Commit 055fd00d authored by Yegor's avatar Yegor

Merge pull request #3058 from yjbanov/timeline-summary

[driver] utility for extracting and saving timeline summary
parent 71e689f4
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ void main() {
test('measure', () async {
Map<String, dynamic> profileJson = await driver.traceAction(() async {
Map<String, dynamic> timeline = await driver.traceAction(() async {
// Find the scrollable stock list
ObjectRef stockList = await driver.findByValueKey('stock-list');
expect(stockList, isNotNull);
......@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ void main() {
// Usually the profile is saved to a file and then analyzed using
// chrom://tracing or a script. Both are out of scope for this little
// test, so all we do is check that we received something.
expect(profileJson, isNotNull);
expect(timeline, isNotNull);
TimelineSummary summary = summarizeTimeline(timeline);
summary.writeSummaryToFile('stocks_scroll_perf', pretty: true);
summary.writeTimelineToFile('stocks_scroll_perf', pretty: true);
......@@ -36,3 +36,8 @@ export 'src/message.dart' show
export 'src/timeline_summary.dart' show
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/io.dart';
/// The file system implementation used by this library.
/// See [useMemoryFileSystemForTesting] and [restoreFileSystem].
FileSystem fs = new LocalFileSystem();
/// Overrides the file system so it can be tested without hitting the hard
/// drive.
void useMemoryFileSystemForTesting() {
fs = new MemoryFileSystem();
/// Restores the file system to the default local file system implementation.
void restoreFileSystem() {
fs = new LocalFileSystem();
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' show JSON, JsonEncoder;
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'common.dart';
const String _kDefaultDirectory = 'build';
final JsonEncoder _prettyEncoder = new JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
/// The maximum amount of time considered safe to spend for a frame's build
/// phase. Anything past that is in the danger of missing the frame as 60FPS.
const Duration kBuildBudget = const Duration(milliseconds: 8);
/// Extracts statistics from the event loop timeline.
TimelineSummary summarizeTimeline(Map<String, dynamic> timeline) {
return new TimelineSummary(timeline);
class TimelineSummary {
final Map<String, dynamic> _timeline;
/// Average amount of time spent per frame in the framework building widgets,
/// updating layout, painting and compositing.
double computeAverageFrameBuildTimeMillis() {
int totalBuildTimeMicros = 0;
int frameCount = 0;
for (TimedEvent event in _extractBeginFrameEvents()) {
totalBuildTimeMicros += event.duration.inMicroseconds;
return frameCount > 0
? (totalBuildTimeMicros / frameCount) / 1000
: null;
/// The total number of frames recorded in the timeline.
int countFrames() => _extractBeginFrameEvents().length;
/// The number of frames that missed the [frameBuildBudget] and therefore are
/// in the danger of missing frames.
/// See [kBuildBudget].
int computeMissedFrameBuildBudgetCount([Duration frameBuildBudget = kBuildBudget]) => _extractBeginFrameEvents()
.where((TimedEvent event) => event.duration > kBuildBudget)
/// Encodes this summary as JSON.
Map<String, dynamic> get summaryJson {
return <String, dynamic> {
'average_frame_build_time_millis': computeAverageFrameBuildTimeMillis(),
'missed_frame_build_budget_count': computeMissedFrameBuildBudgetCount(),
'frame_count': countFrames(),
/// Writes all of the recorded timeline data to a file.
Future<Null> writeTimelineToFile(String traceName,
{String destinationDirectory: _kDefaultDirectory, bool pretty: false}) async {
await true);
File file = fs.file(path.join(destinationDirectory, '$traceName.timeline.json'));
await file.writeAsString(_encodeJson(_timeline, pretty));
/// Writes [summaryJson] to a file.
Future<Null> writeSummaryToFile(String traceName,
{String destinationDirectory: _kDefaultDirectory, bool pretty: false}) async {
await true);
File file = fs.file(path.join(destinationDirectory, '$traceName.timeline_summary.json'));
await file.writeAsString(_encodeJson(summaryJson, pretty));
String _encodeJson(dynamic json, bool pretty) {
return pretty
? _prettyEncoder.convert(json)
: JSON.encode(json);
List<Map<String, dynamic>> get _traceEvents => _timeline['traceEvents'];
List<Map<String, dynamic>> _extractNamedEvents(String name) {
return _traceEvents
.where((Map<String, dynamic> event) => event['name'] == name)
/// Extracts timed events that are reported as a pair of begin/end events.
