'.";
const String noTag = "Files containing golden tests must be tagged using @Tags(<String>['reduced-test-set']) "
'at the top of the file before import statements.';
const String missingTag = "Files containing golden tests must be tagged with 'reduced-test-set'.";
String lines = <String>[
'test/analyze-test-input/root/packages/foo/golden_missing_tag.dart: $missingTag',
'test/analyze-test-input/root/packages/foo/golden_no_tag.dart: $noTag',
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ export 'src/painting/rounded_rectangle_border.dart';
export 'src/painting/shader_warm_up.dart';
export 'src/painting/shape_decoration.dart';
export 'src/painting/stadium_border.dart';
export 'src/painting/star_border.dart';
export 'src/painting/strut_style.dart';
export 'src/painting/text_painter.dart';
export 'src/painting/text_span.dart';
......@@ -144,7 +144,8 @@ class Slider extends StatefulWidget {
assert(min != null),
assert(max != null),
assert(min <= max),
assert(value >= min && value <= max),
assert(value >= min && value <= max,
'Value $value is not between minimum $min and maximum $max'),
assert(divisions == null || divisions > 0);
/// Creates an adaptive [Slider] based on the target platform, following
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This diff is collapsed.
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