List<TimedEvent> _extractTimedBeginEndEvents(String name) {
List<TimedEvent> result = <TimedEvent>[];
// Timeline does not guarantee that the first event is the "begin" event.
Iterator<Map<String, dynamic>> events = _extractNamedEvents(name)
.skipWhile((Map<String, dynamic> evt) => evt['ph'] != 'B').iterator;
while(events.moveNext()) {
Map<String, dynamic> beginEvent = events.current;
if (events.moveNext()) {
Map<String, dynamic> endEvent = events.current;
result.add(new TimedEvent(beginEvent['ts'], endEvent['ts']));
return result;
List<TimedEvent> _extractBeginFrameEvents() => _extractTimedBeginEndEvents('Engine::BeginFrame');
/// Timing information about an event that happened in the event loop.
class TimedEvent {
/// The timestamp when the event began.
final int beginTimeMicros;
/// The timestamp when the event ended.
final int endTimeMicros;
/// The duration of the event.
final Duration duration;
TimedEvent(int beginTimeMicros, int endTimeMicros)
: this.beginTimeMicros = beginTimeMicros,
this.endTimeMicros = endTimeMicros,
this.duration = new Duration(microseconds: endTimeMicros - beginTimeMicros);
......@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ environment:
sdk: '>=1.12.0 <2.0.0'
file: ^0.1.0
json_rpc_2: any
matcher: '>=0.12.0 <1.0.0'
path: ^1.3.0
vm_service_client: '>=0.1.2 <1.0.0'
path: '../flutter'
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'flutter_driver_test.dart' as flutter_driver_test;
import 'retry_test.dart' as retry_test;
import 'src/retry_test.dart' as retry_test;
void main() {
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert' show JSON;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:flutter_driver/src/common.dart';
import 'package:flutter_driver/src/timeline_summary.dart';
void main() {
group('TimelineSummary', () {
TimelineSummary summarize(List<Map<String, dynamic>> testEvents) {
return summarizeTimeline(<String, dynamic>{
'traceEvents': testEvents,
Map<String, dynamic> begin(int timeStamp) => <String, dynamic>{
'name': 'Engine::BeginFrame', 'ph': 'B', 'ts': timeStamp
Map<String, dynamic> end(int timeStamp) => <String, dynamic>{
'name': 'Engine::BeginFrame', 'ph': 'E', 'ts': timeStamp
group('frame_count', () {
test('counts frames', () {
begin(1000), end(2000),
begin(3000), end(5000),
group('average_frame_build_time_millis', () {
test('returns null when there is no data', () {
expect(summarize([]).computeAverageFrameBuildTimeMillis(), isNull);
test('computes average frame build time in milliseconds', () {
begin(1000), end(2000),
begin(3000), end(5000),
test('skips leading "end" events', () {
begin(2000), end(4000),
test('skips trailing "begin" events', () {
begin(2000), end(4000),
group('computeMissedFrameBuildBudgetCount', () {
test('computes the number of missed build budgets', () {
TimelineSummary summary = summarize([
begin(1000), end(10000),
begin(11000), end(12000),
begin(13000), end(23000),
expect(summary.countFrames(), 3);
expect(summary.computeMissedFrameBuildBudgetCount(), 2);
group('summaryJson', () {
test('computes and returns summary as JSON', () {
begin(1000), end(10000),
begin(11000), end(12000),
begin(13000), end(24000),
'average_frame_build_time_millis': 7.0,
'missed_frame_build_budget_count': 2,
'frame_count': 3,
group('writeTimelineToFile', () {
setUp(() {
tearDown(() {
test('writes timeline to JSON file', () async {
await summarize([{'foo': 'bar'}])
.writeTimelineToFile('test', destinationDirectory: '/temp');
String written =
await fs.file('/temp/test.timeline.json').readAsString();
expect(written, '{"traceEvents":[{"foo":"bar"}]}');
test('writes summary to JSON file', () async {
await summarize([
begin(1000), end(10000),
begin(11000), end(12000),
begin(13000), end(24000),
]).writeSummaryToFile('test', destinationDirectory: '/temp');
String written =
await fs.file('/temp/test.timeline_summary.json').readAsString();
expect(JSON.decode(written), {
'average_frame_build_time_millis': 7.0,
'missed_frame_build_budget_count': 2,
'frame_count': 3,
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